Chapter 128: jacob vs jasmine The Steel-Clad Defense Girl

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Our heroes were back in the lighthouse in olivine city, the team were on the top floor where they saw jasmine with amphy

Jacob: jasmine

Jasmine turned around and saw jacob

Jasmine: jacob!

Jasmine ran up to jacob

Jasmine: did you get the medicine?

Jacob: yep

Jacob pulled out the medicine

Jacob: may I give amphy the medicine

Jasmine: sure

Jacob: great

Jacob went up to amphy and gave her the medicine, once amphy ate the medicine, she stood up as the orb on her tail lit up

Jasmine: incredible, amphy all better now

Jasmine then ran up to jacob and hugged him

Jasmine: thank you so much jacob!

Jacob: hehe, no problem, say, you think you can now help me get my next gym badge

Jasmine then stopped hugging jacob

Jasmine: of course, I'll head there right now, see you there

Jasmine then left

Jacob: alright, time to head to the gym

Brock: I heard that this gym was steel type

Jacob: hmm steel type huh, I know just the pokemon to use


Outside the gym jacob summoned his charizard

Charizard: haha I'm back baby

Jacob: good to see you again charizard, are the others doing

Charizard: they're doing good, so who am I going up against today

Jacob: steel type pokemon

Charizard: sttel type huh, no problem, I'm been traing myself a lot since you left

Jacob: alright, let's do this

Small Timeskip

Jacob, jaraja, charizard, bluey, heracross, lanturn and bellossom were now inside the olivine gym

Jacob: huh, I guess there's now puzzle this time

They began to head to the other side of the gym

Small Timeskip

Our group was now at the other side of the gym where they saw jasmine

Jacob: hey jasmine

Jasmine: jacob, you made it, now we can start the battle

Jacob: alright then, it's fighting time

The battle began, jasmine summoned magnemite while jacob chose charizard

Jasmine: alright, magnemite use thunderbolt

Magnemite used thunderbolt on charizard, but the attack did very little damage to charizard

Jasmine: what!

Jacob: woah charizard, you took that thunderbolt like a champ

Charizard: yep, I've been training with a bunch of your electric type pokemon, after awhile I kinda developed a bit of a resistance to electric moves

Jacob: great, now Charizard, use flamethrower

Charizard used flamethrower

The attack easily defeated magnetmite

Charizard: hahahaha, is that all you got

Jasmine then called by magnemite

Jasmine: I'm not done yet

Jasmine then summoned steelix

Charizard: alright not that's more like it

Jacob: careful Charizard, steelix are very powerful

Charizard: don't worry jacob, I got this

Charizard flew a few feet into the air

Jasmine: steelix, use iron tail

Steelix charged at Charizard with iron tail

Jacob: Charizard, counter it with dragon tail

Both steelix and Charizard's tail clashed with each other multiple time, steelix then tried to hit Charizard with iron tail but Charizard flew over it and slammed his tail on steelix's head, the attack did some damage but not enough to defeat steelix

Jacob/jasmin: charizard use dragon breath/steelix use dragon breath

Both pokemon launched dragon breath

Both dragon breaths collided with each other, they were both evenly match until charizard increased the power of his dragon breath and overpowered steelix's, the dragon breath hit steelix and sent him back a few feet.

Jacob: alright, now use flamethrower

Charizard launched a flamethrower

Jasmine: steelix, use gyro ball

Three blue rings appeared around steelix which protected him from the flamethrower

Jacob: hmm impressive, but it's nothing I can't handle, charizard use brick break

Jasmine: steelix, use gyro ball again

Steelix used gyro ball again but Charizard's brick break completely destroyed the gyro ball as he punched steelix in the face, the attack did a lot of damage to steelix, steelix was now low on health

Jasmine: steelix, shield yourself with sandstorm

Steelix spun himself around at high speed which caused a massive sand tornado to surround him, the sandstorm acted as a shield for steelix, Charizard flew back from the sandstorm

Charizard: jacob, this sandstorm is too strong, my attacks won't be able to go throw it

Jacob: hmmm

Jacob then had an idea

Jacob: that's it, if we can't go through it, then we go under it

Charizard: how

Jacob: Charizard, have use been practicing your blast burn

Charizard instantly knew what jacob was talking about

Charizard: oh hehe I see where this is going

Jacob: good, now charizard use blast burn

Jasmine: what!

Charizard's entire body became engulfed in flames, he then punched the ground which sent a wave of energy which went towards the sandstorm, the energy then bursted upwards as it completely engulfed steelix and destroyed the sandstorm as giant explosion of red-orange flames appeared

Jasmine: steelix!

The flames then disappeared which revealed steelix who as now laying on the ground knocked out

Jacob: yay, we did

Charizard then let out a victory roar

Charizard: OH YEAH hahahah

Jasmine then walked up to jacob

Jasmine: wow, your a really strong trainer

Jacob: thank yo...

Jasmine suddenly kissed him which made her blush

Jasmine:(blush) sorry, I could help myself

Jacob: you love me do you

Jasmine:(blushing) yes, I couldn't resist you, you're so nice and strong, I couldn't help myself, can I pls join your harem

Jacob then kissed her back and pulled her into a hug

Jacob: welcome to the harem jasmine

Jasmine: thank you

They both then stopped hugging each other

Jasmine: here take this mineral badge

Jasmine handed jacob the mineral badge

Mineral badge

Jacob: thank you

Jasmine: your welcome, also, can I join your team pls

Jacob: sure jasmine, the more the merrier

Jasmine: thank you

Jacob: your welcome jasmine, now let's go back to the other's

The group then left the gym

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