Chapter 49: The unwanted family reunion

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Our heroes have decided to relax a bit after the last gym battle, right now Jacob and james was walking back with some logs for a fire

James: hey did you tell Janine and aya about your powers

Jacob: yeah I took care for that, they're fine with it

James: wow, you know you're a real ladies man Jacob

Jacob: yeah yeah

Jacob then toticed something on a tree

Jacob: hey whats that

Jacob dropped the logs and went up to the tree, he saw a missing flier with what looked like to be a picture of james as a child

This shocked Jacob

Jacob: uhh james is this you

James was not happy

James: oh no not them

Jacob: who

James: my parents, they're after me

Jacob: wait I remember you ran away from home yeah why did you do that

James: it's because of them, you see my parents are a bunch of rich people and they forced to endure formal society and I hated every bit of it, everyday I was forced do to do tons of lesson that I never wanted to do in the first place, when I told them that I didn't I want to take them anymore they just ignored me, then at the age of six I got engaged

Jacob: wait you got engaged

James: kinda you see, my parents found this girls for me which I would I would until I saw how controlling and overbearing she was, it was basically my life all over again, thats why I ran away and unfortunately I had to leave behind my pet growlithe growlie

Jacob: oh man I'm so sorry james

James: thanks, but now they're after me

Jacob: hey man listen, I'll make sure nothing bad will happen to you

Just then a black limo appeared in front of them, the passenger door opened up and two men came out a grabbed james

James: oh no

The men dragged james into the limo as james desperately tired to free himself

james: let me go, pls I don't to go back

Jacob: james

James: Jacob get the others, quick help me

The men then shoved james into the limo as it sped off

Jacob: James

Jaraja then came out of Jacobs body

Jacob: Jaraja quick get the others I'm going after the limo

Jaraja: on it

Jaraja flew off to get the others as Jacob ran after the cab


Jacob followed the limo which led to this mansion

Jacob: wow he said his parents were rich he wasn't kidding

He then saw the limo doors opening as Jacob hid behind a bush, while in the bush he saw james who was no tied up being dragged into the house by the two men

James: no not here, not again

The giant mansion doors opened up as they went in, jacob quickly went in before the doors close

Small Timeskip

Jacob was now walking around the mansion looking for james, he finally found him in a room, he was wearing a tuxedo and was tied up to a chair

Jacob: james

James: jacob, thank god your here where the others?

Jacob: don't worry Jaraja sending them to us, man you weren't kidding about your family being rich

James: yep, quick untie me

Jacob was about to untie him when they suddenly heard footsteps

James: oh god they're coming quick hide!

Jacob hid behind some curtains, the doors then opened revealing james parents

James parents

James's mother: ah james I'm so glad that your family home

James's father: indeed good to see you again son

James: mother, father pls let me go, I do want to go back to those lessons again, I don't to be like those upper class people

James's father: nonsense son, everyone wants to be an upper class citizen

James's mother: exactly, but we'll worry about that after you get married

James: married!

James's father: that's right and we even brought back your old fiancé, you may come out noe

A female figure appeared in front of them, james instantly knew who it was and did not like it one bit

James:(mind) No, no, not her, anyone but her

James's mother: its your fiancé jessebelle

It figured was then revealed to be jessebelle


Jessebelle: hello honey

James:(mind) noooooooooooooooooooo

Jacob was in complete shock, this girl look just like jessie heck even her name was similar

Jacob:(mind) what the hell, is this woman jessie's or something?

Jessebelle: haha it's been awhile hasn't it been honey

James: pls no, don't make me do this

James's father: oh my looks like our son needs a reminder on who he is

James's mother: agree, jessebelle why don't you go take him down to the dungeon

Jacob:(mind and shocked) dungeon

Jessebelle: with pleasure

The two men then reappeared and lifted up the James they took him to the dungeon

James: no not the dungeon, no anything but that, no, someone pls help me

Everyone but Jacob then left the room, that was when Jacob got out of the curtains

Jacob: oh no they're gonna torture him

Jaraja then appeared

Jaraja: Jacob I got the others they're outside waiting for you

Jacob: got it


Jacob was now outside with the others explaining them the situation

Brock: so james is about the tortured by her so called fiancé

Jessie: who for some reason looks like me and has a similar name

Jacob: yes

Meowth: is this woman hotter than Jessie

Jessie then hit him on the head

Jessie:(angry) shut up meowth

Jacob then walked up the Jessie and hugged her

Jacob: its okay babe, I think your way more pretty than that jessebelle plus you're way hotter when you feisty

Jessie then blushed and kissed him a lot

Jessie: oh your so sweet, I love you so much babe

Jacob: love you too jessie

Cassidy: so where is this dungeon

Jacob: probably underground

Just then a growlithe appeared

Growlie: master, master where are you?

Jacob: hello there

Growlie: you can you tell me where master is?

