Chapter 125: jacob vs Eusine

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Our heroes were now in Cianwood city

Right now jacob just came out of the pharmacy with the medicine of amphy

Jacob: alright guys, I got the medicine for amphy, now all I have to do is find the gym

Eusine: hey jacob

The team turned and saw Eusine

Jacob: hey Eusine, how are you doing

Eusine: I'm good, your facts about suicune were a big help towards my reaserch

Jacob: well that's good to know, so are you still looking of suicune

Eusine: yep, you know what, since your here, I was wondering if you could have ourselves a battle

Jacob: really

Eusine: yeah, you see I want to see how powerful your pokemon are

Jacob: alright, let's do it, but how about we take it somewhere else

Eusine: what do you have in mind?


The team were now on a rocky beach, jacob and eusine were on top of two separate rock pillars on the water

Jacob: alright, is this place fine if you

Eusine: it's fine

Jacob: great, now then, it's fighting time

Eusine summoned a drowzee which landed on another rock

Jacob: alright Lanturn, it's your time to shine

Lanturn: yay

Lanturn jumped into the ocean

Eusine: alright drowzee, use psybeam

Drowzee released a multicolored beam from its eyes, but Lanturn swam away from it and dodge it

Jacob: lanturn use agility

Lanturn began to swim towards drowzee at high speed

Eusine: drowzee use shadow ball repeatedly

Drowzee launched multiple shadow balls at lanturn, but he dodge all of them as he then jumped out of the water

Jacob: now Lanturn, use signal beam

The front orb on Lanturn's antennae glowed pink as he fired a pink beam with multiple blue shapes around it from the orb. The attack hit drowzee and knocked him out, lanturn then swam back to jacob

Jacob: haha nice going lanturn

Lanturn: hehe thanks

Eusine than called back drowzee

Eusine: hmm just as I thought, you are strong, but I'm not done yet

Eusine then summoned haunter

Eusine: haunter use night shade

Haunter launched a night shade at lanturn

Jacob: lanturn, dodge it and then use hydro pump

Lanturn dodged the night shade and then used hydro pump, but haunter dodged it

Eusine: nice try, but my haunter is too fast for you

Jacob: not for long, lanturn use ice beam

The front orb on Lanturn's antennae glowed light blue as it fired a light blue beam from his orb like this

The beam hit haunter and froze his entire body

Eusine: what!

Haunter then fell into the water, haunter frozen body was now floating hopelessly in the water

Jacob: alright, now lanturn, use psybeam

Lanturn launched a psybeam from his orb that hit haunter, the beam shattered the ice and sen haunter crashing into a rock pillar which knocked him out

Lanturn: yay I won again

Jacob: good job lanturn, keep it up

Eusine then called back haunter

Eusine: looks like it's time for my final pokemon

Eusine summoned electrode

Eusine: electrode, jumped into the water and use thunderbolt

Electrode jumped into the water and used thunderbolt, the electricity spread around the water but when it hit lanturn, nothing happened

Eusine: huh?

Jacob: wait a minute, lanturn, did you feel any pain from that attack?

Lanturn: no, to be honest I feel stronger now, like I was healed up

Jacob: of course, you have the volt absorb ability, electric attacks heal you instead of hurting you

Eusine: what!

Jacob: looks like your done for eusine, lanturn use whirlpool

Lanturn dove underwater and began to spin around at high speeds, this caused a giant whirlpool to appear above him, the whirlpool sucked electrode in as he was then dragged to the bottom of the whirlpool

Jacob: now use hyper beam

Lanturn then stopped spinning and launched a hyper beam from his mouth, the beam hit electrode and sent him flying out of the water and then crashing into a stone pillar which knocked him out

Jacob: woohoo we did it lanturn

Lanturn: yay


The team and eusine were now back on the beach

Eusine: I must say, you were amazing out there , I've never seen a trainer as powerful as you

Jacob: thanks eusine

Eusine: your welcome, now I'm gonna go keep searching for suicune, I hope we see each other again

Jacob: same here eusine

Eusine then left

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