Chapter 22: The Disobedient Pichu

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Lianna then entered the Pokémon Center, thinking she needed an Electric Type Pokémon still. "Hello? Can I get my Pokémon healed again?" Lianna asked Nursenyan. "Of course." She said happily. "Thank you." Lianna said, handing her the Pokéballs. "I'm going to need an electric type Pokémon..." Lianna said. "Well, there is a wild Pichu on the loose." Nursenyan explained. "A wild Pichu on the loose? Maybe I could catch it..." Lianna said to herself. "All your Pokémon are healed." Nursenyan explained. "Okay. Thank you." Lianna said, taking her Pokémon and stopping by the store. "Any Pokéballs you sell that are special? Great Balls? Ultra Balls? Dusk Balls? Timer Balls? Quick Balls? Nest Balls? Net Balls? Dive Balls? Any ball?" Lianna asked the Catnyan, who was a store clerk. "Moon Balls, Fast Balls, Level Balls, Love Balls and Heavy Balls." Catnyan explained. "Can I take 10 of each ball?" Lianna asked. "That would be $5,600,000." He explained. "How about 3 of each ball instead?" Lianna asked. "$130,000." He said. "I'll take them!" Lianna said, paying up. Catnyan handed her the balls she asked for. "Thank you." Lianna said, heading out to search for Pichu.

"There is a Pichu running around town." Lianna said. There was a wild Pichu, stealing fruit. Lianna sends out her Misdreavus. "Hypnosis." Lianna commanded and Misdreavus obeyed. Pichu fell asleep and Lianna tosses a Fast Ball at it. Pichu was caught. "I caught it!" Lianna explained, smiling. "You know what..." Lianna said, she went to the computer, sent in Meganium, Ninetails and Azumarill to Professor Bloom's Lab and withdrew Caterpie, Nidoran and Pichu. "Listen up you three. We are going to be training hard. Caterpie, tackle that rock over there! Pichu, use Thundershock on that rock, and Nidoran, use Scratch on that rock. Nidoran and Caterpie obey, but not Pichu. "Pichu? Please do so." Lianna said sadly. Pichu was upset. Lianna tried to offer Pichu a berry. "Pichu?" Lianna asked Pichu. Pichu ignored the berry it was offered. Lianna picked up Pichu. "Why don't you wanna listen to me?" Pichu shocks Lianna. Lianna gets shocked by Pichu. "Ugh..." Lianna lets go of Pichu. "What is wrong with you?" Lianna asked, she then sighed and decides to train Caterpie and Nidoran some more. Pichu fell asleep and Lianna returned him into the fast ball. "Caterpie, tackle Nidoran, and Nidoran, use Scratch on Caterpie!" Lianna commanded, both obeyed and then Pichu gets out of the Fast Ball. "Pichu! Why you escape again?" Lianna asked Pichu. Pichu then runs away from Lianna. Lianna quickly returned Caterpie and Nidoran. "Pichu! Wait!" Lianna called and ran after him. Pichu ran faster though. 

Lianna got onto Pidgeot's back and follows Pichu in the skies. Pichu runs into a house. Lianna was shocked, she couldn't just barge in the house without permission. Lianna knocked at the door of the house. "Hello? Anyone home?" Lianna asked. "Hi." Lisa explained, answering the door. "H-hi Lisa. I just caught a Pichu who doesn't listen to me... he ran inside your house." Lianna said a little nervous. Lisa held Pichu in her arms. "Oh there he is. Why doesn't Pichu listen to me?" Lianna asked Lisa. "How did you catch him?" Lisa asked. "Hypnosis." Lianna explained. "I see the problem." Lisa explained. "What's that?" Lianna asked. "Cheap capture. " Lisa explained. "Oh..." Lianna said sadly. "How would you feel if you fell asleep, then when you woke up you were captured." Lisa asked her. "Oh... that makes me feel sad... Pichu... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to put you to sleep and capture you..." Lianna said sadly. "Chu!" Pichu said, frowning. "What's Pichu saying?" Lianna asked Lisa. Lisa shrugged, confused about what Pichu was saying. Lianna attempts to reach Pichu with wide and open arms. Pichu growls at Lianna. "I'm not going to hurt you! I will never try to put you to sleep again!" Lianna said sadly. "Don't say it like that." Lisa told Lianna. "Yeah... I am gonna be a good trainer! I love you!" Lianna said sadly. Pichu slowly walks towards Lianna. "Pichu?" Lianna asked, there was a sudden silence, but then Pichu goes into his ball. 

