Chapter 28: Lianna and Celebi's Time Traveling Adventure!

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Lianna got into a battle stance as she prepared to face in the final battle to save the world. She took a deep breath, hoping to not lose. Mystica starts out to send out Persian. Lianna sends out her loyal Mamoswine. Mamoswine started out with Earthquake and Blizzard. Persian dodged and used Shadow Claw. Mamoswine got hit and used Mud Slap and Ancient Power combo. Persian dodged, climbed on top of Mamoswine and used Earthquake. Mamoswine tries to shake off Persian, but Persian clinged onto him with his claws. Mamoswine tried to use Blizzard around itself to try to knock off Persian. Persian used Earthquake to break away the Blizzard. Mamoswine countered with Earthquake. Persian bit down with Fire Fang. Mamoswine yells in pain, which then Lianna swaps Mamoswine out with Pidgeot. Pidgeot used Gust and Steel Wing combo. Persain used Protect, so Pidgeot used the combo from behind. Persian used Shockwave. Pidgeot used Steel Wing and Gust until it hit while Lianna healed up Persian. Persian used Shockwave again. Lianna swapped out Pidgeot with Ninetales. Ninetales used Flamethrower until it hit. Persian was down to 67 HP. Ninetails used Will-o-Wisp, burning Persian. Ninetales used Flamethrower, fainting Persian.

Mystica sent out Pokémon #2, an Espeon. Ninetales starts off with Will-o-Wisp. Espeon dodged and used Psychic. Ninetales gets lifted into the air and quickly tries to used Will-o-Wisp. Espeon used Protect. Ninetales broke free from the Psychic and used Flamethrower. Espeon dodged. Ninetales jumped up and created a circle of fire around Espeon. Espeon jumped and used Shadow Ball. Ninetales counters the Shadow Ball with Flamethrower. Espeon used Confuse Ray. Ninetales then hits herself in confusion. Ninetales tries to use Flamethrower again. Espeon used Morning Sun, healing herself up. Lianna was annoyed and healed up Ninetails with a full restore. Espeon used Dark Pulse. Ninetales used Flamethrower and Will-o-Wisp. Espeon protected itself again. Lianna returned Ninetales and sent out Meganium. Meganium charges up a Solar Beam. Espeon used Dark Pulse. Meganium held on and used Solar Beam. Espeon fainted.

Mystica sent out the third Pokémon, a Flareon. Lianna swapped out Meganium with Azumarill. Azumarill used Hydro Pump and Play Rough combo. Flareon used Protect and comtinued to walk forward. Azumarill bounces high and Flareon used Dig. Azumarill bounces down then used Hydro Pump into the hole. Flareon made it out just in time. Azumarill used Hydro Pump and Play Rough while Flareon's back was turned. Flareon was down to 5 HP. Azumarill shot a quick bullet of Hydro Pump at Flareon, fainting it.

"Halfway done!" Lianna called. Mystica then sent out a Jolteon. Lianna swapped out Azumarill with Mamoswine. Jolteon used Double Kick, while Mamoswine used Mud Slap and Earthquake combined. Jolteon uses its speed to dodge Mamowine's attack. Mamoswine then stomps down and holds down Jolteon, using Earthquake. Jolteon used Dig into the ground. Mamoswine used Blizzard in the hole, Jolteon dodged the attack. Mamoswine aims at the hole, waiting for Jolteon to attack. Jolteon jumped out from behind and double kicked Mamoswine. Mamoswine was shocked and used Blizzard everywhere. Jolteon jumped into the air. Mamoswine learned and used the One-Hit KO move, Fissure. The fissure missed, however. Mamoswine did it two more times, but they missed. Mamoswine used Earthquake and Ancient Power combo. Jolteon used Double Team, making multiple clones of itself. Mamoswine was confused and used Blizzard at all of them. The real Jolteon wasn't among the group, however. Mamoswine looked around confused, wondering where the original went. But then Jolteon jumped out from the ground and used Double Kick from behind. Mamoswine was shocked and used Earthquake until it hits. Jolteon was now at 3 HP. Mamoswine used an accurate Ancient Power and fainted Jolteon.

"Okay. Almost there." Lianna said, taking in a deep breath. The second to last Pokémon, an Umbreon was there. "Umbre!" Umbreon called out. Lianna sent out Azumarill, who used Play Rough. Umbreon dodged and used Hypnosis. Azumarill bounces up and out of the way. Umbreon dodged. Umbreon landed on the ground and used Hydro Pump and Play Rough combo. Umbreon dodged and used Shadow Ball. Azumarill got hit and used Play Rough until it hit. Umbreon dodged again. Lianna then swapped out Azumarill with Mamoswine. Mamoswine used Fissure, but it missed. Mamoswine used Earthquake, but Umbreon protected itself. Mamoswine uses Fissure again, but it missed. Mamoswine sighed sadly, feeling like it would never work. "Mamo..." Mamoswine said sadly. "Don't give up hope." Lianna said. Mamoswine finally got a hit on Umbreon. Umbreon was down to 11 HP, before using, Moonlight. Lianna was shocked. "H-how?! It was a One-Hit KO Move! Umbreon should be fainted!" Lianna yelled out loud. Mamoswine sighed sadly and tried again. "My Umbreon is very powerful." Mystica explained. Umbreon dodged and used Shadow Ball in Mamoswine's weak point. Mamoswine starts to cry. Lianna swapped out Mamoswine with Azumarill. Azumarill used Ice Beam and Hydro Pump. Umbreon countered with Dark Pulse and Shadow Ball. Azumarill bounces up into the air and crashes down onto Umbreon while using Play Rough. Umbreon used Protect. Azumarill then grabs Umbreon, bounces up, throwing Umbreon down and landing on top of it. Azumarill used Play Rough while Umbreon was on the ground. Umbreon glows and used Dark Pulse. Azumarill dodged and grabbed onto Umbreon and then sprayed Hydro Pump into its face. Azumarill bites onto Azumarill's tail and she soon fainted because of the pain.

