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Cara Jones's POV

"Say it Cara. Say you love me." He growled menacingly, standing over me with his hands tightly wrung around my neck, leaving me fighting for air.

Uncontrollable tears ran down my face as I pleaded desperately,"David please. Please, leave me." He squeezed on my neck tighter and tighter to the point that I can feel the life being squeezed out of me. My heart was beating so loud and fast it could of rival a drum solo from a rock band.

"Say you love me!" He demanded as I feel my face turn purple and a was wheezing for as much air as I could. This was not the man I fell in love with. His face showed nothing but pure evil. This man terrifies me and he wouldn't hesitate to end my life. No, I don't want to die, how do I escape him? God help me. Please.

"I love you. I love you!" I barely choked out, it wasn't true, I lied. I want it to stop. I didn't have any other choice.

I jolted awake out of bed, gasping for air and pulled at the non-existing hands that were wrapped around my neck to break free. Realizing that there was no hands I calmed down, I'm free, I sighed as I was drenched in sweat. Why? Why can't these horrifying memories leave me? Why can't I just live a normal, happy life?

I felt tears sting my eyes and silently roll down my face. No, I shouldn't cry. I can't cry. I rubbed them away fiercely and I dragged myself out of bed. Going into the bathroom I washed the sweat and stress from my body with a bath. Standing in my closet I had to decide what to wear for the day.

Today, I have an interview with the Rodriguez company's C.E.O. I'm hoping to get the job to pay my onslaught of bills that's piling up as months go by.

I glanced at the clock to see that it's already 8:30 which leaves me with half an hour to get to the interview. I swore under my breath, quickly got ready and rushed to eat my breakfast. I took my files from my room, running out firmly locking the door to my abode behind me and went to hail a cab.

The taxi drove to my destination in 15 minutes and when we got to the front of the building I paid him and sped into the building where I was met with the reception hall. There, sitting at the receptionist desk, was a woman in her late twenties with straight blonde hair. As I walked up to her she gave me a look that made me self conscious and rolled her blue eyes.

"How can I help you?" She asked slowly with clear disdain in her voice.

"I came here for an interview with Mr. Rodriguez." I timidly whisphered looking down to the ground.

I hate it. I no longer was that confident girl, I had zero confidence, sometimes I just pity myself.

"Yes. It's on the 20th floor." She pointed to the elevator. As I walked to them I felt tears in my eyes. All I could think about is him, him and only him. I quickly wiped my tears away. Come on Cara get a grip! You should have self confidence. You can fight it. I encouraged myself as I pressed the 'up' arrow button and waited.

The elevator doors opened with a smooth clank and I walked in with my files in one hand while my other pressed on the '20' button. Just as the elevator doors were about to close large fingers wedged between the doors forcing them to open again.

With the doors ajar, stood a 6'4 tall man, his face is cold and serious, wearing a tailored black suit and tie with a white shirt underneath. Shocked, I looked up at him and met his eyes. There was a certain level of coldness to them, but they seem to captivate me for some reason.

He was extremely attractive to the point that any women could easily fall for him, with his sculptured face and tall build he looked like a runway supermodel that displays expensive brands products for men, but his cold demeanor scared me.

I quickly looked away and moved into the corner of the lift, gluing myself to it. I didn't raise my head for the fear of meeting his piercing gaze I knew was staring at me. I kept my eyes down at my feet and clutched my files tightly to my chest, letting my hair fall as a curtain between us shielding me away from him.

From the corner of my eyes I could see him move his hand to my face, as it moved closer I tried to blend myself a little more into the steel wall. His hand came and pushed my hair from my face to behind my ear. I quickly lifted my head to see him looking down at me with an emotion in his eyes that I can't quite decipher. His gaze upon me was so intense it felt as if my body was on fire, I caught myself getting lost in his deep, dark, blue eyes. He was about to touch my cheek, but I turned my body away from him quickly.

He caught my arm and turned me, pulling me against him then locked me to his body by grabbing my waist. As we were both looking into each others eyes I didn't feel an ounce of fear. I don't know why, but I felt safe with him. I would usually freak out in such a situation. Why is this happening?

Before he could proceed to do anything else the elevator dinged and he letting me go to leave. I thanked all the gods for saving me. But why was there is something about him that attracts me to him.

I shook my head shoving the thoughts out of my head and left the elevator to the reception table on the floor.

"Excuse me?" I questioned the girl that was probably in her early thirties at the counter.

She turned around and smiled at me.

"Yes, how may I help you?" She asked when she saw me.

"I came here for an interview wi-" I was saying but she cut me off, "Oh dear, go and sit in one of the chairs. Everyone is waiting. The boss just came." She said and I turned back to sit where she told me to sit.

There were a lot of girls here. Are they all for the interview? God, how will I get this job. Most of them are wearing slutty clothes and some look good. They're all beautiful, how can I compare to them?

I heard that the C.E.O of Rodriguez company was a playboy and If he is then it's guaranteed that I won't get the job. Why would I get it? I'm just a simple, plain girl. But still I sat making everyone turn in their chairs to look at me and gave me are-you-seriously-here-for-the-interview-with-Mr. Rodriguez look. I shrugged and looked away.

One by one, they went inside and quickly as they went in, they came out. Some furious, some without any expression and others with disappointment. All the girls that went in had gotten rejected. Even the girls who dressed like sluts. If they got rejected, he would definitely reject me, I thought to myself.

Soon everyone has gone through, it was finally my turn and I grew tense. Come on Cara, you can do it. No one can stop you. It's just an interview. Just be confident in yourself and it'll pass by like nothing. You need this job. Don't back down. I motivated myself.

Repeating my motivational speech multiple times, I knocked on the door.

"Come in." An angry voice boomed with so much power it sent shivers down my spine.

I shook the feeling away and straightened myself out. What the hell? Cara, concentrate!

I twisted door knob and pushed the door opened to meet the face of the man that I had the scary encounter with in the elevator. My eye's widened in shock. Was he Ace Rodriguez?

As we made eye contact, his lips pulled up into a smirk.


Hey readers.

So this is my first chapter of the story.

Please any comments you have I will be happy If you leave some.

Good or bed I want to know if you like it.

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