The Pondering of a Strange Girl

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What could read minds?

Would the world be a better place for you? Would you be able to anticipate people's needs? Just imagine, in class when a teacher asks a question you'd know the answers because they know the answer. Would you be able to reach out to people because you understand where they're coming from, instead of having to guess. You could say exactly what people need to hear at that moment. Would you be less afraid? Would you dare to do more because you'd know right away what the results were, knowing that your friends really do think you look good in an outfit, and they're not just saying it to be polite, would you have more confidence? Could you positively change the world because you see what others do not, find problems others will not admit to out loud?

Or...Would the world be a worse place? When people's minds have been stripped bare and their masks unveiled, will you like what you are priviledged to see? To hear people's true thoughts, to be able to see the depravity and ugliness of true thought, would that be so great? Would you become popular by manipulating people according to their hopes and dreams and even their worst fears and secrets. Or would you do the opposite, would you become a recluse, staying away from people because of what you discover. Perhaps you really are the friend everyone hates and your worst fears are confirmed. People's plastic smiles and fake words would mean nothing anymore unless you chose to continue believing it. Once the ugly truth is out there, what will you do? You'd be able to see deep in to their minds, imagine being next to a murderer, a pyschopath or deranged serial killer. What would it be like to see from their perspective, from the eyes of a rapist or a person who tortures people. Would it make the world a frightening place? To see the evil of this world, to be able to see people's worst parts that even they do not want to admit, would you want to be privy to people's worst fears, vulnerabilties, and the evil inside of every man?

No, perhaps, not being able to read minds, is rather a good thing in the end.

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