chapter 154: jacob vs bruno part 2

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I want to thank JeAnnSong for helping me write this chapter

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Bruno summoned his next pokemon, hitmonchan

Jacob: before we begin, charizard, use roost

Charizard's body glowed brightly as his wounds began to disappear, he was now back to full health, he then flew a few feet in the the air

Bruno: hitmonchan, use sky uppercut

Hitmonchan jumped into the air as his fist glowed light blue

Jacob: charizard, use fire punch

One of Charizard's fist became surrounded by red-yellow flames as he punched hitmonchan

Charizard hit hitmonchan before hitmonchan could hit him, the attack sent hitmonchan crashing to the ground

Jacob:(mind) that attack was powerful, must be the blaze ability, it increased his fire attack

Charizard then got back to the ground as hitmonchan got back up

Bruno: hitmonchan, use focus punch

Hitmonchan gathered energy in his fist until it glowed light blue, he then charged towards Charizard

Charizard suddenly caught hitmonchan's fist

Bruno: what!

Jacob: Charizard use fire fang

Charizard's mouth became covered in red-orange fire as he bit into hitmonchan which released a bunch of fire sparks, the attack was strong enough to knock hitmonchan out, bruno then summoned hitmontop

Bruno: hitmontop, use gyro ball

Hitmontop jumped up and spun around on hit head as he spun towards charizard

Jacob: charizard, use dig

Charizard flew into the air and dove underground while spinning rapidly

Hitmontop stopped spinning as he began to look for charizard, suddenly emerged from the ground and engulfed hitmontop in a rocky vortex

Jacob: now use fire spin

The fire spin engulfed hitmontop and knocked him out

Bruno: this is where our battles ends

Jacob: bring it on bruno, but remember

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Bruno summoned his last pokemon, machamp

Bruno: machamp, use bullet punch

Machamp's fists glowed as he began to punch charizard repeatedly at high speeds

But charizard just stood there and took very little if any damage

Bruno: what!

Charizard: is that all you got

Jacob: Charizard, use mega punch

Charizard punched machamp in the face

The punch sent machamp to the ground

Jacob: time to finish this, charizard, use seismic toss

Charizard grabbed machamp and flew into the air

Charizard then threw him to the ground

Charizard flew to the ground as he saw machamp who was now laying on the ground knocked out

Charizard: nobody messes with me pal

Jacob: haha, you did it Charizard

Charizard: haha, I did it, this is great

Bruno: well I'll be, even after so much training, you still managed to beat me

Jacob: don't worry bruno, you did your best and that's what matters

Bruno: you're right, I won't give up, I'll keep training no matter what

Jacob: that's the spirit

Bruno: you may go on now jacob

Jacob: thanks bruno

Jacob and his group then moved on

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