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Lucas Alberto's POV

"I read about that." My fingers caress her hands.

"Mama was shocked. She came to know who father was. She got angry and Papa said it was really hard to convince her to stay." Of course. I can only imagine how much chaos it must have brought. "Mama left him without telling. The thing is she was pregnant with me when she did. She knew that, but she didn't tell him. She already felt like she is a third wheel and she felt betrayed.

Also, Felisa was pregnant with Gemma at that time. Almost seven months into the pregnancy. When they separated they didn't know she was pregnant. That's why even if dad signed the papers, Felisa didn't submit them in the court like she said she will. Dad thought she had already submitted before getting married to Mama, cause no matter how many times he tried to contact Felisa about the divorce papers, she didn't respond."

That is one fucked up situation!

"Papa had to live with Felisa. After a few years, Papa found where Mama lived. He never stopped searching for her and when he found her, he didn't disturb her until he found out about Mama's health. She was suffering from Cancer. She didn't want Papa back in her life, but he gave her no choice. He stuck around even when she didn't want and when her disease got worse, he completely shifted us back here.

She was angry at him. I remember that. But I also remember how much she cried, because she loved him. Papa spoiled me with all toys and what not. He was angry at Mama for not telling him about me. He after all missed the first six years of my life. He tried to make up for it. He still tries even if I tell him not to."

"He loves you and Gemma more than anything." I can't help but think of how happy he looks when they are both around him.

"We love him." As she says that, my mind goes to think when she will say that to me. What the fuck? "Papa then made a contract with Felisa for being with Mama. Even though Felisa and Papa were living together, that's all there was to them. I don't know how and why, but Felisa agreed to that."

What the hell?

"I know. Bizzare." She agrees. My surprise is evident on my face. "He started spending more time with us. He really loved Mama." She tells that more to herself. Her eyes close and I want to kiss her lips, but I hold myself back. "When she left us, he took me with him. Not that everyone was in favour, but he was not going to leave me here. I was happy to meet more of my family." Her voice goes to sad.

No one there considered her family. She was an illegitimate daughter. She was alone. I can see the pain in her eyes. I was there growing up, not near her. But I saw how no one ever spoke to her.

Tears glimmer in her eyes as she opens them and meets mine. She bites her lip and is about to get off me, but I hold her waist and pull her close. I don't want to see those tears. Something tugs at my heart.

"You have me now, Angel." She needs to know that. Nothing in this world can take her away from me. Call it whatever you want. Attraction. Love. Obsession. Craziness. I have wanted her all these years and not that she is in my arms, she is not getting away. Never! I would have marched to Mr. Piccolo and asked for her hand, but considering his health, I am taking a step back. She smiles at my words.

"Oh, Lucas." She leans down and places her lips on mine. Oh fuck! I lose my senses. Her soft luscious lips feel full against mine. I give into her and bring her closer.

My tongue slips into her mouth and she tries to kiss me back. Adorable! I know she doesn't have much experience and she is trying her best. I pull her down still kissing her and make her lay on the couch. Her legs are around my waist and I hold her in place to kiss her.

Fuck! She smells so good!

I feel aroused. The kiss get's intense and I bite her lower lip gently. She moans. I don't think, I ever heard any as sexy as that. My cock stood straight in my pants. I keep kissing her and she tries to follow my lead. She is like a delicate flower. Her shirt rides up and I caress her waist. Her skin is like silk. Everything about her pulls me in and I keep falling deeper and deeper.

"Oh, Angel! Do you know what you do to me?" It's a rhetorical question, but the answer is she has no fucking clue. Right at this moment, if someone tells me I have to cut my arm off for her, I would. That's how crazy I am for her!

I have to stop now or I will lose control. I pull away and stay on top of her. Her breathing is frantic and she is looking at me with that haze in her eyes. Fuck me!

"Oh don't look at me like that." I get off her. She gets up and adjusts her shirt. I shift to place my hand on cheek. Her cheeks are red from blushing and her lips are swollen. We did kiss longer than intended. She never initiated a kiss and the fact that she did sent me bonkers. "I can't even kiss you." At my words she looks at me puzzled and hurt.

"What? I..." She looks away trailing off not knowing what to say

"I can't even kiss you, because I can't control myself around you. I don't want to hurt you." My words finally get her to understand what I mean and she blushes again hiding her face in her hands. I chuckle. Fuck! I just want to throw her back on that couch and kiss the life out of her! Before she can respond, her phone beeps and it's from her father. It's on my side on the table. Picking it up I see that it's a text from Marcus. My eyes shift to hers and she is looking me in confusion as to what changed my mood so suddenly.

"Who is it?" She asks reaching for the phone. Pulling it out of her reach, I open the text.

