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Cara Jones POV

"Baby it's okay. I am alright", Ace said while wiping a tear that is running down my cheek.

"Stop it you idiot. See you hit your head on the steering and blood came out. They put a bandage on you elbow, head and wrist. You say you are okay? Can't you see that you are hurt? I can't bear if something happens to you", I said cupping his face and kissing his cheek.

"Love. Stop crying. I can't see you crying. Not because of me. They are all just minor injuries and you ar reacting as if I am dead an-", I hit him on the shoulder.

"Don't say such type of stupid words. I don't like them from your mouth. You should have been a little more careful. See what happened now". I know David did it, but if Ace is a little more careful, he could have not been hurt.

David tried to kill him and show it off like a car accident. How dare he? But I can't do anything. Should I tell about this to Ace? May be I should but not now.

It's not the right time. He is ill and I should take care of him. Not add my problems to his.

"Okay. The mistake is mine, now will you please stop scolding me. God! You are worse than my mother", he said and I wiped my tears. Mother? Where are his parents? I never asked him and he never talked about them.

"Ace why didn't your parents come?", I asked him while taking his hand in mine. He didn't say anything.

He kept looking her and there.


"They are dead", he replied looking down. I gasped. Dead? And I didn't even know about that. I am the worst girl friend ever.

"I am sorry Ace. I didn't know. I am an idi-", he cut me off with his fingers on my lips.

"No. Only I should be your idiot. Not even you for yourself and don't worry. I am used to live like this", he said kissing my hand.

"But how did they die?".

"They were both met with an accident two years ago", he said sadly. I have seen him like this. I hugged him tightly to me.

"It's okay. I am there for you now", I said while kissing him on the lips sweetly.

"The doctor said I can be discharged today as these are not minor injuries. So, let's go home", he said looking at me.

"Okay", I replied softly.

The doctor dealing with Ace came and checked him once again. I talked to doctor about his condition. I don't want anything happening to him. All the time I felt his eyes on me and I caught him staring at me. I took the prescription and went to pharmacy that is inside the hospital.

"Excuse me, I want these medicines", I showed the prescription to them and took the medicines. I quickly went to Ace and he is discharged after an hour or so. We both went to his house and I helped him with changing clothes and other things.

All the while going home I felt someone looking at us. Even now when I am helping Ace I can sense someone's eyes on me. I shrugged it off. I should first take care of Ace.

I looked down to see Ace staring at me with love in his eyes. I helped him brush his hair.

"What?", I asked smiling down at him.

"I love you so much", he said looking into my eyes.

"I like you too", I replied back. I know I love him but it is not the right time.

"No. You love me so much. I know that, but I don't mind. Take your own time to realize that", he said taking my hand and kissing it while looking into my eyes.

Suddenly I remembered how David made me say I love him. He used to beat me to make me say it and here is Ace waiting for me patiently to say it. They are both so much different from each other. YAK! How did I even compare them both. David can no where come closer to Ace.

"Love what happened?", he asked with concern and stood up.

"Nothing, let's get you to bed", I while we both walked to his bed and as I was about to make him sleep, he pulled me down with him on his bed and his body covered my whole body.         i         yelped and gasped.


"Sleep with me tonight. I promise I won't try anything. I just want to hold you", he said while caressing my cheek and kissed my lips sweetly.

"Okay", I agreed instantly. I can't leave him. I didn't even think of leaving him in the first place.

"But just one kiss please. I was not able to be with you the whole day except for now. Please", he pleaded me with his eyes. How can I not say no.

I nodded my head and he crushed his lips to mine. The kiss was sweet and full of love. Our tongues not fighting, but moulding with each other. He tasted every inch of my mouth and his hot tongue swirled in my mouth sending pleasure down my body parts.

I moaned into kiss. He smirked and started kissing my neck. He stopped suddenly and pulled away. I gave him a questioning look.

"I can't control myself if I go any far", he said and kissed my fore head. I blushed and hid my face in his chest.

"Come let's sleep now", he said and he pulled me to him. My back to his chest. His hand around my waist.

He slept fast, but I can't. I can't help but think about what David could do to Ace. I got out of Ace's grip and stood in the balcony with my phone in my hand. It suddenly pinged.

You didn't do right! He kissed you. He touched what is mine. He is going to die soon. And you will be mine forever. We can live happily forever baby.



How does he know that we are kissing? Is he watching us the whole time? Oh no!

No. No. Please no! I can't let anything happen to Ace. But I can't even stop David. What should I do? What should I do? WHAT SHOULD I DO? i can't do anything to save my Ace. I feel as if someone is chocking me.

I opened the message and read it again. I pressed the reply button. I started typing.

There is nothing between like that. Really trust me. I had quit my job today. I will not go there from tomorrow. Please, please, please don't do anything to him. I mean I don't care for him, but I don't want you getting in the trouble. I love you. Really.


With that I hit the send button. I more between me and Ace. I didn't quit my job, but I will. I should not got here. I care about him more than myself, but I don't want Ace getting in trouble. The most important thing is I HATE DAVID. Really.

My phone pinged again and saw it's from David.

I trust you Cara, but by tomorrow morning I want you with me. I love you baby. So much.



Tears are rolling down. I don't want to see him. I don't want to see that monster again. Everything is right, then why did he have to caome back and spoil everything. Why? Why did this have to happen?

I don't know what to do, but I don't want anything happening to Ace. He is my life. I love him. I can't just sit there and see David doing something to Ace. I have to do something. if me staying away from Ace keeps him safe then I will do it.

I don't know what I am going to do is right or wrong, but there is no other option.

I ddin't sleep whole night. It's morning soon. I stood up and wiped my cheeks as they are wet from the tears that fell from my eyes.

I went to wake up Ace cause it's time for his tablets. I went to him and watched for the last time, cause I don't know if I will see him again. I kissed his cheek.

"I love you", I mumbled.

"Ace", I called him loudly.

He groaned but didn't wake up.

"Ace", I called a little louder.

He turned around and opened his eyes. He looked at me and his eyes lit up. He sat up and tried to pull me closer. But I pulled away and went to bring his tablets.

I gave him them and a glass of water. He is smiling at me. How can I say that to him? He drank them.

"Good morning love, why are you in a bad mood?", he asked me.

"Nothing", I replied as if I don't care and looked away. I went to get my bag.

"Where are you going?", he asked getting out of bed. I am not facing him. I can't. I can't look into his eyes and say it.

I didn't reply.

"Cara what happened? Turn to me and answer. I know something is wrong", he said as he came and turned me around.

I didn't meet his eyes. I don't know how to say. I looked up at him. He is looking so good even with the injuries. I can't find the strength in me to say that to him. Come on Cara you can do it. It's for Ace.

"I think this is all a mistake. Us. It's a big mistake", I said not looking at him. I felt him stiffen and looked up to see him. Oh no!



Hey lovely readers!

I hope you guys like the chapter. I know Cara is stupid. But I promise you that next chapter will make you happy.

Please comment on what you think. What do you think about what Cara is doing? Let me know.

What do you want Ace to do?

Please VOTE and COMMENT.

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