Chapter 2: Lianna's Rival, Spinarak and Corren!

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As Lianna enters the tall grass, she encounters a wild Marill! "Ooh! Let's catch it! Sentret, use tackle!" Lianna called out to Sentret. Sentret used tackle on the Marill. "Okay! Now use tackle, but more gently..." Lianna asked Sentret. Then suddenly, a random person called out loud. "Marill! Use Water Gun!" Someone called, as the Marill used water gun on Sentret. "Wait, this isn't a wild Marill?" Lianna asked confused. Then a girl named Lisa appeared. "No, it's mine." She explained. "W-who are you?" Lianna asked the girl. "I'm Lisa, World Class Contest Coordinator." She explained to Lianna. "I'm Lianna, a trainer who wants to become the greatest Pokémon master. I'm sorry for almost catching your Marill." Lianna apologized to Lisa. "You even tried. You know that." Lisa said, a little annoyed. "I'm sorry... I'm a new trainer who with my pals Chikorita and Sentret." Lianna explained. "So Bloom is involved? Great..." Lisa said. "What's wrong with Professor Bloom?" Lianna asked a little worried. "Nothing. Wanna battle?" Lisa asked. "Yes. I am already fighting your Marill. Your turn." Lianna said as Lianna prepared her first Pokémon battle.

"Ice Beam!" Lisa called as Marill used an Ice Beam. Sentret got hit. "Hold on Sentret!" Lianna called as Sentret held on. "Bubble beam!" Lisa called. "Oh no. Hurry! Tackle!" Lianna called as Sentret weakly did a tackle. "Sen.." Sentret called. Marill got weak. "Aqua Ring!" Lisa called as Marill used Aqua Ring to heal herself. "Use tail whip!" Lianna called, as Sentret used tail whip, lowering Marill's defense. "Marill! Ice beam!" Lisa called, Marill used an ice beam again and hits Sentret. "Sen!" Sentret cried as she fell onto the ground. "Sentret! Get up!" Lianna called as Sentret got up weakly. "Good! Now use tackle!" Lianna cried as Sentret shouted her name and used tackle. Marill gets hit again, but is healed with aqua ring. "Enough of this! Marill, bubble beam!" Lisa cried as Marill used bubble beam. "SEN!" Sentret cried as she fainted. "You fought hard Sentret. Chikorita, you're up!" Lianna called. "Chika!" Chikorita explained happily. "Chikorita! Use tackle!" Lianna explained as Chikorita used tackle, causing Marill to faint. "Good job, Aqua." Lisa explained, learning that Marill's nickname is Aqua. "Go Cinder!" Lisa explained, sending out a Cyndaquil named Cinder. Lianna was shocked about the Cyndaquil. "A Cyndaquil... if only I had a Pokédex... Chikorita, use tackle again!" Lianna called to Chikorita. Chikorita used tackle on the Cyndaquil. "Ember!" Lisa commanded Cinder, who scorched Chikorita in its flames. Chikorita fainted onto the ground. "Chikorita, return." Lianna said sadly as she returned Chikorita to his Pokéball. "Good battle. Now I gotta heal my Pokémon, and I don't have any revives..." Lianna said sadly. "Wait! I'll heal them." Lisa said as she healed Sentret and Chikorita to full health. "And here." Lisa said, handing Lianna a Pokédex for her own. Lianna smiles. "Thank you so much." Lianna said as she takes the Pokédex from Lisa. "You wanna travel with me and explore the Johto Region?" Lianna suggested to Lisa. "No. But we're rivals." Lisa said. "Oh. Well, I hope we can meet each other again soon. I'm gonna keep trying to make friends and catch them all." Lianna said. But sadly, Lisa already left.

