Chapter 44: Jacob the poke king vs Erika The Nature-Loving Princess

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Our heroes were now in a field at celadon city, Jacob was right now training with charmeleon, ninetales, arcanine, beedrill and butterfree. Beedrill and butterfree were sparing with each other

Ninetales, arcanine and charmeleon were practicing their fire moves and Jacob was doing some stretches. The others and jaraja were watching him. The girls were blushing when they looked at Jacob

Cassidy:(blushing) you were right, he is hot when he's exercising

Jessie:(blushing) yep

Brock: um does Jacob do this a lot back home

Jaraja: you kidding, this kind of workout is nowhere compared to his usual one, this is the best he can do without revealing his powers

Meowth: how long has he been training for

Jaraja: nearly all his life but it's worth it, he strong enough to fight any pokemon, he has fought around 5 billion battles and has never lost once

They shocked when they heard that

Yellow:(shock) that many, how does he have that many battle at his age

Leaf: Actually, how old is he?

Jaraja: well Jacob is actually immortal but he doesn't age the same as you human, you see he has the looks of a 17 year old but he's actually 17 billion years old

Brock:(shock) he's what old and he looks like that

Jaraja: yep

Jacob and his pokemon walked towards them

Jacob: alright we are now ready to claim the next badge right fellas

Jacob's pokemon: yeah


Jacob was now inside the celadon gym which looked like this

Once again he saw Jim as he walked towards him

Jacob: hey Jim

Jim: hey youngster you here to challenge the gym leader

Jacob: yep, mind explaining me the concept of this gym

Jim: of course, this gym specializes in grass type pokemon, they're strong against water, rock and ground pokemon but are weak to fire, poison, ice, bug and flying type pokemon

Jacob: okay now what's the puzzle for this gym

Jim: this gym has a giant hedge maze, you'll have to find your way around the maze in order to get to the gym leader, there 7 trainers in that maze, all of them are in a different location

Jacob: alright thanks Jim

Jacob then entered the maze

Jacob:(mind) alright, jaraja fly up and see which way leads to the exit

Jaraja:(jacob's mind) on it

Jaraja flew out of jacob's body and flew high enough to see the routes of the entire maze, jaraja found the route the lead towards the exit, he flew back into jacob's body

Jaraja:(Jacob's mind) alright I found the right route, just keep moving and I'll you when to turn

Jacob:(mind) got it

Jacob began to move forward


Jacob was now coming around a bend when the first trainer appeared in front of him

Trainer 1: greetings, I am one of the trainers at this gym and if you want to move on, then you're have to beat me

Jacob: fine then, it's fighting time

The battle began, the trainer summoned an oddish while Jacob summoned beedrill

Jacob: alright beedrill use aerial ace

Beedrill flew towards oddish with its stingers facing forward at a great speed, with white streaks surrounding its body, he then hit oddish like this

The attack was powerful enough to defeat oddish

Jacob: alright

Trainer 1: congratulations, you may now move on

Jacob: thank you


Jacob was now halfway through the maze when the next trainer appeared in front of him

Trainer 2: greetings I am the next trainer you need to defeat in order to move on

Jacob: alright, it's fighting time

The battle began, the trainer summoned exeggcute while Jacob summoned butterfree

Jacob: alright butterfree use silver wind

Butterfree used silver wind and it hit exeggcute, since exeggcute was 4x as weak to bug moves, he was able to be defeated with just silver wind

Jacob: alright

Trainer 2: congratulations, you may now continue

Jacob: thank you


Jacob finally found the exit of the maze, as Jacob was walking towards it, the final trainer walked in front of him

Trainer 3: greeting I am your final trainer before you challenge our gym leader and if you want to challenge her then you're gonna have to beat me

Jacob: fine then, it's fighting time

The battle began, the trainer summoned a gloom while Jacob summoned ninetales

Jacob: ninetails use fire spin

Ninetales opened her mouth and released a stream of spinning red-orange fire with a yellow flame spiraling around it like this

The attack completely engulfed gloom, defeating it

Jacob: alright

Trainer 3: congratulations, you may now continue

Jacob: thank you

Jacob then continued towards the exit


Jacob finally got out of the maze and was now inside a giant garden filled with beautiful flowers and trees. There were tons of grass pokemon roaming around.

Jacob: wow

Just then a few oddishs went towards him, he smiled as he kneeled down and petted them, they really enjoyed it

Jacob: hehe this place is great

???: indeed it is

Jacob turned around and saw this girl


She immediately blushed when she saw his face

Erika:(mind) wow this guy's a cutie

Jacob: hi there I'm Jacob, are you the gym leader here

Erika: yep, I'm erika, the gym leader of celadon city

Jacob: please to meet you Erika, you have a very beautiful garden

Erika: thank you, I love grass pokemon, I use only the richest soil for my garden, it's what makes it so beautiful today

Jacob: indeed, but it takes more than just soil to make garden, take a flower for instance, they're planted and worked for, they take time and pleasure but only when pour your heart into it, they become true works of love and beauty

