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The girl stroked her Eevee on the head and she closed her eyes and smiled. Alive's Eevee is different as far as most Eevees go, because her Eevee, Eve, has a personality of her own.

A knock came from her bedroom door and her dad stepped in with a smile glazed across his face, "Hey Ive, I need to tell you something." her father said.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Guess what I finally convinced your mother to let you do...!" he smirked.

"NO WAY! Really?!" she gasped, setting her hands at her side while shifting her weight to her shoulders, "My Pokémon Journey!" she exclaimed.

Her father explained how he convinced her mother while she packed her green and purple backpack with spare clothes which consisted of a frilly pinkish orange and light purple layered shirt with orange cross straps. She also packed some pink elastic shorts that were identical to the current pair she was wearing, as well as the shirts. Her father also explained that she would have to keep in touch with him and her mother, who had worried for her. After packing the rest of her clothes, she went to her mom to thank her.

"I'm bringing Zorua with me too, right?" Alive asked her mom.

"If you want, I don't mind. Do you Carlos?" Her mother replied/asked, turning to Alive's father.

"Nope, no problems here." He shrugged.

There has been a Zorua around their area that they assumed had been abandoned by another Pokémon Trainer that was probably from the Unova region. The Zorua had been stopping by her house at night when Eve was asleep, so she hasn't met him before. But when he did show up at their house, Alive would spend her time with him to chat and gave him Pokèmon food to eat while she was there with him. So they had grown a strong bond toward each other,

"Only if you can catch him first," her mom added in.

She was given a bag of spare Pokéballs that her dad had because he was still a trainer himself who is trying to verify his own official Pokémon Gym, but Ive didn't know where.

So her family bid their farewells to her before she headed out to look for Zorua with a Pokèball clamped in her hand. It was strange that they had found a Zorua in the neighborhood, because they are from the Unova region, not in the Kanto region where she lived in Pallet Town. But she didn't plan on entering the Indigo League because she wants to explore the others regions such as the Unova region or the Johto region, which she was really looking forward to.

She stopped to look at Eve who was giving her a look of "What are we waiting for, let's go get your Pokédex and other stuff from the Professor!"

Alive and Eve were hanging around the outskirts of the house still, making Eve grow impatient.

"Zorua!" Alive called out, "I have great news! It's me! Ive!",

"Zor?" The faint sound perked up, "Zorua!" He said popping out of his hiding place.

"Hey, there you are!" She said bending over to stroke Zorua's head tuff, "I was wondering if I could ask you something that's really important to me." Alive gestured, acknowledging the fact that he may decline, considering that he was abandoned by another trainer.

The dark purple fox knew that his moment had arrived and lundged himself into her and gave Eve a warm welcoming smile as he waged his tail, excited to see the fabled Pokémon Alive had been talking about. When Eve looked back at him, his heart nearly flew, and his purple face revealed a shade of crimson under his sky blue eyes.

"So is that a yes then?" She asked the happy Pokémon,

"Zorua! Zor!" He barked.

Then Alive explained to them that she needed them to enter one of her Pokèballs for a while so that she has actually "caught" them. She bopped the Pokèballs on the foxes foreheads, making the Pokèballs release red rays from their centers, zapping both Eve and Zorua into the capsules. They each shook three times before making a click sound,

"If it's alright with you guys, I think I'll let you guys stay in there until we're at Professor Oak's Lab. Don't worry, I'll let you out before I choose my starter Pokémon! I don't want you guys to get exhausted!" Alive exclaimed.

She arrived at the windmill-like structure and knocked on the door, "Professor! It's me! Alive! I'm starting my journey today!" She banged,

"Settle down Ive my girl, come in." Professor Oak smiled,

"Alright guys, we're here." Alive said, holding out her Pokèballs.

"Vee!", "Zor! Zorua!" They cried,

"Wow, an Eevee and a Zorua. Very interesting," the Professor commented.

As they walked through the lab, Ive could hear different Pokémon voices through the walls. He led them to the center of the room where a machine with three empty sphere holders with another one in the middle, "Well," Prof. Oak said scratching the back of his head, "since I wasn't expecting anyone to come today, I didn't catch enough starter Pokémon." He admitted sheepishly, "You can come back later if you want,"

"Oh no, I couldn't do that. I've got big plans and really want to get started right away." Alive replied, noticing Eve and Zorua playing behind her. Professor Oak closed his eyes and thought over this, "Umm... Or perhaps I'll make an exception this one time." He mumbled strolling over to a shelf of labeled Pokèballs. Picking through the many capsules, he then came back to her with a Pokèball labeled with a sticker of a flame behind some fanned out figure that were like red curls, "I was trying to determine if you were the right trainer for this Pokémon, and by the looks of the ones you already have, I say he's all yours!" He handed her the Pokéball and finished his speech.

"He's a Vulpix right?" Ive asked at the particular design,

"Right. Another Pokémon Trainer found this Pokémon left behind in a garbage can in an alley. He said that he found him in critical condition, ..." The Professor went quiet. That startled Ive. Vulpix must have been through alot. Even her Pokémon stopped goofing around to see what was going on. "Let's just say this Vulpix almost didn't make it." The Pokémon Professor said, "You know what, it's too much trouble for you to handle-"

"-Oh come on-pretty please Oaky!" She begged,

"Alright, alright...Settle down now." He gestured. He handed her the Pokéball with the fire sticker on it and retrieved her Pokédex. They were about to leave when she remembered something,

"Oh wait! Professor!" She called out running back, "Do you have any Everstone?"

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