I will be waiting for you tomorrow.

It read. Anger courses through my veins. What the fuck?! Why will he be waiting for her?!

"Why is Marcus still texting you?" I mean business. Her face morphs shock and she gasps trying to snatch he phone from me.

"It's not what you think." Why the fuck is she even talking to him?!

"What is it then?" I am barely able to control my anger. Just when I think, I am slowly going to have her to myself. She sighs and bites her lip. Oh Angel, don't! She looks at me from under her lashes not talking. This is not good. I look through the texts and she grabs my hand. I hold her down with my other hand

I have booked a table for you at the Ameli Hotel for breakfast. He sent that text an hour ago. She still hasn't seen it.

"Why is he booking you a table? Why are you meeting him tomorrow morning?" What the fuck is all this shit?! "Angel!" I press her name and she looks up at me. Don't tell me it's a date cause I will lose my shit right now!

"Papa wanted us to go out on a date." Her response did nothing but make me crazy. I get off the couch. I can't! I can't handle thing right now! I am here making food for her and she is going on a date with Marcus?! I know she wouldn't cheat on me, but what is this?! She quickly gets up and puts her hand on my back. "I wanted to tell you. I really did, but I was so happy you were here and..." She trails off.

It really is a good evening. A wonderful one in fact!

"I was going to tell him that I am not interested in him tomorrow. That's why I agreed to go." Her whisper makes me turn to her. She is looking at me guilt in her eyes. "I can't say not to Papa, but I can tell him. If he backs off, then Papa wouldn't ask me again."

"Why not just tell Mr. Piccolo you don't want to go? He wouldn't ask you again."

"I don't want to break his heart. If it comes from me it will hurt him more, but if Marcus rejects me, it will be easy for him." She seems like she thought this through. "Just trust me on this please." She takes my hand. Her eyes gaze into mine deeply. I don't know what possessed me at that moment. My hand reaches around, fists her hair and I pull her close to me. Our lips are touching. She gasps.

"You. Are. Mine, Angel." She is looking at me wide-eyed. She better understand that there are no games here in that matter. "You get that?" My voice comes harsher than I intended. She nods her head in shock. "Good." My eyes fall on her lips and I want to kiss her so bad. Just when I am about to, we hear a knock on the door. The bell rings.

She pulls away from me and goes to the intercom to see who it is. I just stand there with her phone in my hand. She turns back and panic. "It's Felisa." She comes to me. "Why is she here?" Her eyes meet mine. "No! No! No! She can't see you here!"

"It's okay. I don't care." The faster Felisa understands that I don't love Gemma, the better. She keeps trying to set me up with Gemma and it's annoying.

"Lucas, please. I want to tell Papa about us, but I want him to know that from me, not from Felisa. If she sees us together, there will be another rukus and Papa is not in a good condition right now to handle it." She holds my shoulder. I am sure if I don't agree, tears will spill in her eyes. Fuck! I don't want that! I am sucker when it comes to her!

"Okay. Calm down, Angel." I try to soothe her as I put her phone down. Pulling her close, I rub her shoulders to help her breath. "Take a breath now. Come on." She does as I am told. She looks at me with those innocent eyes. She is so fucking cute! "Good. Now, she knows I am here, because my car is parked right outside. I am sure she saw it."

"Oh God!" She panics again trying to walk away, but I hold her close.

"It's okay. Look at me." I hold her face and her make her look at me. "Look at me." Her eyes are filled with worry. She doesn't need to be so scared about us getting caught. I feel like I am her dirty secret. It kind of turns me on a little bit. "Now, do as I say." She nods her head. The door bell rings again and Felisa bangs on the door impatiently.

"Oh my God!"

"It's okay, Angel. Focus." She turns to me again. "Just tell her I am here to drop you off and while I am here, I decided to grab a file from you for a project we are working on. That's it." I had to come up with a lie for her to cover me up. If I wasn't in this situation I would have laughed. "You can do that?" I ask and she nods her head. "Good. Now go grab a file. I will open the door. Don't panic. You did nothing wrong."

She freezes at my last words and I kiss her forehead.

"You boyfriend got it covered, Babe." I whisper in her ear and am greeted with the pleasure to watch her turn shades of red. She gives me a smile and runs off into her room. I chuckle as my gaze falls on her butt as she does. My girlfriend is the cutest little thing on this earth! Her butt is the most perfect one! I turn around and grab my coat that's on the couch and put it on. The bell ringing gets intense.

I go to the door as she starts knocking again and open it. She has a serious look on her face which turns into a flat one when she sees me. She is obviously not surprised. My car is right there.

"Mrs. Piccolo. Good evening." I try to greet her with a smile, but couldn't come up with one. She gives me a nod.