"I guess he likes me now. So, is this your home?" Lianna asked. "Mine in Johto." Lisa said. "Do you live somewhere else?" Lianna asked. "That's a personal question." Lisa explained. "Oh. I love my Pokémon. Wanna help me train up my Caterpie, Nidoran and Pichu?" Lianna asked Lisa. "Sure." Lisa responded. "But be careful, they aren't the strongest Pokémon..." Lianna warned. "Okay." Lisa responded. "Did you get any new Pokémon?" Lianna asked. "A Pikachu." Lisa responded. "Okay." Lianna said, sending out Nidoran, Caterpie and Pichu. "Let's get training!" Lianna explained. "Go Momo!" Lisa explained, sending out Momo, her new Pikachu. "Chu." Momo said. "Who wants to go first?" Lianna asked. Caterpie wanted to battle first. "Okay, Caterpie, use String Shot!" Lianna commanded and Caterpie obeyed. Momo was wrapped up in silky string. Caterpie used tackle and Momo was at 45 HP. Caterpie tackled Momo again, dealing 3 damage. "Good job, Caterpie!" Lianna explained. Momo uses Thundershock and Caterpie gets shocked. Lianna was thinking of when Caterpie would start glowing. As she thought of that, Caterpie was already a Metapod. "Meta." Metapod said. "Pika!" Momo explained. "Metapod! You evolved! Now you got a very delicate body." Lianna explained. Momo tackles Metapod. "Use Harden!" Lianna commanded, and Metapod used Harden, raising its defense. Momo used Thundershock. 'Bug bite!" Lianna commanded, and Metapod used Bug Bite, even though it didn't have a mouth. Momo was at 34 HP. Metapod used Harden again. Momo then used Thunderbolt. Metapod hangs on. "Meta!" Metapod explained and uses Bug Bite once more. Momo dodges and Metapod used String Shot. Momo dodges and Metapod used Harden again. "Just a little longer Metapod!" Lianna called out. Momo used Volt Tackle while Metapod used a regular tackle, colliding. "Meta!" Metapod called, falling back. "Get up Metapod!!" Lianna called, frowning. Then Metapod started to glow. "Metapod!" Lianna runs over to Metapod, seeing the shell of hers was cracked. "Free!" Butterfree called happily. "Butterfree! You evolved! Good girl!" Lianna said, smiling wide. "Who's next?" Lianna asked.

 Nidoran was up next. "Okay girl, use Poison Sting!" Lianna commanded. Nidoran obeyed and Momo dodges. Nidoran bites onto Momo's Tail. "Chu!" Momo cried out. Nidoran then shakes Momo. Momo uses Thunderbolt, shocking Nidoran. Then Nidoran glows. "Nidoran!" Lianna called, seeing her Nidoran evolve into Nidorina. "Rina." Nidorina explained. "You did it girl! I'm going to wait to evolve you later. Pichu, you ready?" Lianna asked Pichu. Pichu shook his head no. "Why not?" Lianna asked Pichu. Pichu wanted to stay a Pichu forever. "You wanna be a Pichu forever?" Lianna asked, thinking. "Lisa, do you have any Everstones?" Lianna asked. "Yes." Lisa said. "You think Pichu can have one? He doesn't wanna evolve." Lianna said. Lisa then handed a pendent with an Everstone on it. "Thank you." Lianna said, kneeling down and placing the Everstone pendent around Pichu's neck. "Thank you Lisa." Lianna explained. "No worries." Lisa responded. "I'm going to get going with my pals. I'll see you sooner or later." Lianna said, smiling. "By." Lisa explained. 

Lianna then heads out to face her final challenge before the Pokémon League, to face her greatest foe in a final battle. At least in Johto... 

To be continued...

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