Jacob: master (gasp) does he look like this

Jacob pulled out a picture of James

Growlie: yes that's him

Jacob: you must be growlie

Growlie: yes I am, are you a friend of master

Jacob: yes and right now he's in trouble and we need to help him

Growlie: master in trouble, I must save him, where is he

Jacob: he's in the dungeon, do you know where that is

Growlie: yes I do, follow me

Jacob: alright everyone follow the growlithe

They began to follow growlithe


Growlithe managed to take our heroes to an underground basement

Growlithe: the dungeon is up ahead

Jacob: quick we must hurry

They began to run towards the dungeon

Small Timeskip

Right now james and jessebelle wee inside this room

Yep, he literally in a torture room, james has so far been whip a bunch of times by jessebelle, right now james was back against a wall while jessebelle was slowly walking towards him while cracking her whip, she brought her vilepume out

James: pls no more, no more

Jessebelle: oh james, the more you resist, the more pain your gonna feel and I'm not gonna stop until you become a gentleman

James:(screaming) oh god if anyone can hear me

Just then Jacob and growlithe came crashing through the doors and ran in front of James

James: growlie, Jacob your here

Jessebelle: oh no, who let you two in

Jacob: we did and we're taking James with us

Jessebelle: oh I don't think so, vileplume get rid of these two

Vileplume launched a sleeping powder attack

James: guys run

Jacob: okay but not without you

Growlie put james on his back as the three got out of the way before the sleeping powder could hit them

Jessebelle: hey where are you going, don't leave

The others saw the three running

Jacob: quick guys, follow us

They followed the three as they jumped out of a window

Jacob: where do we go

Growlithe: quick get inside the storage shed

Jacob: got it, everyone get in the shed quickly

Everyone get inside the shed as they locked the door, jessebelle finally got outside

Jessiebelle: you can't hide from me james, I will find you

Back inside the shed, Jacob and growlithe put james on a couch

James; ahh thank you guys, you saved me

Jacob: no problem james

Growlie began licking james face

James: hehehe I missed you to growlie

Jacob: yep, you know james I can see why you ran away, your family is insane

James: I know, but were not done yet, I know jessebelle well and she's not gonna give up until she finds me

Jacob: seriously, where did she come from an asylum or something

James: proably, she was another reason why I left, you as once my parents announced that we were engaged she began to follow me everywhere, she kept trying to change me, no matter what I did it was never enough for her, all I ever wanted was to do things my way but they wouldn't allow it, ever since I was a kid I hated upper class society, I hated wearing fancy clothes, eating fancy foods, only being being able to hang out with upper class people who are extremely boring, I couldn't take it anymore, if I stayed here and married Jessebelle it would have been the biggest mistake in my life

James then looked at growlie

James: growlie was my only friend and regret leaving him here

Misty: I always wonder what it would be like growing up in a place like this

Jacob: eh, my place is bigger

Everyone: what!

James: you have a mansion too

Jacob: yes but I'm not like your parents, I don't do the stuff they do james, yes I'm rich, but I never cared for it, I never let money or wealth decide who I was and thats all you wanted to do and thats the right thing to do james, you should make your own decisions and let no one stop you cause only person who can make those decisions is you and you only

James was shocked, no one has ever supported him, he then smiled

James: thank you Jacob, your a good guy

Jacob: your welcome james

Meowth: wow who would ever though being would be such a bummer

Jacob: it can be, it just depends on how you use it meowth

Just then one of the walls began to crumble as it then fell apart revealing jessebelle and her vileplume

Jessebelle: I told you I would find you james

James: no, leave me alone

Jacob and growlie got in front of james

Jacob: you heard him, he wants nothing to do with you now leave him alone

Jessebelle: sorry its not up to him

Jacob: well I guess you leave me no choice

Jacob summoned charmeleon

Jacob: alright charmeleon time to evolve

Jacob pulse out an exp. candy and threw it at Charmeleon, charmeleon caught it and began to glow and evolve

Charmeleon evolved into this

Charizard: male

Charizard: oh yeah

Jacob: let me tell you something jessebelle, these guys are friends and I'm gonna protect them no matter what and no one can stop me from doing that, not even you

Jessebelle: oh really, vileplume use sleep powder

Vileplume used sleep powder

Jacob: charizard use flamethrower

Charizard used flamethrower which completely overpowered sleep powder

Jacob: now use it again on vileplume

Charizard used flamethrower on vileplume, growlie even joined in, vileplume as now on fire, jessebelle and vileplume began to run away in fear

Jessebelle: ahhh get away from me

They ran far away from them, as Jacob and charizard cheered

Jacob: hahaha serves you right

James: thank you guys, your the best


It was now sunset and jacob, james, growlie and charizard were watching the sun set

Jacob: man what a day

James: tell me about

They both laughed a bit as they then sigh

Jacob: so are you going to be taking growlie with you

James: yes, I'm not making the same mistake of leaving him behind again

Jacob: good idea

James: hey, thanks for standing up for me back there

Jacob: no problem james, your my friend, and friends stick together no matter what

James: you know Jacob I've never had this much fun in my entire life until I joined your team

Jacob: yep, this team is great, yes indeed

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