Chapter 158: jacob vs lance part 2

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I want to thank JeAnnSong,JackDroid,King_Elements for helping me write this chapter

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The final round began

Lance: Dragonite use flamethrower!

Jacob: Feraligatr, counter it with hydro pump!

As the two attacks collided with each other, it which created a massive steam cloud that covered the entire battlefield.

Lance: Dragonite, use dragon rush!

Jacob: Feraligatr, use aqua jet!

Both charged into the fog and collide with each other, as the steam cloud disappear which revealed Dragonite and Feraligatr locked on to each other trying to push one off.

Lance: Dragonite, fly up and grab Feraligatr!

Dragonite grabbed feraligatr and flew high into the air.

Lance: now drop him!

Dragonite let's go which causes Feraligatr to fall to the ground causing a giant imprint of him on the ground.

Jacob: Feraligatr!

Feraligatr then got back up and looked up and saw dragonite with determination in it's eyes.

Lance: Dragonite, use thunder punch!

Dragonite flew down as it used thunder punch.

Jacob: Feraligatr, counter it with ice punch!

Feraligatr was able to use ice punch just in time as both fists collided which created a shock wave.

Jacob: Feraligatr, counter it with ice punch!

Feraligatr was able to use ice punch just in time as both fists collided which created a shock wave.

Jacob: feraligatr jump up and use iron tail!

Feraligatr jumped up into the air and used iron tail as he slammed his tail onto Dragonite's head which caused him to fall on the floor.

Jacob: now use ice beam!

Feraligatr began to charge up an ice beam from its mouth.

Lance: oh no you don't, Dragonite counter it with dragon pulse!

That attack hit Feraligatr before he could fire the ice beam. The attack sent feraligatr into a wall.

Jacob: Feraligatr!

Feraligatr groaned a bit as he got out of the wall, he then looked at Dragonite with rage.

Feraligatr:(angry) now I'm mad!

Jacob: feraligatr, use aqua jet!

Feraligatr used aqua jet and slammed into dragonite's chest which sent him crashing into a wall as well.

Lance: Dragonite!

Dragonite groaned as he got himself out of the wall, now he was mad as well, he then let out a massive roar.

Feraligatr:(angry) bring it on, you Barney the dinosaur reject!

Jacob: feraligatr, use dragon claw!

Lance: you too dragonite!

Both pokemon then used dragon claw

They both ran towards each other and released a fury of slashes at each other, dragonite then launched another dragon claw but feraligatr ducked it just in time.

Jacob: Feraligatr, use low kick!

Feraligatr swung his leg around and tripped dragonite making him airborne.

Jacob: Now use a mega punch!

Feraligatr used mega punch while dragonite was in the air, the attack sent dragonite sliding on the floor as he crashed into a wall. Dragonite then slowly got up.

Lance: Dragonite, use thunder!

The attack hit Feraligatr and was doing massive damage to him, as Feraligatr roared in pain.

Feraligatr:(screaming) RAHHHHHHH!!!

Jacob: Feraligatr Nooo!

Feraligatr slowly began to go on his knees, when the attack was over, feraligatr was groaning in pain.

Lance: time to finish this, dragonite, use dragon rush!

Dragonite used dragon rush as he flew towards feraligatr.

Jacob: Come on feraligatr, get up, you can do this, I believe in you!

Soon the rest of Jacob's team encouraged Feraligatr to get up.

Bellossom: get up feraligatr!

Heracross: we believe in you!

Steelix: we believe in you!

Tyranitar: fight buddy! fight!

Feraligatr:(mind) I... must... get up, they are all counting on me, I can't let them down now, I won't, It's now or never!

Just when Dragonite was about to land the last blow, feraligatr suddenly got up and held Dragonite back with one hand as Dragonite was shocked.

Lance: what the!? How is he still up!?

Feraligatr then mega punched Dragonite, suddenly, his body became surrounded by a light blue aura, his eyes then flash light blue, he then let out a massive roar.

Jacob: Feraligatr, you got back up!

Feraligatr: That's right, and I plan on keeping it like that!

Jacob: good, and it looks you activated your torrent ability, your water type attacks are now boosted.

Feraligatr: alright, now let's end this!

Lance: Dragonite, use hyper beam!

Jacob: Feraligatr, counter it with hydro cannon!

Feraligatr opened his mouth as a blue flash of light appeared in front of it, a glowing light blue ball of water then appeared in front of his mouth, feraligatr then fired it at dragonite, the attack easily overpowered the hyper beam and struck dragonite which did It massive damage to him

Jacob: now use aqua tail

Feraligatr ran up to dragonite and used aqua tail

He slammed his tail into dragonite which sent him into another wall, before dragonite could get back up, feraligatr grabbed him and pushed him against the wall

Jacob: freeze him with ice fang

Feraligatr used ice fang as he bit into dragonite, dragonite slowly began to freeze

Dragonite was now frozen solid

Jacob: now pick him up and throw him in the air

Feraligatr then lifted up dragonite over his head as he then threw him into the air, he then began to fall back down

Jacob: now use hyper beam while he's in the air

Feraligatr launched a hyper beam

The attack hit dragonite while he was still in the air, the beam completely engulfed dragonite

Lance: dragonite!

When the attack was over, dragonite crashed into the ground knocked out

Jacob: Yes, you did it feraligatr, you won!

Feraligatr then let out a victory roar

Feraligatr: OH YEAH!

The rest of Jacob's group then cheered

Lance: looks like you won jacob, you are truly a powerful trainer, come with me to the hall of fame

Jacob: okay

Jacob, his team and lance went into the next room

Small timeskip

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Our group were now in the hall of fame

Jacob: aww the hall of fame, this brings back memories

Lance: same here jacob, it's been a long time since I went in this room, this room is where we honor the league champion for all eternity, their pokemon also get inducted as well, but this is the first we honor someone who is already the champion of another region

Jacob: I see

Lance: today, we witnessed the rise of a new league champion, a trainer like no other, a trainer who shows compassion to everyone, a trainer who shows trust in everything, a trainer who succeeded through perseverance and determination, a trainer who protect all humans and pokemon, a trainer who is probably the greatest trainer of all time, jacob Jackson, I hereby declare you as champion of the johto league

Everyone cheered for him

Lance: care, for a picture of you and your team

Jacob: okay, let me just summon them

Jacob summoned all of his pokemon

Lance: woah, you really want all of your pokemon in the picture

Jacob: of course, these guys are more than just my teammates, they're my family and I couldn't ask for a better family

Lance: okay

Lance then pulled out a camera

Lance: alright guys, say cheese

Everyone: cheese

Lance then took the picture

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