Lianna then sent out Pikachu. "Use Thunderbolt!" Lianna commanded. Pikachu didn't listen. "Oh come on! You saved me before, why not listen to me?!" Lianna asked. She saw Umbreon preparing a Shadow Ball. "Look Out!" Lianna called. Pikachu stood there and fainted when he got hit. Lianna sent back out Mamoswine. Mamoswine sniffled and used Ancient Power. Umbreon used Dark Pulse. Mamoswine countered with Blizzard. Umbreon used Dark Pulse at Max Power. Mamoswine struggles to stay awake and tries using Fissure one last time. Umbreon dodged again. Mamoswine tearfully used Blizzard and Earthquake. "Don't cry, Mamoswine!" Lianna cried out loud. Umbreon used Protect, Mamoswine sobbed and tried to hit Umbreon. Umbreon was really annoyed with the crying and used Shadow Ball. Mamoswine a bit angry and a bit sad, used Fissure again. Umbreon backflipped into the air. Mamoswine shot an Ancient Power at Umbreon, dropping it down to 67 HP. Mamoswine tried one more Fissure, but it missed again. Mamoswine used one last Blizzard, fainting Umbreon.

"Yes! Good job!" Lianna explained, Mamoswine smiled happily. Mystica sent out the final Pokémon, Celebi. Lianna swapped out Mamoswine with Pidgeot. Pidgeot used Brave Bird and Steel Wing, Celebi used Leaf Storm to block. Pidgeot glided up and used Gust and Steel Wing. Celebi stood there silently, Lianna looked at it confused. Then Celebi transported everyone to the past.

Lianna was shocked. "Where are we?!" Lianna asked in surprise. "This is..." Enma started. "The night you shut me out!" Mystica shouted. "We traveled back to the past!" Lianna asked nervously. "Yes." Mystica explained. "Oh dear! Oh dear!" Lianna cried out loud. "Be calm." Jauo Kaire said. "Okay... but I never been to the past." Lianna said nervously. Mystica entered a house, Lianna quietly follows her and watched her. A young Mystica was crying, while Mystica watched. Lianna watched what happened, young Enma was with his partner, a Shiny Chimchar. Lianna watched in awe. Young Mystica had an Eevee. Lianna looked at the Eevee. Mystica then got an energy ball and aimed it at Young Enma. Lianna in shock, quickly jumped into the way of the ball, not wanting Mystica to hurt the young champion. "Why you!" Mystica growled angrily. "I'm not letting you hurt young Enma!" Lianna yelled, quickly healing and sending out her main team. "Fine." Mystica said. "Wait? You give up?" Lianna asked.

Mystica then did an unforgivable act, erasing all of Lianna's Pokémon from existence "N-no! No! You cannot do this! Please!!! Bring them back!" Lianna begged, starting to tear up. "MEGANIUM! PIDGEOT! AZUMARILL! NINETAILS! MAMOSWINE! PIKACHU!" Lianna screamed at the top of her lungs. "No." Mystica said. Lianna started to bawl hard. "YOU MONSTER!!!" She screamed, rushing over and attempting to beat up Mystica. "GIVE THEM BACK! I DEMAND YOU!" She screamed and sobbed. Mystica's Umbreon then quickly pinned her down. "Mystica! This is between you and me! Leave her out of this!" Enma yelled at Mystica. "LET ME GO MYSTICA!!!" Lianna screamed, struggling weakly. Mystica then quickly returned back her pals. Lianna got up and ran over to her pals and hugged them in tears. "Oh guys! I'm so happy you are okay... I was so worried about you... at least you are safe..." Lianna said happily in tears. The other pals hugged her back.

Lianna quickly returned her pals safely to their balls. "So. What do we do now?" She asked. "I will change my future." Mystica said. Lianna whimpered nervously, hoping for a miracle to happen. "Bi..." The little Celebi cried nervously. Lianna looked over at Celebi. Celebi was upset. Lianna slowly approached the Mythical Pokémon. "Celebi?" She asked it. Celebi didn't want this to happen. "Celebi? I can help you... can you transport us all to the present day? All of us?" Lianna asked it. Then Celebi did that, transporting them all to the present day. Lianna sighed in relief and then started to call to cops on Mystica. Enma then prevented this from happening. "Huh? Enma?" Lianna asked. "Don't." Enma said. "Okay..." Lianna said, hanging up. "I'm sorry for this happening... but I am glad I saved you in the past." Lianna said. "Thanks." Enma said.

"What do we do now, Champion Enma?" Lianna asked him. "This is all my fault." Enma said. "Maybe we can set things right. Maybe we can fix this. Maybe you and Mystica should bond together with one another. Try to set things right and fix them." Lianna said, taking Enma's hand and leading him over to Mystica. "Mystica, your brother will like to speak with you..." Lianna said, looking at Enma. "Be sure to keep calm." Lianna said to him. "Mystica, I'm sorry." Enma said. Lianna was hoping this would work. Mystica stood their silently. Lianna crossed her fingers. "Forgiven." Mystica said.

"Thank you. I think I will be on my way to the next region of Kanto. It's been a fasinating journey through all of Johto. Catching Pokémon, meeting friends and rivals, battling gym leaders. All the way up to reuniting a sibling relationship." Lianna said. "Good." Enma said.

And so, Lianna waved farewell as she and her pals headed to Professor Bloom's lab to prepare for the next journey.

The End.

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