Chapter 77: jacob the poke king vs gary

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Jacob was now in the champion room

He then saw Gary in the middle of the room

Gary: greetings Jacob

Jacob: Gary, I never though we would meet like this

Gary: same here dude

Jacob: woah Gary, aren't you going to say your Gary the great or something

Gary: that was old Gary

Jacob: old Gary

Gary: yep, let me explain, after our last battle, I began to thin' about what you said about me, I began to look back at what I've done and I've realized that you were right about me, I was selfish, arrogant and ego headed, I decided to change my ways, I've given up on Gary the great, I'm now just Gary, I'm sorry for all the mean things I've done Jacob

Jacob: well gary, I'm glad that you have changed, not only because it's the right thing to do, it's because I would have punched you in the face if I heard you call yourself Gary the great one more time

Gary: I don't blame you, also I know that your half pokemon

This shocked Jacob

Jacob: how do you know that?

Gary: umm I might have eavesdropped on you and your family accidentally

Jacob: how long

Gary: I only did it when you came back to pallet town, I was planning on challenging you but I changed my mind

Jacob: okay

Gary: the day I found out who you really were, I trained my pokemon a lot so I can be prepared to fight my rival once more, one final time, this battle will decide who will become champion

Jacob: indeed

Gary: know this Jacob, I'm ways stronger than how I was before, not only have I trained a lot, I've formed a team that defeat any pokemon

Jacob: don't get cocky now gary, in this battle, none of us will hold back, this battle decided who becomes champion, but in the end, one thing remains the same

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Gary: I agree Jacob

Jacob: good, it's fighting time

The battle began, but summoned pidgeot while Jacob summoned raichu

Jacob: alright raichu use thunder punch

Raichu ran towards pidgeot while charging up a thunder punch

Gary: pidgeot, counter it with steel wing

Pidgeot flew towards raichu with a steel wing attack. Both attack counter each other as the then stepped back from each other

Gary: pidgeot, fly around raichu

Pidgeot flew up and began to fly around raichu as raichu was trying to keep up with him

Gary: now use air cutter

Pidgeot began to flap his wings and released a bunch energy blades from them at raichu

Jacob: raichu, dodge them

Raichu began to do a bunch of flips as he dodged all he blades

Gary: alright let's see you dodge this, pidgeot use sky attack

Pidgeot's body became surrounded by an orange aura as he flew low on the ground towards raichu

Jacob: raichu, charge up a thunder punch

Raichu began to charge up thunder punch as pidgeot was getting closer and closer to him

Gary: your raichu is done for jacob

Jacob: I don't think so, raichu jump

Right before pidgeot could hit raichu, raichu jumped over pidgeot

Gary:(shocked) what!

Jacob: now use the thunder punch

Raichu punched pidgeot in the back which sent him slamming into the ground as he got electrocuted, the attack was powerful enough to knock pidgeot out

Gary: beginners luck, but now your luck runs out

Gary summoned exeggutor

Jacob: ha, I don't think so

Jacob called back raichu and summoned beedrill

Beedrill: alright, times for another battle for me

Gary: okay exeggutor, use psywave

Exeggutor's eyes glow green as he bends down, firing a white ring at the beedrill from the middle of his leaves

Jacob: beedrill, dodge it

Beedrill flew into the air and dodged it

Gary: exeggutor, use egg bomb

Exeggutor fired multiple egg-shaped balls of light from the top of his heads at the opponent. Beedrill began to dodge the eggs, but one them hit him and exploded, but it wasn't enough to knock out beedrill

Jacob: you want to use bombs then so be it, beedrill use sludge bomb

One of Beedrill's arm stingers glowed dark purple. He then brings his arms forward and released a purple blast of sludge at exeggutor. The attack covered exeggutor in sludge

Gary: exeggutor!

When the sludge come off, exeggutor had a bunch of dark purple bubble coming out of him

Gary: oh no!

