Chapter 26: Elite 4 Battle! Lianna vs. Zazel!

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After defeating Komalulu, Lianna was ready to face off against the second Elite 4 Member. Zazel, the guy who made her show the badges, was waiting for Lianna to challenge him. He stood there, silently. "Hello?" Lianna asked, Zazel got started right away, by sending out an Alakazam. "A Psychic Type Elite 4 Member..." Lianna said, sending out Pidgeot. Pidgeot used a Brave Bird and Peck combo. Alakazam used a combination of Psychic and Gravity. Gravity caused Pidgeot to fall flat to the ground. "Too straight forward." Zazel explained. Lianna swapped out Pidgeot with Meganium.

Meganium used Solar Beam at Alakazam. Alakazam dodged and used Pyschic, followed by a series of Shadow Balls. Meganium used a series of Razor Leaf and Solar Beam. They clashed. "Wow!" Lianna explained in awe. Alakazam then used Gravity on Meganium. Meganium is slammed into the ground and then uses Razor Leaf. Alakazam kept using Gravity. Meganium kept using Razor Leaf. "Attack Pattern C!" Zazel commanded, Alakazam then used Hypnosis on Meganium followed by Nightmare. Meganium then takes a lot of damage from the Nightmare. Lianna swapped Meganium for Azumarill. Azumarill used Play Rough plus Hydro Pump. Alakazam dodged the attack, Azumarill did it again. Alakazam dodged again, while using Gravity. Azumarill lands onto the ground and then uses the combo some more. Alakazam then uses Shadow Ball, Azumarill counters with Hydro Pump again. Alakazam used Shadow Ball more, while Azumarill kept pumping out Hydro Pump. Alakazam was now at 135 HP, Azumarill used Play Rough, causing Alakazam to faint.

"Yay!" Lianna called happily. Zazel then sends out another Alakazam. Azumarill then uses a Hydro Pump and Ice Beam combo. The second Alakazam sends it back with Psychic. Azumarill jumps and uses Play Rough. Alakazam tried to use Hypnosis, but Azumarill closed her eyes to avoid the attack, while using Hydro Pump at the same time. Alakazam dodged the attack easily, Azumarill dodged the attack, while Alakazam dodged again and used Hyper Beam. Azumarill got hit and used a Hydro Pump and Ice Beam combo. Alakazam dodged again. Azumarill kept trying to hit it until it fainted. Alakazam dodged and used Gravity. Azumarill kept trying to use the Combo. Alakazam was using Gravity to force Alakazam deep into the ground. Azumarill tried to use Hydro Pump to keep herself up. Alakazam was applying more pressure on her. Lianna then returned Azumarill and sent out Mamoswine. Mamoswine used Earthquake, bringing Alakazam's health to 56 HP. Mamoswine then  used Blizzard, which Alakazam used Protect against. Mamoswine used it again, fainting Alakazam.

"Two down!" Lianna called happily, then a Hypno came out and used Hypnosis on Mamoswine, luring him into a slumber. Lianna swapped out Mamoswine with Ninetales. Mamoswine used Hypnosis, but Ninetales jumped out of the way, using Flamethrower. Hypno then grabbed her with Psychic and slammed her around the room. Anytime Ninetales got close to Hypno, she shot a Flamethrower. Hypno dodged again. Ninetales then broke free and used Flare Blitz. Hypno was down to 11 HP. Ninetales used Flamethrower, Hypno used Confuse Ray, confusing Ninetales. But she fortunately attacks like normal and faints Hypno.

"You're strong." Lianna explained. Zazel stood their silently, before sending out a Girafarig, a Giraffe Pokémon. Ninetales used Flare Blitz, but the Girafarig, nicknamed Gina, used Mirror Coat. Ninetales took Recoil damage, Girafarig then used Earthquake. Ninetales jumped and spread the whole floor in Flamethrower. Gina used Mirror Coat and sends back the Flamethrower back at Double the Power. Ninetales got hurt. Lianna swapped out Ninetales for Pidgeot. Pidgeot used Brave Bird and Peck combo. Gina used Psychic to slam it into the ground. Pidgeot flies back up and kept using the combo until it hits. Gina used a Psychic and Thunderbolt combo. Pidgeot dodged and used Steel Wing, while Gina countered with Mirror Coat. Pidgeot tried to attack Gina again, but it wouldn't work. Until he attacked Gina from behind. Gina was now at 55 HP. Pidgeot dodged and used Steel Wing again. Gina dodged and used Thunderbolt, while Pidgeot countered with Steel Wing. They clashed. Pidgeot used Brave Bird and Steel Wing. Gina used Psychic and Earthquake, but Pidgeot wasn't effected by the Earthquake, Gina then fainted.

Lianna quickly healed up Pidgeot and woke up Mamoswine. Zazel then sent out a Drowzee of all things. "A Drowzee?" Lianna asked, thinking this was ridiculous. "Yes." Zazel said. "What harm can a Drowzee do?" Lianna asked, Pidgeot then used Steel Wing. Then the Drowzee becomes One Punch Man and punched Pidgeot so hard that he faints. Lianna sent out Mamoswine, which he used an Earthquake and Blizzard combo. Drowzee then dodges and defeats Mamoswine again in one punch. Lianna was in complete shock and sent out Azumarill. Drowzee smirked. Lianna was confused. "Time to get serious." Zazel said. "Please don't!" Lianna begged. Drowzee used Ice Punch back to back. Azumarill then countered with Ice Beam. Drowzee hits her super hard. Azumarill used Hydro Pump and Play Rough combo. Drowzee used Psychic and Ice Punch. Azumarill used Bounce and Hydro Pump combo. Drowzee was at 45 HP. Azumarill used Play Rough again, fainting the one punch Drowzee.

"Yes!" Lianna explained happily. "Proceed." Zazel explained, letting Lianna into the next room. Lianna healed up her pals and then headed into the room of the third Elite 4 Member. She will then soon face her greatest challenge yet.

To be continued...

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