Chapter 9: bugs, bugs and more bugs

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Jacob and the team rocket trio reunited with misty and leaf and were now walking on route 2

Unfortunately misty and leaf were not fond with team rocket joining them

Leaf: hey Jacob can we talk pls

Jacob: what is it

Leaf: well, look I understand you want to take down team rocket but do we really have to bring them with us

She was pointing at team rocket

Misty: yeah I agree with leaf, I don't trust them especially the old hag

Jessie:(angry) will you stop calling me that

Jacob: guys we talked about this, they will be joining us until team rocket is defeated and that's finale also misty can you stop calling her that I get that you don't like her but you don't have to be that mean

Jessie: thank you

Misty: fine but I still don't trust them and the only thing that I hate more than them are...

Just then these two pokemon touched her legs

Caterpie: male

Weedle: male

Misty instantly screamed when she saw them

Misty:(screaming) BUGS

She fell down and began to crawl away from the


Just then Jacob caught the two bug pokemon and she calmed down

Jacob: woah misty are you okay?

Misty: I'm fine I just don't like bug pokemon, they freak me out

Jacob: really I find them interesting

Misty: I don't care just keep them away from me

Jacob: um that might me a problem based on where were go in

They look forward and they saw Viridian forest

This forest was filled with bug pokemon and misty didn't like it one bit

Misty: nooooooooooo

Jessie: ha sucks for you twerp

Misty: shut up

Jacob: enough we're going in

Misty: fine but I'm staying behind you and you better keep the bugs away from me

Jacob: I'll do my best

Small Timeskip

The team was now inside the forest

Misty: I can't I'm actually in this forest

Jacob: ah calm down misty it's not that just look around and enjoy the scenery

James: I actually agree with him it's not bad here

Misty: well I don't like it and I want to get out as soon as possible

Jacob: fine

Just then they saw a pikachu walking around

Pikachu: male

This caught team rocket's attention

Jessie: it's a pikachu

James: I don't think the boss has one

Meowth: let's capture it

They pulled out a giant net but right before they could use it Jacob snatched the net from them

Jacob: What the hell are you doing?

Jessie: capturing the pikachu

Jacob: you are not capturing Pokémon with nets that is illegal and wrong

James: but we need it for the boss

Jacob: I don't care about your boss he doesn't deserve a pikachu if anything he deserves a big slap in the face, now if your going to catch Pokémon you will catch them the normal way and you will not be giving any of them to your boss

James: fine

Jessie: well how would you catch it

Jacob: like this

Jacob pulled out a king ball, threw it at the pikachu and successfully caught it

Jacob: see, no need for any nets

???: leaf, Jacob

They turned and saw yellow with her pikachu

Jacob: hey yellow

She ran up to jacob and started hugging him like crazy as the others watched

Jessie: um is your friend always this energetic

Leaf: yep

Yellow then stopped hugging Jacob

Jacob: good to see you again yellow

Yellow: same say who are your friends

Jacob: oh this is misty, Jessie, james and meowth

Misty: hi

Yellow then realized that Jessie, james and meowth are part of team rocket

Yellow: hey those three are team rocket members

Jacob: yes but don't worry there with me until they take me to their leader

Yellow: oh okay

Jacob: so what are you doing here

Yellow: I was trying to catch some pokemon here, so far I caught a butterfree

Jacob: that's great

Misty: I'm can we pls go back to finding a way out of here

Yellow: oh can I come with you guys, I can help you guys get out of here

Jacob: sure

Yellow: yay

Small Timeskip

Our team was now walking around the forest trying to catch pokemon, Jacob was able to catch these two pokemon

Metapod: male

Kakuna: male

Jacob: man this forest is big

Yellow: I know right

Just then this pokemon landed on Jacob's shoulder

Butterfree: female

While no one was looking Jacob as able to talk to it

Jacob: hello there

Butterfree: hello

Jacob: how are you

Butterfree: I'm good

Jacob: that's good

Butterfree: you looking for bugs to catch

Jacob: yep say you want to join me

Butterfree: sure

Jacob then caught butterfree

Yellow: hey guys you gotta come over her

Jacob and the others followed her and they saw this pokemon

Beedrill: male

The beedrill was trying to get it's stinger out of a tree

Jacob: it's a beedrill

Leaf: it looks like it's stuck

Jacob: we should help it

Misty: no way I'm not going near it

James: yeah I think I might me allergic to bee stings

Meowth: I don't want to get stung

Jacob: fine I'll do it, you guys stay back

Jacob walked towards the beedrill

Jacob: hi there

Beedrill noticed him and got aggressive

Beedrill: stay back, I'm warning you

Jacob: woah woah I'm not trying to hurt you

Beedrill: yeah right you humans are always bothering us beedrills, all we want is to be left alone in peace

Jacob: I'm not just a human

Beedrill: what do you mean you're not...

Just then beedrill realized who he was

Beedrill: wait are you the boy with Pokémon powers

Jacob: yep

Beedrill: (gasp) oh my god I'm so sorry I thought you were another annoying human

Jacob: it's okay

Beedrill: say you think you can help me get unstuck

Jacob: sure

Jacob grabbed beedrill from behind and began to pull him out

Jacob: how did you get stuck in the first place

Beedrill: some humans were disturbing me and I chased them here but when I tried to sting them, they moved out of the way and my stinger got impaled to this tree

Jacob: woah that's rough

Beedrill: yep

Just then Jacob was able to free the beedrill

Beedrill: ahh that's better thank you

Jacob: you welcome

Beedrill: I really wish humans were like you the humans I meet are mean and annoying

Jacob: oh

Jacob then had an idea

Jacob: say why don't you join me

Beedrill: really

Jacob: sure I'm traveling with some humans that are nice but I'll make sure no one bothers you

Beedrill: hmm well I am tired of dealing with mean human here so I guess I can join you

Jacob: alright

He then caught the beedrill


It was now night time and our guys were still in the forest

Jacob: um guys maybe we should call it a night

Misty: I am not sleeping outside where the bugs are

Just then bluey saw something up ahead and made some noise

Jacob: what is it bluey

They looked forward and they saw a small log cabin up ahead

Jacob: hey look a log cabin perfect

They all went inside the cabin and looked around

Leaf: hey does this cabin belong to someone

Jacob: I don't know but we're only staying for the night so we won't be around for long now lets all take out our sleeping bags

Everyone except jessie pulled out their sleeping bag

James: didn't you bring your sleeping bag?

Jessie: no I didn't think I would need it

Jacob then walked over to her and tapped her shoulder

Jacob: here, you can have mine jessie

He handed her his sleeping bag which made her blush, this was the nicest thing anyone has done for her in a long time

Jessie:(blushing) y-you would do that for me?

Jacob: sure I'm not gonna let you get cold

Jessie blushed even more until meowth appeared

Meowth: looks like someone's in love

Jessie: SHUT UP

She kicked meowth in the face which sent him to the wall

Meowth: ow

Yellow: but now you don't have a sleeping bag Jacob

Jacob: ah don't worry I'll be fine now lets get some rest

They all went to sleep while jessie was thinking about Jacob

Jessie:(mind) I think I am in love?

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