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Cara Jones's POV

"Cara love I am home baby", he said as he came. I quickly got up from my seat and went to him hugging him and kissing him. I know if I didn't he will do something in anger. How did I even love this man? He is not the man whom I fell in love with.

"How was your day babe?", I asked him even though I am not interested in knowing it. He would get angry if I didn't take any interest in him. He put his hands around my waist as we went to our bed room.

"It's fine. But that asshole of my boss is making me do lot of work. He makes me angry baby, but when ever I think of you all my anger just vanishes. Come here", he said as I went to him and he kissed me. I kissed him back without any interest.

After few minutes when things were about to go too far I pushed him away slowly so that he can't know that I don't like kissed by him. I smiled at him.

"Why don't you get fresh up yourself. I will serve dinner mean while", I said smiling.

"Yeah I wil come soon", he said as he went inside and I rushed to kitchen and washed my mouth clean as tears rolled down my cheek. He doesn't even let me out. I am struk here. I can't even run he will find me.

I set everything perfectly on the table and waited for him. I was cleaning the kitchen when he came from behind and hugged me. I startled and jumped back.

"What did you make love?", he asked and I replied back.

"Your favourite babe", he smiled at me.

"I love you", he said and hugged me.

"I love you too", I said slowly without any feeling.

"No you don't", he said suddenly and pulled away with angry look. Oh no. Please no. Please don't make him angry.

"I mean it. I really love you", I said looking scared.

"I know you don't", he said pulling back.

"Babe I really love you", I said with tears praying that today I may be left away from beatings.

"Then prove to me that you love me", he said. How? i looked here and there not knowing what to do. I kissed him. He  went wild and kissed me back instantly. After a few minutes we were on bed kissing. He was about to tear my under ware, but I stopped him.

I shook my head in a no guster. He sighed.

"Why?", he asked getting up.

"Not today", I said getting up.

"You say that everyday", he yelled I flinched. He suddenly took his belt and threw me on the floor. I backed away from him, but he came front.

"You whore you don't love me. You think I am fool to know that. I will make you learn a lesson on how you should treat you husband", he said and the torture started. 

"No. Please no. Please David no", I cried and cried but he didn't stop, if any it only became more. He stopped after he took all his anger on he and left me alone in the room. I fell on the floor and cried for my life, my fate.

I felt so alone. Helpless. Hopeless.

"No", I said as I woke up. He left but why doesn't those nightmares leave me. I felt a tear trickle down my face. I wiped it away and looked at clock and it's 9.00 A.M. Today is Sunday. So no office.

Office. The only thing on my mind this whole week was one person. Ace.

I became a little comfortable to him. He is not that bad that everyone thinks. He is good well atleast with me. Mark tried to talk to me but every time Ace stops him At one point Ace got angry and almost fired him Poor Mark. H eis really good guy.

Ace was trying to be romantic. He even tried to seduce me. But it didn't work. Okay a little. Okay okay a lot. He even made sit in his lap at first I panicked, but it felt nice. i don't know if I should trust some one easily after him, but I like being with Ace.

My door bell rang and brought me out of my thoughts. I slowly got out of my bed and went to the front door to open it. There stood Siara. I smiled at her happy to see her.

"Hey Siara", I said in my morning tone. She said she will come here today and that will have girl time. 

She came in as I opened the door wide for her.

"Yo girl still sleepy come on let's rock today", she said like always. Very energetic. I smiled at her and we both sat on the couch.

We talked, watched movies, made jokes but they didn't bring that much big smile. I would some times slip into thinking of Ace. That guy effects my brain so much.

Soon it's evening and Saira started getting ready. We are both going to a local club like we planned.

I went to bathroom and bathed and came out with a towel around me. Siara brought me a dress for me.

"No Siara I am wearing that", I said while walking into my closet, but she stopped me.

"Oh come on Cara wear it will look good on you. You will rock trust me", she said with hope in her.

I tried to deny her but she however made me wear it. God this girl can make me do anything.

We got ready and looked ourselves in the mirror.

"Siara don't you think it's a little short", I said while looking my self in the mirror. She gave me a death glare. I instantly shut my mouth and followed her.

