Chapter 139: the double duel at dragon's den

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Jacob's group were now inside dragon's den

While there, jacob was able to find TMs for the moves defense curl and stone edge, right now jacob was waiting for lance and clair, just then he saw lance in the air riding on his dragonite and clair riding on kingdra in the water, the two of them went towards them

Jacob: looks like you two have arrived, I was beginning to think you forgot

Lance: trust me, I would never forget something like this, neither would clair

Clair: indeed

Jacob: alright, so what are the rules

Lance: it's a double battle, me and clair each get to use on pokemon while you get to use two, last one standing wins

Jacob: alright fine by me, get ready you two cause it's fighting time

Small timeskip

The battle took place in the lake, jacob was on one rock pillar while lance and clair were on another one, the then summoned their pokemon, lance summoned dragonite, clair summoned kingdra and jacob chose lanturn and octillery

Jacob: alright guys, let's go this

The pokemon then scattered, lanturn went against kingdra while octillery went against dragonite

With lanturn and kingdra

Lanturn and kingdra were now sending multiple attacks at each other, both were dodging the attacks

Clair: kingdra, use dragon breath

A bunch of Light blue waves of energy started to swirl around Kingdra. He then fired a light blue beam of energy from his mouth at lanturn

Jacob: lanturn, dodge it and use take down

Lanturn's body glowed gold as he dodged the dragon breath and then slammed into kingdra's stomach, the attack sent both lanturn and kingdra out of the water

Jacob: now follow up with another take down

While lanturn was still airborne, he flipped around in mid-air and used take down again and slammed into kingdra's back sent kingdra back into the water and being slammed against the ocean floor

Clair: kingdra!

Lanturn was now pushing kingdra against the ocean floor

Clair: kingdra, use twister

Kingdra launched a twister attack that knocked lanturn off of him, kingdra then got back up and charged towards lanturn

With octillery and dragonite

Dragonite was flying in the air while octillery was sitting on a rock, both pokemon were staring at each other

Lance: dragonite, use thunder punch

Dragonite's fist became surrounded by yellow sparks, which then grew into a ball of electrical energy

Dragonite then flew towards octillery

Jacob: octillery, dodge it

Octillery jumped off the rock right before dragonite could hit him which caused dragonite to hit the rock instead, octillery landed on another rock

Lance: dragonite, keep using thunder punch

Dragonite charged up another thunder punch and flew towards octillery

Jacob: keep dodging octillery

Dragonite kept trying to punch octillery, but octillery kept dodging by jumping from rock to rock, dragonite used thunder punch one more time, but this time, octillery dove into the water before dragonite could hit him, dragonite was searching for octillery

Lance: huh, where did he go?

Octillery then suddenly jumped out of the water behind dragonite, this surprise Lance and dragonite

Jacob: octillery, use charge beam

When octillery was over dragonite, he launched a charge beam at dragonite, the beam hit dragonite and did a lot of damage to him, octillery then landed back into the water

Jacob: haha nice going octillery

Octillery: thank you

Just then, they saw lanturn being chased by kingdra who use launched a bunch of attacks at lanturn

Jacob: octillery, go help lanturn

Octillery: on it

Octillery swam towards them

Clair: time to end this, kingdra, use hyper beam

Kingdra began to charge up a hyper beam, but right before he could fire, octillery jumped in front of him

Clair: huh!

Jacob: octillery, use energy ball

Octillery launched an energy ball that hit kingdra in the face and canceled the hyper beam, lanturn then swam next to octillery

Lanturn: thanks

Octillery: no problem

The two pokemon then noticed that kingdra and dragonite weren't defeated yet and were now heading towards them

Lance: time to end this, dragonite, use dragon rush

Dragonite's horn glowed blue as it released a blue, dragon-shaped energy that covers his body, he then flew towards Jacob's pokemon

Clair: kingdra, use giga impact

Kingdra's body became surrounded by spiraling orange streaks, a purple energy sphere then surrounded kingdra's body, he then swam towards jacob's pokemon as well

Jacob: guys don't move, trust me

Octillery and lanturn stood there as the two dragon pokemon kept getting closer and closer

Jacob: wait for it

Just then dragonite and kingdra were about to hit Jacob's pokemon, jacob yelled

Jacob: NOW!

Octillery and lanturn got out of way just in time, this caused dragonite and kingdra to collide with each other

Lance and Clair: WHAT!

The collision did massive damage to both pokemon and were now helplessly floating in the water

Jacob: haha, you two fell right into my trap, now, time for finish this, lanturn, octillery, use dazzling blizzard

Octillery began to charge up a blizzard attack while lanturn's orb began to release a rainbow colored glow, they both then jumped into the air and fired their attacks, octillery launched a blizzard while Lanturn shot out multiple rainbow colored rays, the attacks fused together and transformed into a massive rainbow colored blizzard, the attack hit both dragon pokemon and knocked them out, lanturn and octillery then landed back into the water and cheered

Jacob: haha we did it guys

Lanturn and octillery: yay

Small timeskip

Jacob, clair and lance were back on the shore

Lance: I must say jacob, you have gotten even stronger since we last met

Jacob: thank you

Lance: alright clair, you can hand him the badge

Clair handed jacob the Rising Badge

Rising Badge

Lance: take this TM as well

Lance handed jacob a TM for the move dragon breath

Jacob: thanks

Lance: also, clair has something to say to you, (looking at clair) go on, tell him

clair blushed

clair:(blushing) (sigh) fine, listen jacob, I-I know that we just met and all but I just can't help but fall in love with you, will you pls let me be one of your girlfriend

Jacob just smiled as he then kissed clair on the lips and hugged her

Jacob: welcome to harem Clair

Clair smiled and hugged jacob back

Clair: thank you

Lance stood there and smiled

Lance: hehe, it's good to see you found yourself a loved one, you two love birds have fun

Jacob: see ya Lance

Lance then left

Jacob: so sweetie, wanna join the others

Clair: sure

Jacob: great

Jacob's group and Clair went back to the others

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