"Oh... bye then." Lianna said quietly. Lianna then let Chikorita out of his Pokéball. "Let's go make new friends." Lianna suggested as she headed into the tall grass. Chikorita nods in agreement. Lianna looked out towards the tall grass and called out again. "Any Pokémon who would wanna be friends with me?!" She called out loud. Then, a rustle was heard in the tall grass. Lianna approached the tall grass that rustled. "H-hello?" Lianna asked nervously. Then a cute little green spider Pokémon called Spinarak attacked. "Oh gosh! I gotta catch you! Chikorita, use tackle!" Lianna called to Chikorita. Chikorita tackled the Spinarak. She was left at 3 HP. "Girl... or boy... you're mine!" Lianna called as she tossed a Pokéball at Spinarak. She was caught into her Pokéball. "Yay! I caught her!" Lianna called as she let Spinarak out of her Pokéball. "Spin?" Spinarak asked confused. "Hi girl, I'm Lianna." Lianna said as she sprayed Spinarak with a potion, healing the little spider Pokémon. "Spi!" Spinarak called out in happiness. Lianna petted the sweet little spider Pokémon, making making an adorable expression on her face. Spinarak felt happy and smiled sweetly too. Lianna then noticed a bunch of oran berries growing on a bush. "Ooooh!!!" Lianna said, addicted to the sweet blue fruit. A few of the berries fell. Lianna went over and gathered up all the berries that fell. "These will be good for my friends!" Lianna explained.

Later, Lianna and her friends arrived into a new town. Lianna had Chikorita by her side. "Here we are." Lianna said as they entered the next town. There was a shady guy who was called Corren, standing alone, silent. "Uh... who are you?" Lianna asked, confused about the shady guy. "Battle me." He said. "F-fine.. Chikorita, I choose you." Lianna said as Chikorita was ready for battle. "Go Charmeleon." Corren said as he sent out a powerful Charmeleon. Lianna was shocked again, but even more because this was a Charmeleon. This would be the equivalent of if Lianna fought Lisa, but Cinder would be a Quilava instead of a Cyndaquil. "Oh gosh. I'm just a beginning trainer who doesn't even have a Chikorita with any grass moves. Chikorita, use tackle!" Lianna called out. "Chika!" Chikorita cried out as he tackled Charmeleon. Charmeleon was now at 23 HP. "Ember!" Corren called. It was super effective on Chikorita. "Hang on!" Lianna called as Chikorita managed to successfully hang on. "Okay! Use tackle again!" Lianna cried as Chikorita used tackle again. Charmeleon fainted and Corren returned it. "Go Totodile!" Corren called as he sent out the little blue gator, Totodile. "Chikorita, use tackle again!" Lianna called as Chikorita used tackle again. But it missed. Then a miracle happened, Chikorita's leaf started to glow as he then threw a bunch of razor-sharp leaves at Totodile. It learned Razor Leaf! "Wow! You learned Razor Leaf!" Lianna called happily. Chikorita landed the Razor Leaf on Totodile, causing it to faint. Corren stood there silent.

Lianna laughed and hugged Chikorita. "I won!" She called out happily. "Chi!" Chikorita called out happily. "Useless." Corren said. "You just don't understand friendship with Pokémon..." Lianna responded. Corren stood silently. Then a bunch of grunts who seemed to work for an evil team arrived. "Master Corren." They explianed. Lianna was surprised. "Your name is Corren? You're a leader?" She asked a little surprised. "Correct." Corren said. "I was told about evil teams before my journey began. I'm glad I beat you." Lianna said. Corren sent out a Pikachu. "How many Pokémon do you got?" Lianna asked. "400." Corren said. "I cannot take you on! I only have three Pokémon!" She cried as she returned Chikorita to his Pokéball. "Just wait until I get enough Pokémon to defeat you! You'll see! I'll travel the world and get stronger, both strength wise and friendship wise! You'll see!" Lianna shouted out loud. "Heh." Was all Corren said. Lianna quickly ran into town to the local Pokémon Center, not wanting to fight them all.

To be continued...

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