Erika: agree, you know I never met someone who knows about gardening as much as you do

Jacob: well I aim to please but you know what, I you're even more beautiful than this whole garden

Erika blushed

Erika:(blushing) thank you

Jacob: you're welcome, now as much as I'm loving this chat so far I was wondering if we could start our battle so I can win my next badge

Erika: why sure

Jacob: great, it's fighting time

The battle began, erika summoned Tangela while Jacob summoned arcanine

Erika: alright Tangela use sleep powder

Tangela launched a cloud of green dust towards arcanine

Jacob: arcanine use dig

Arcanine dug underground right before the cloud could hit arcanine. Arcanine then suddenly came back up in front of Tangela and tackled him sending Tangela back a few feet

Jacob: now use dragon rage

Arcanine threw back his head and howled as he launched a swirling twister of energy towards Tangela like this

The attack engulfed tangela which did enough damage to defeat it

Erika: oh dear

Erika called back tangela and summoned victreebel

Jacob: ah victreebel, I'm liking this

Erika: good, now victreebel use vine whip

Victreebel used it's vine to wrap around arcanine, arcanine was struggling to get out of the vine

Jacob: oh no you don't, arcanine use thunder fang

Arcanine opened his mouth as a bunch of yellow sparks and electricity appeared around his mouth. He then bit down on the vine, once he did that victreebel's body became surrounded by yellow electricity as he was now being electrocuted. The shock caused him to let go of arcanine as arcanine ran back a bit

Jacob: you okay arcanine

Arcanine: I'm fine, but man does that plant have strong grip

Victreebel now had small sparks around his body

Erika: victreebell, use leaf tornado

But nothing happened, the thunder fang paralyzed victreebel, making him unable to move or do any attacks

Jacob: haha looks your victreebel is done for, arcanine use fire spin

Arcanine opened his mouth and a flame was sent towards victreebel from its mouth. When the flame reached victreebel, the flames curls around it in a tornado like this

The flames then disappeared, revealing a knocked out victreebel

Jacob and erika both called back their pokemon

Jacob: I'm guessing you have one more pokemon

Erika: yep

Jacob: fine by me

Erika summoned vileplume while Jacob summoned charmeleon

Charmeleon: alright time to roast this plant

Jaraja:(Jacob's mind) Jacob, this vileplume has the effect spore ability, if charmeleon touches it, he might either get poisoned, paralyzed or fall asleep, so keep your distance

Jacob:(mind) got it

Erika: vileplume use stun spore

Vileplume released a ball of orange dust into the air like this

Jacob: charmeleon use heat wave

A red-orange ball appears in charmeleon's mouth, and it releases a wind of flames at the opponent from the ball like this

The flames turned the dust into a pile of ash

Jacob: now use flamethrower

Charmeleon used flamethrower on vileplume which did a lot of damage to it

Erika: alright time to use my best move, vileplume use solar beam

Vileplume's hole began to glow as it was charging up the attack

Jacob:(mind) woah solar beam a very powerful move

Jaraja:(Jacob's mind) I got an idea, vileplume health is pretty low, one more hit could take it out but your gonna have to get up close

Jacob:(mind) but what about it's ability

Jaraja:(Jacob's mind) don't worry, the ability only has a 10% chance of working

Jacob:(mind) okay

Vileplume then fired a giant white beam like this

Jacob: charmeleon use dig

Charmeleon dug underground right before the beam, charmeleon then came back up behind vileplume

Jacob: charmeleon use seismic toss

Charmeleon grabbed vileplume by the legs and jumps into the air and swung its body before throwing vileplume at the ground like this

Erika: vileplume!

Vileplume was then seen knocked out

Jacob: alright I won

Erika then walked over to him

Erika: congratulations, I shall now give you the rainbow badge

Erika handed him the rainbow badge

Rainbow badge

Jacob: thank you

Erika: also take these two TMs

she handed him two TMs for the moves mega drain and giga drain

Jacob: thanks erika

Erika: you're welcome Jacob

Jacob then left


Our heroes were now relaxing at a cafe

Jacob: alright brock, where's the next gym

Brock: its in fuchsia city

Jacob: well I guess we can get moving tomorrow

Erika: Jacob

Our heroes turned around and saw erika

Jacob: erika

Brock instantly got up and had hearts in his eyes

Brock: oh my god it's erika, she is so beautiful, I hope she will go out on a da..

Jacob then hit him on the head

Jacob: not now brock

Brock: oh come on you too

Jacob: Erika, what are you doing here?

Erika: I was wondering if I could join you

Jacob: huh

Erika: you gave me a very delightful match, I felt really inspired and I also wanted to do this

Erika then kissed Jacob on the lips

The girls: of course

Brock: oh come on, why is the world so unfair to me

Jacob: welcome to the harem erika and welcome to the team

Erika: thank you

Jacob: now since you are now on the team and my girlfriend you're gonna wanna know a few things about me

Erika: like what

Jacob: lets just you're in for a long story erika

They both sat down as Jacob began to tell her everything

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