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Cara Jones's POV

"Where should I start?", I asked as I tried to move from his lap, but hr held me in place.

"Who is David?", he asked looking into my eyes.

I sighed looking down.

"David was my husband".

"Was?", he asked shocked.

"Yes. We are divorced".

"Divorced? Why?", he asks again with same shock.

"I will start from first", I said and took a deep breathe.

Ace was having a serious expression. I looked at him and let my breathe that I took in out. How am I going to say?

"David and I met in a our college. We became friends and soon our relationship bloomed into attraction and then love. David said he always loved me from the first time he saw me. I felt happy around him. We are so much in love.

Many people said he was dangerous, but I never listened to them. I should have listened to them. I am orphan so no one was there to accept or reject our relationship. David came out of his house when he was eighteen, We lived in same house that we brought in the last year of university.

We were happy. My only friend is Siara. She was happy that I am happy. He made me feel special and that I am his life. I am so deeply in love. He is so much possessive. He can't bear another man looking at me. He once punched a guy on our date cause he was looking at me.

After our completion of studies we got jobs, but David didn't want me to do job. So I quit it. He proposed me to marriage and I instantly said yes.

At first it was my dream of having a life with love came true, but then slowly everything started to change. He started shouting. I thought it was work pressure. No. It was not. He one day slapped me. Then he said sorry and everything became normal again. Slowly he kept beating me.

I did everything to not make him angry. His anger is something that I didn't want to face. He locked me in his house", I said and tears are falling unstoppably. Ace tensed whenever I said he hurt me. Rage is clear in his eyes.

"Then he kept torturing me. He beat me. He beat me with his belt, stick or whatever is available to his hand. He used me. He abused me.

I trusted him a lot. He is the only person I trusted and loved after my parents died and he did all this. What have I done wrong? I didn't understand. Bu he is a psycho. He scares me. Even now.

I don't know what I did to deserve this. I once tried to take my life away due to his torture. It's almost death and even bad. I prayed for god to help. No one came. I mas alone. I was scared. I changed from a happy girl to a weakling. I lost hopes on my life.

But luckily Siara some how found out abut it. She took video of what he did to me and helped me escape. We went to court for divorce. I was kept hidden till then so that David doen't threaten me. We showed videos to the judge and he is now in jail.

But what scares me most is the words he said before going to jail, 'I will come back for you my love, but this time I will not let you slip'.

I am so scared he will come back and take me to that world that I didn't want. I will kill myself if I hav-", Ace stopped me by putting his fore finger on my lips stopping me.

I am looking into his eyes with my teary eyes. He wiped them away shaking his head.

"No, a beautiful girl like you should never cry", he said and kissed my forehead.

I put head in his neck and relaxed. His hand is on my back and other on my hair soothing me. We stayed like that for some time.

"How many years is he going to be in jail?", Ace asked.

I lift my head and put my hands around his neck.

"Seven years", I said.

"Just seven years. He should get more than that. No women should be treated like that".

I smiled.

"I know and thank you".

"Thank you?".

"For listening to all what I said".

"No. I want to know you. More and more about you".


"Cause I lo- like you", he said caressing my cheek.

"I don't know hiw, but I like you too Ace".

"But as a boss", he muttered.

"Not as a boss, but more", I said putting my hand on his cheek.

We were both looking into each other eyes and slowly his lips were on mine. I let him in without hesitation. He took full use of it and exploded my mouth showing how much he loves me.

After some time we both pulled away.

"I will not let him come near you again. Not even his shadow will touch you. I like you so much Cara. So much. Your are so beautiful and seeing you wearing those short pencil skirt that hug your body and show your curves made me turn wild and hard", he said and I blushed crimson red.

"When Mason asked you come out I am full on rage. I don't want you to go with me. I want you to be mine forever", he kissed my nose and every part of my face.

I giggled and kissed him back. He was shocked at first, but kissed me back. We made out for some time near the fire place. He is on the top of me and me on the white woolen mat soft under me. I smiled into the kiss.

We stopped and stared at each other.

"Come let's sleep. We will talk the remaining tomorrow", he said and took my hand helping me up. He kissed it and intervened our fingers. We both made our way to upstairs. I was about to go to my room he stopped me.

"Sleep with me tonight, just sleep nothing more", he pleaded and I nodded my head smiling. Just a sleep cannot destroy anything right.

"Let me change my clothes", I said and he nodded. I went into my room then I remembered I don't have any night ware to sleep. I can't wear them and sleep with him.

I opened my back and searched it totally, but didn't find nice clothing other than my work clothes.

"Ugh!!!!!!!!!", I groaned.

I searched again and found one black lacy skimpy nightie. Only this is a dress that covers more of my body that I have in here. I cursed and went to bath. I cam out and wore it. How can I go to his room wearing this? Maybe it is not a good idea to sleep with him.

If I reject him, he will throw me over his shoulder and take me to his room. That's for sure. I know him.

I was thinking when my door opened. Ace stood there. I am nervous. It is dark so he can't see me.

"Ace don't pu-", I was about to say to not put on the light but he switched it already. He looked shocked and smirked at me. He came closer with that conceited smirk. That conceited bastard. I blushed and looked down shyly.

"Wow! You know you don't need to seduce me by wearing all these. Just you look is enough for me to have hard down. But this is good too. This suits you perfectly. But what suits you is nothing, just naked", he said winking.

I gasped and hit his chest. He laughed loud. Oh! How beautiful his laugh was.

"I didn't want to. I told you this was all Siara's doing. I don't have a hand in this", I said and looked away.

"And I will not sleep with you", I said sternly.

"Well that's not happening. You said you will sleep with me right. Now come", he said whining and grabbing my hand.

"No", I ook my hand away from his grip and folded my hands under my chest.

He took my hands ans put them around his neck. I looked at him confused. Then he grab hold of my thighs and put them around his hips. I let out an yelp as he did it. I hugged him tight not wanting to fall down.

He is carrying me out of his room.

"Leave me. I will sleep in my room", I said wiggling.





He took me to his room and set me down on his bed and I quickly went to his door but he locked it. He showed me the key and threw it away in that dark room.

I folded my hands and huffed. I am struck. But I don't feel bad about it. This is going to be a long night.

He put me in bed and sunggled closer to me cuddling with me. I made me feel content. It made me feel safe


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Finally the truth is out.

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