We went to a club and I sat  near the bar. Siara is enjoying herself already drinking and dancing with some random guy. I took a shot of beer and I don't know what else Siara made me drink after she finished dancing with that guy. Now I am fully wasted.

Siara dragged me on the dance floor. I am dancing like crazy as if there was no tomorrow. I danced with my hips.

Suddenly someone came from behind and slipped their hands on my hips and started dancing. i didn't mind. I kept dancing and even grinded my ass on his cock.

"Let's get out of here babe", he said and I was following him out without brain. I felt a little uncomfortable when he started kissing me. I tried to push him away, but he went more further as I tried.

I am now trashing hard, but he held me. I don't know who this guy is but he is kissing my neck and down. God help me. I looked at his face and suddenly the gut looked like David. Oh no. It is David.

"Help, help", I cried out hard. David slapped me I am sure that would leave a mark.

I held my cheek where he slapped.

"Stay quite", he hissed and went his way on me. I couldn't do anything. i cried and cried.

Suddenly David is no more on me, he is pulled away. i looked at my saviour and it's none other than Ace. i quickly went to him and hugged him.

"Ace, please save me Ace. He is going to come again. Please, please", I cried now I am full on tears.

"It's okay, It's okay. Now I am here no one will come to harm you", he said soothingly as he cradled me against him.

"Ace David is going to come. i don't want to go with him Ace, please take me with you. Please, please", I said sobbing hard. He kissed my forehead and whispered soothing words into my ear.

I slowly drifted of to sleep.

Ace Rodriguez POV

Today is Sunday means I can't see Cara. I kept myself engaged in work so I can't miss my girl more. it's evening soon. So I decided to got my local club. I own it.

I am in my VIP lounge when I spotted my snow white. What is she doing here? She is dancing like crazy and grinding on some guy. How dare she? Anger flared in side me. I took long strides and went down to them, but they are not there. Where are they?

I kept searching the whole place. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration and went over to the bar.

I heard some small angelic voice say, "help, help".

Who is it? Why are they asking for help? i went in that direction and what I saw added oil to my anger. My blood boiled and anger caroused through my veins.

Some man is kissing MY GIRL forcefully. HOW DARE HE? NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO TOUCH WHAT'S MINE.

I grabbed the man by his shirt and threw him away. He fell on the floor. i beat him hard that he hand a cracked nose, black eyes and blood coming out of his mouth. The manager came and took him out.

I heard sobbing and saw my girl is crying there. Oh no. What should I do? I don't know how to soothe crying  women.

She came and hugged he tight saying and asking to save her. No doubt I will save her. After all she is mine.

I cradled her against m chest and kissed her forehead I will protect her.

But she said something that left me speechless.

"David is going to come. i don't want to go with him Ace, please take me with you. Please, please", she pleased hugging me and she became unconscious.

I picked her bridal style. Who is this David? Why is she scared of him so much?

I should know everything. I don't want anything happening to her. Her safety is my firat priority.

I carried her to my car and out her is my lap. My driver started riving and soon we are at my home. Which is soon going to be ours.  

I took her in my arms she is like a baby. So cute.

I went into the lift wit her in my arms. Everyone in the lobby looked wide eyed. I don't care what they think. My girl is not feeling well and scared.

I pressed the button for top floor of my pent house. Soon we reached there and she cradled more into my chest, i held her tight.

 I tugged her in my bed and changed into my boxers. I went over to her to change her. That's when I saw what she was wearing. She is wearing a black dress that stopped just above her thigh with black straps on her shoulders leaving the dress sleeveless.

I instantly turned on. My friend down there is excited. i controlled my self. I switched off the bed light and removed her clothes not wanting to look at her without her permission. I changed her into my T-shirts.

I looked at her her face is glowing with moon light falling on her face from the window. She is beautiful. I have never seen anyone like that. I tucked her hair behind her ear. She snuggled closer to my chest and lay her head on my chest.

I kissed her forehead and smile happily that she felt comfort with me.

"Good night Cara", I said and she moved her head like she heard me.

I should know who this David is? It's the first thing I will do tomorrow morning. Some thing is bothering her and I can fold my hands and sit here relaxed.

She is the last thing I thought as I fell in to sleep.


Hey lovies!

i am dedicating this chapter to Kimberlycesia.

She is the first person who voted this story and most and the chapters.

Thank you so much.


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