Jacob: haha your exeggutor is now poison, which will make move even more powerful, beedrill use venoshock

Beedrill launched a dark purple blob of poison at exeggutor, when the attack hit exeggutor, it did twice the damage due to the poison condition, the attack knocked exeggutor out

Gary: alright, lets see you beat this guy

Gary summoned arcanine

Jacob: easy

Jacob called back beedrill and summoned gyarados

Gary: ha, you shouldn't have summoned a water, cause now he can be defeated with this, arcanine use thunder fang

Arcanine ran up to gyarados and bit him with thunder fang, once he bit gyarados, gyarados began to get electrocuted a lot

Jacob: gyarados!

Gary: that's it arcanine, keep using thunder fang

Arcanine kept biting gyarados, gyarados was receiving a lot of damage As he was slowing falling to the ground

Jacob: come on gyarados, you can fight this, believe in yourself


Gyarados released a mighty roar that sent arcanine back a few feet, gyarados was now pissed

Gyarados: you'll pay for that

Jacob: that's right gyarados, now use dragon rage

Gyarados sent out a swirling cyclone at arcanine, arcanine tried to outrun it but he got sucked in, arcanine was now spinning around in the cyclone

Jacob: now use hyper beam

Gyarados launched a power hyper beam at the cyclone, the beam was powerful enough to destroy the cyclone and knock out arcanine

Gyarados: thats for electrocuting me you mutt

Gary then summoned golem, Jacob was about to call gyarados stopped him

Gyarados: no Jacob, let me fight some more, I want to show this guy what happens when you try to electrocute me

Jacob: okay

Gyarados moxie ability then activated

Gary: golem use focus punch

Golem jumped up and punched gyarados in the face, but it didn't do much as gyarados then looked at him like this

Gary: huh!

Gyarados:(angry) big mistake

Jacob: gyarados, use crunch

Gyarados bit golem's arm and threw him to the ground

Jacob: now use hydro pump

Gyarados launched a hydro pump at golem which defeated him, gary then summoned alakazam

Jacob: alright are you good now

Gyarados: yeah you can call me back now

Jacob called back gyarados and summoned gengar

Gengar: neheheh what do you know another alakazam, I'm guessing I'm like your alakazam exterminator hehehe

Jacob: gengar take him out

Gengar flew towards alakazam

Gary: alakazam, use psybeam repeatedly

Alakazam launched a bunch of psybeams at gengar but he dodged them all

Jacob: gengar, use shadow punch

Gengar uppercuted alakazam with a shadow punch which sent alakazam into the air

Jacob: now use shadow ball

Gengar launched a shadow ball at alakazam which defeated him as he fell to the ground

Gengar: nehehe, you never stood a chance

Gary and jacob called back their pokemon as they summoned another one, gary summoned rhydon while jacob summoned poliwrath

Poliwrath: haha, finally, I'm used again

Gary: alright rhydon, use hammer arm

One of Rhydon's forearms glowed white as he ran towards poliwrath

Jacob: poliwrath, use focus punch

Poliwrath's hand glowed white as he ran towards poliwrath. They both clashed their fists at each other, both attacks stemmed to be evenly matched until poliwrath went all out and overpowered rhydon and slammed rhydon face first to the ground

Jacob: now use seismic toss

Poliwrath picked rhydon up and used seismic toss like this

Rhydon was knocked out, gary and Jacob both called back their pokemon

Gary: I don't get it, how are your pokemon so strong, are you cheating or something

Jacob: no gary, they're strong because I trained them a lot, not only did I increase their strength, but I always increased my bond with them, my bond with my pokemon is unbreakable, being half pokemon lets me know the true bond of human and pokemon

Gary: well I have strong bond with my pokemon too, let me show you

Jacob: let me show you as well

Gary summoned blastoise, while Jacob summoned venasaur

Jacob: I see you evolved you wartortle

Gary: yep and now he's stronger than ever

Jacob: you know it's funny, our first battle started with these two and now they're being used in our final battle

