Chapter 25: pokemon catching moments 2

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Our heroes were now on route 6

Jacob and bluey were once again looking for pokemon. Right now bluey gave Jacob these two TMs for the moves silver wind and explosion

Just then Jacob heard something

???: charge

Jacob followed the voice and found this guy on the ground


Jacob: woah what's wrong buddy


Jacob had an idea, he summoned his pikachu and it used its electric powers to charge up the magnemite, Jacob then called back pikachu and the magnemite began to levitate in the air

Magnemite: power at 100%, thank you mister

Jacob: your welcome

Magnemite: scanning savior

Magnemite scanned him

Magnemite: scan complete, you are Jacob, the son of Arceus the god of all pokemon, I am thankful for you helping me

Jacob: no problem say what are you doing out here

Magnemite: I was searching for sources of energy but I ran out before I could find any

Jacob: wow

Magnemite: indeed but now that I am all good I would like to join you

Jacob: okay

Jacob then caught the magnemite just then he heard something snoring, he then looked around and saw this guy sleeping

Drowzee: male

Jacob: wow

Drowzee woke up when he heard Jacob

Drowzee: hey you woke me up, can't a pokemon get some sleep around here

Jacob: oh sorry

Drowzee: it's fine I'm used to it, say I'm feeling kinda hungry you got any food

Jacob: sure

Jacob handed drowzee some berries

Drowzee: thank you

He ate the berries and then evolve into this

Hypno: male

Jacob: woah you evolve just by eating

Hypno: actually I've been training myself for awhile now so that might have been why but thanks for the food

Jacob: your welcome

Hypno: say you mind if I join you

Jacob: sure

He then caught hypno, Jacob then saw a small lake and decided to fish a bit. After a while he was able to catch this guy

Shellder: male

Afterwards he joined up with the others and they continued the journey

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