Chapter 8: Filling the Dex!

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After becoming friends with her new rival, Filia. Lianna decided to go around the tall grass looking for more Pokémon to fill her Pokédex. A rustle was coming from some grass and Lianna went towards and entered the tall grass. A wild Mankey appeared!

"A Mankey! Ready, Bellsprout?" Lianna asked Bellsprout. "Bellsprout!" Bellsprout announced, jumping into action. Lianna tossed a berry into the air. "Use your Vine Whip to slide the berry into pieces!" Lianna commanded Bellsprout. Bellsprout obeys her command and sliced the berry into pieces. Mankey watched curiously. Lianna then have a piece of the berry to Bellsprout and another slice to Mankey. "There, nice Mankey..." Lianna said nervously, not trying to make it aggressive. Mankey takes the berry and eats it, this Mankey was surprisingly calm compared to most Mankey. "Good Mankey! You wanna be my friend?" Lianna asked Mankey. Mankey agreed happily. "Okay!" Lianna called, using a Friend Ball. Mankey entered the Friend Ball and it clicked. "Yes! That's another Pokémon for the Pokédex! But there is still so many more Pokémon to get..." Lianna said out loud. "Sprout." Bellsprout responded. Lianna then sent out Mankey and scanned it. Mankey was male and he knew Scratch, Low Kick and Leer. "Welcome to the team, Mankey." Lianna welcomed Mankey with open arms. "Man! Key!" Mankey replied happily. "Let's go find some more Pokémon! Maybe an Ekans, Spearow, Charmander, Squirtle, Scyther, Pinsir, Exeggcute, Horsea or another Pokémon!" Lianna explained. "Key! Man!" Mankey agreed with Lianna.

Lianna started to inspect some bushes. "Vee?" Eevee asked, jumping into a bush and looking around. "Any luck, Eevee?" Lianna asked Eevee. Eevee then found something and ran up to Lianna, giving her the gift she found. There was a pearl in that bush. "A pearl! Thanks Eevee!" Lianna congratulated Eevee. "Vee!" Eevee replied. Lianna takes the pearl then spots a pond. "Ooh! A pond!" Lianna announced. "Eevee? EEVEE!" Eevee shouted in excitement as she ran over to the pond and looked at her reflection in the water. Lianna takes out her fancy fishing rod and started to fish. At first, there wasn't a nibble in the pond. Eevee drinks from the pond happily. Lianna was waiting patiently for a bite. Eevee then spotted something in the water and jumped in. "Gah! Eevee!" Lianna cried out loud. "Eev! Vee! Vee!" Eevee called, just as a Pokémon jumped out of the water. "Oh my!" Lianna cried.

A Vaporeon appeared. "A Vaporeon?" Lianna asked the Vaporeon. "Vap. Vaporeon." Vaporeon responded. "Hello there, you seem to be happy." Lianna responded to Vaporeon. Vaporeon then runs away. "Hey! Wait!" Lianna cried out nervously. Vaporeon ran over to a girl named Fukua. "Oh Vaporeon! There you are! Where have you been?" She asked her Vaporeon, petting it. "Oh! That's your Vaporeon?" Lianna asked Fukua. "Yep. It's one of my best Pokémon." Fukua responded. "I have an Eevee." Lianna mentioned. "Oh that's cool." Fukua replied. "She loves me." Lianna explained as Eevee was rubbing her face on Lianna's cheek. "I see she does." Fukua said, noticing the moment. Lianna blushed and Fukua couldn't help but giggle. "I want to get other Eevee for each Eeveelution." Lianna explained. "Wow, that will take you a while." Fukua replied. "Yeah..." Lianna sighed a bit. "I already have it's evolutions." Fukua explained. "I wanna catch them all!" Lianna announced. "But that's impossible!" Fukua replied. "Nothing is impossible." Lianna said, determined. "Well yeah but..." Fukua started to say. "Never give up on your dreams." Lianna replied. "Well I guess that's true." Fukua replied. Lianna smiled sweetly. Fukua smiled back. "I am going to catch them all!" Lianna announced. "Well that will be cool to see." Fukua replied.

Lianna started to fish in the pond again. There was a bite. "I got something!" Lianna called, reeling it in. A Horsea was on the end of the bite. "Ooh! A Horsea!" Lianna called out, smiling wide. "Horsea." Horsea replied. Lianna used a Quick Ball and Horsea was caught. "Yes!" Lianna announced, holding up the ball. "Eevee!" Eevee announced, jumping for joy. Lianna sends out Horsea and scans it. She is a female and knows Bubble, Smokescreen and Water Gun. "Hey Horsea." Lianna said to Horsea. "Horsea." Horsea replied. "You wanna help me find a fire, ground and rock type Pokémon?" Lianna asked Horsea. "Horsea." Horsea replied happily. "Alright! Come on, Horsea and Eevee!" Lianna replied, leading the way. They followed agreed and followed behind, with Horsea floating. Lianna looks around and sees some rustling grass. Lianna entered the grass and encountered a wild Weedle! "A Weedle!" Lianna announced. "Weedle." Weedle called out. "Horsea, Smokescreen!" Lianna commanded. Horsea uses it and Weedle is blinded by the smoke/ink. "Now Bubble!" Lianna commanded. Horsea used it but it missed. "This was probably a bad idea..." Lianna regretted her decision. Weedle used Poison Sting and poisoned Horsea. "Oh no! Try to use Water Gun!" Lianna commanded. Horsea used it and it hits Weedle. Lianna throws a Net Ball and it worked!

"Yes!" Lianna called out. Horsea jumped for joy and Lianna sends out Weedle and scans it. He is male and knows Poison Sting and String Shot. "Hey Weedle. Butterfree is going to love you." Lianna said to him. "Weedle?" Weedle asked Lianna. "Wanna train up?" Lianna asked Weedle. "Weedle." Weedle responded. "Okay!" Lianna announced. Weedle looked keen on training. Lianna takes Weedle into the tall grass and entered some rustling grass and encountered a wild Spearow! "Use Poison Sting!" Lianna commanded and Weedle tried to do it, but Spearow dodged and tried to fly off in a panic and accidentally hit a tree. "Spearow! You okay?" Lianna asked it. Spearow was hurt. Lianna gently inspected its wing. Spearow flaps or gently. "Does it hurt?" Lianna asked it. Spearow tried to fly away but the wings hurts. "Shh! Shh! It's okay... I got you... I can draw for you..." Lianna said calmly. Spearow calmed down a bit and Lianna tried to feed it a berry, but it didn't want it. "I got to get you to a Pokémon Center..." Lianna said nervously. Spearow was in pain and Lianna picked it up gently.

"Eevee! Come with me!" Lianna cried out. "Vee!" Eevee replied and they raced to the next town's Pokémon Center to help save the Spearow.

To be continued...

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