Chapter 29: the truth

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Jacob was now telling them who he really was

Leaf: so let me get this straight, your half human half pokemon

Jacob: yes

Yellow: and your father is Arceus, the god of all pokemon

Jacob: yes

Brock: wow

Jacob: also I'm not alone

James: what do you mean

Jacob: (sigh) you can come on out now

Jaraja came out of Jacob's body but this time the others could see him

Jaraja: greetings

Jacob: this is Jaraja my spirit guardian, he watches after me and his been with me my whole life

Jaraja: pleasure to meet you guys

Jaraja held his hand out his hand as they took turns shaking it

Jessie: wow

Jacob: yep

Meowth: So what powers do you have?

Jacob: well being half pokemon I can communicate with pokemon and do whatever they can, I can perform all pokemon moves and abilities, that's why I have a good bond with them, because I am one

James: so why are you here

Jacob: because of your boss or ex boss

Jessie: what do you mean

Jacob: your once boss is a lot more evil than you think, let me ask you something, do you know what he does to the pokemon he gets

Meowth: uhh... he uses them for battle

Jacob: nope he doesn't treat them good, your boss will either sell them or do experiments on them

Yellow: what kind?

Jacob: the worst kind, the kind that involves needles, burn, broken and death, your boss has murder dozens of pokemon and could care less

They were all shocked

Yellow: that monster

Jacob: yep do you guys know he did that

Jessie: no

James: he never told us

Jacob: well it gets worst your boss has created a weapon, a new pokemon, a pokemon that can take over the world if not stopped, that why I came here, I am your best hope in stopping this thing

Brock: why didn't you tell us this

Jacob: I didn't want to freak you out, look at me, I'm a guy with the power of every pokemon in the world, I'm like nothing you've ever sense

Jessie: you do you still love us right

Jacob: of course I do, I would never lie about that, I love all of you ladies

All the ladies blushed

Jacob: but we need to get back I still want to become champion

Brock: but how do we get back

Jaraja: leave that to me

Just then everyone disappeared

Small Timeskip

Our heroes reappear in vermilion city

James: what the

Meowth: we're back yes

Daisy: how are we back

Jaraja: I can teleport people to places I've seen

Brock: wow

Jacob: now let's continue our journey but this time things will be easier

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