Chapter 39: a pure evil confession

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Our heroes were now on the 3rd floor of the HQ, this floor was basically a massive storage room, it contained a bunch of items that team rocket stole. Our heroes decided to split up to cover more ground. Jacob was with bluey, jessie, james and meowth

Jessie: you know I've never actually been on this floor before

Jacob: why not

James: we were never allowed to

Meowth: hey guys look

They saw a room that said "recording room"

Jacob: hmm let's see what's in that room

Small Timeskip

Our heroes were now inside the room, the room was small and pretty empty, not much light except for the center of the room which revealed a wooden table and chair. On the table was a cassette player and box full of cassette tapes. Our heroes walked towards it and examen did it

James: what's up with all these tapes

Jacob: I don't know, wait, give me one of them

James handed him on of the tapes as he placed the tape into the cassette player and pressed play

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Giovanni:(recording) rocket log number 58, today we decided to do an experiment on a marowak, unfortunately the dumb pokemon died, I should have known, that pokemon was too weak, no wonder why it wasn't able to protect that cubone, anyway I'll probably just burn the body and move on

The recording stopped and everyone was in shocked

Jacob: son of bitch, how could he do that, quick give me another one

Jacob got another tape, he took the first one out and put the new one in and pressed play and lets just say, this one was not a good one

Giovanni:(recording) rocket log number 177, today I've decided to talk about three of my members here at team rocket, jessie, james and meowth

This got their attention

Giovanni:(recording) otherwise known as the worst team rocket members of all time

This shocked them

James:(shocked) what

Meowth(shocked) the...The worst

Giovanni:(recording) that trio is the most dumbest and worthless team I have ever met, first there's that Jessie girl, she nothing but an old hag who can't do anything right, heck the only reason why I hired her was because of her mother

Jessie: my mother

Giovanni:(recording) her mother was one of the best team rocket member of all time, such a shame that she didn't like working for me, I knew she was going to quit so she spend time with her stupid daughter, which is why I sent her to that island so she can search for mew, too bad she died before she could come back

Everyone:(shocked) what

Giovanni:(recording) now her dumb brat has to spend the rest of her life in a orphanage, I'm still surprised she hasn't figured out what happened to her mother, heck she probably never will

Jessie was now pissed off

Giovanni:(recording) next up is james, the boy who ran away from home, that guy was easy to trick, all I had to do was promise him that he would get to make his own choice if she worked for me, obviously I was lying but he didn't know, heck that boy would probably do anything just so he can have a choice in life, he's so desperate it's hilarious

James was now upset knowing that he was tricked his own life

Giovanni:(recording) then there's meowth, the lamest cat of all time, that thing is nothing but a freak of nature, he thinks that he can become my favorite Pokémon, well guess what meowth, that's never gonna happen you freak

Meowth was now upset

Giovanni:(recording) anyway I sent those three out of here a few hours ago, I told them if they brought a pokemon back then I would promote them, but really I just wanted to get rid of those three morons, those three will never be useful, they are nothing but a bunch of pathetic losers

The recording was now over as everyone was shocked about what he said

James: he hated us this whole time

Meowth: thinks we're worthless

They then heard Jessie crying

Jessie:(crying) she's dead, all this time, she was doing it for me

Jessie then ran out of room crying

Jacob, james and meowth: jessie

Jacob: i'll go after her you guys stay here

Jacob began to go after her


Jacob was now walking around looking for Jessie, he then found her sulking in the corner. Jacob then walked up to her and sat down next to her

Jessie:(crying) how could he... how could he do this to me, he killed my mother, he made me motherless and worst of all, I actually worked for him, I worked with my mother's killer

Jessie cried even more

Jacob:(sigh) I'm sorry jessie, it's not your fault, you didn't know but you can't give up now

Jessie:(crying) why not, my life is meaningless, I have no job, no money, and no mother, I got nothing, the boss was right, I am pathetic

She cried more than ever

Jacob:...he's wrong

Jessie: huh

Jacob: he's wrong, you're not pathetic and your life isn't meaningless, don't you get it jessie, this is what he wants jessie, he wants you to doubt yourself, he thinks he can control you, but he can't, this guys has done nothing but lie and cheat all of his life and it's time he gets what he deserves, besides think of your mother, you think she would want you to give up now, after all you've been through, no, she would have wanted you to keep going no matter what and you're not alone, you have me, James, meowth, all of us got your back, and I'm not gonna sit around and let him tell you who you are, cause the only person who decided that is you and you only

Jessie began to cry tears of joy as she went up to him and kissed him on the lips, Jacob joined in. Once they were finished jessie looked at him

Jessie: thank you, jacob, your the best boyfriend I've ever had

Jacob: you're welcome now let's go take this guy down

Jessie: definitely

They got back up and began to return to the others

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