Gary: yeah, but this time I won't be losing, cause now I have this

Gary pulled out a mega stone which surprised Jacob

Jacob: where did you get that

Gary: my grandfather gave it to me, now blastoise, mega evolve

Blastoise mega evolved

Jacob: I'll admit, I'm impressed but your not the only one who can mega evolve

Jacob revealed his mega stone necklace

Jacob: beyond evolution, mega evolve

Jacob hit the mega stone which made venasaur mega evolve

Jacob: get ready gary cause I'm not holding back

Gary: well neither am I, blastoise, hydro pump

Blastoise launched a hydro pump from his three cannons

Jacob: Venasaur, solar beam

Venasaur launched a solar beam, the attacks collided and countered each other

Gary: blastoise, use blizzard

Blastoise used blizzard

Jacob: venasaur, use petal blizzard

Venasaur counter the blizzard with petal blizzard

Gary: blastoise, dragon pulse

Blastoise fired three differently colored beams from his three cannons. The beams then combine into a giant multi-colored energy dragon which chomps venasaur with its jaws, causing a large explosion, but venasaur wasn't down yet

Jacob: venasaur, power whip

Venasaur hit blastoise on the head with his vine

Gary: blastoise, use ice beam

Blastoise launched an ice beam

Jacob: venasaur dodge it

Venasaur tried to dodge it but the beam hit one of his legs and froze it to the ground, venasaur was now stuck as he desperately tried to break free

Gary: now use power-up punch repeatedly

Blastoise's fists glowed  with a red-orange aura as he began to punch venasaur repeatedly, every time blastoise hit venasaur, his attack power increased, venasaur was taking a lot of damage, blastoise then stepped back as Jacob saw venasaur who was now badly damaged

Jacob: venasaur!

Gary: it's no use Jacob, I'm winning this time, blastoise, use hydro cannon

Blastoise launched three power water orbs at venasaur, which then exploded

Jacob: no!

Venasaur was now struggling to stand up

Gary: sorry Jacob, but venasaur is no match for blastoise

Jacob refused to give up, he began to communicate to venasaur telepathically

Jacob:(venasaur's mind) venasaur, you gotta fight

Venasaur:(mind) I don't I can Jacob, pls forgive me, but I have failed you

Jacob:(venasaur's mind) no you haven't venasaur, you never failed me, I believe in you venasaur, don't give up now buddy, never give up

Venasaur:(mind) your right, I can do this, I can do this, I CAN DO THIS

Just then venasaur sprung back up which shocked gary

Gary: what!

Venasaur: I'm not going down, not now, not ever

Gary: this is impossible?

Jacob: no it's not Gary, this is the bond between me and my pokemon, we never give up, no matter what, now venasaur use sunny day

Venasaur roared as the room got brighter

Jacob: now use giga drain

Venasaur launched a bunch of beams that wrapped around blastoise, the beams began to drain blastoise's health and heal up venasaur, the sunny day effect made the move more powerful, when the attack was done, venasaur was now back to full health

Jacob: now venasaur, use frenzy plant

Venasaur used frenzy plant, one of the vines hit blastoise and sent him upwards

Jacob: now use bullet seed

Venasaur used bullet seed on blastoise

Jacob: seed bomb

Venasaur then used seed bomb

Jacob: petal blizzard

Venasaur released a petal blizzard on blastoise, blastoise was taking the attacks while he was in the air, the attack were doing major damage, blastoise then began to fall down

Jacob: venasaur use solar beam

Venasaur began to charge up a solar beam

Jacob: let me tell you something gary, me and my pokemon will always win, cause our bond is unbreakable and it will never die, now venasaur fire

Venasaur fired the solar beam which completely engulfed blastoise

Gary: blastoise!

Blastoise fell to the ground defeated as he reverted to his normal form, venasaur also turned back to normal

Jacob: yay we did it

Jacob and venasaur began to cheer

Gary: wow, you sure are something Jacob

Jacob: yep, good match though, you did your best

Gary: yeah thanks

They both shook hands

Gary: well, looks like your the champion now

Jacob: yep, so what are you gonna do now

Gary: well Jacob I've decided that I'm gonna become a pokemon researcher just like my grandfather

Jacob: thats great well good luck Gary

Gary: you too Jacob

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