"Good evening, Lucas. What are you doing here?" She asks. I can see she is ready to interrogate me. But she already knows. She knows that I like Anabelle.

"I was just dropping her off and wanted to pick up a file for my next project as I am here." She doesn't say anything, but just looks at me. Her eyes run from my hair to my toe.

"Here is the file." My Angel's voice makes our heads turn to her. She is holding a file in her hand that she is handing out to me and I take it from her. She looks flushed. She bites her lip and looks at Felisa. "Hi! Come in." She opens the door wide open and Felisa steps in.

"Thank you. I will see you at the office on Monday." Do I have to leave? I want to be here in this cozy house. I want o sleep here in her lap. Fuck me!

She nods her head. Bye. I can see it in her eyes. Our telepathy is on.

Don't be scared. You are fine. I try to reassure her with my eyes. She gives me a smile with a nod.

I got this. She tells me with her looks.

I so want to kiss her before going, but Felisa is standing there, glaring at us. I turn around and walk up to my Prius, getting in the car and giving my Lady one last look before driving off.

That was intense, but Felisa is no fool. I hope we played it well. I hate to see my Anabelle all nervous. Ahe looks like there is a bomb in her house. I should text her. I search for my phone and it's not in my pockets or my car.

Fuck! I left it there!

Turning the car around, I reach her house. This is going to look suspicious to Felisa. Getting out of it, I walk up to the front door and I am about to ring the bell, when I hear Felisa's loud voice.

"Just when I thought, you were out of our lives for good!" She sounds angry. I got to the window and find her looking angrily at my girl. I can see Felisa and Angel is facing her. Her back is to me. "I am not stupid enough to think he came here for a file! There are two plates on that dining table and two glasses here! It's obvious!" Well, we didn't clear the evidence. That was stupid.

I want to go in a defend her, but I know that's not what she wants.

"Look at me." She commands and Anabel looks up. "I know what game you are playing at. I can see it. It's clear. But I am not going to sit a watch like before. I am not going to lose to you and your mother anymore!" She yells loudly. My blood boils. How dare she yell at her like that?! "Gemma will be marrying Lucas." She declares.

Like fuck I will! Who is she to say that?!

"You will not come between them." Felisa gets right in her face as she speaks.

"But Gemma doesn't like Lucas. If I think she likes I wouldn't have gone between them." Anabelle's voice is very meek that I nearly don't hear it. Her answer only seems to aggravate Felisa. She holds her face harshly and makes Anabelle look at her. If it was a man, I would have punched the shit out of them for laying their hands on her in such way. How dare she treat her like that?

"How dare you speak back to me?" Her voice sounds low and threatening. Anabelle cowers in fear. Her body shrinks. Fucking hell! I can't see her like this! "You. Will. Give up. On. Lucas."

What the fuck?! What the actual fuck?! After all this time, I finally got to date her and she is liking me back. Now she comes along and stops her?! I won't sit back and watch this shit. This is some shit! I would not her take her away from me. I will not let anyone take her away from me! Not even my Angel herself!

"No!" A stern voice is heard. My eyes whip to my girl. Is that voice hers?! Did Anabelle just speak? "I will not!" She takes a step back from Felisa as she moves her head to get herself out of Felisa's hold.

"What did you just say?" Felisa is as shocked as me. I am sure Anabelle never talked to her like that. She never talks to anyone like that. A smile plays on my lips.

"I will not give up on Lucas!" She says sternly. At her words, my heart does a flip. "No one has the right to tell me that." She tells with such finality in her voice. Oh, how I want to see her face right now?! My girl is fierce! You tell her, Angel! "No one can tell that except Lucas himself!" She ends.

Like hell I will ever say that, Angel! You don't know how much I want you!

We decided to fight for each other the day we started dating. A week ago, when her father got heart attack, that evening itself we decided to fight to be together and here is my girl, fighting for us. I want to go in a kiss the living day lights out of her.

"You are making a mistake, Anabelle!" Felisa yells.

"I am not. But, if I am, I will face the consequences." She stands her ground and holds he head high as she speaks. Fuck me! She's hot!

"You father will not like this." She plays her last card. My girl sighs and looks at her.

"You know the answer to that." She says like she is tired. Of course she does. One word from Annaabel and Mr. Piccolo will bring the world to her. Especially if he knew that Gemma doesn't like me, he wouldn't for either of them.

"This is not over!" Felisa hisses and grabs her bag from the couch that seems to have thrown there. She walks past Angel to come out.

"I love him, Felisa." Angel speaks. My heart stops.

Did I just hear right? Did she just say that she loves me?!

"It's sick that you are the first person I am telling this. Not even him." She continues. Oh Angel! I heard it! I heard you! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck all the world! Hearing her say that had me floating. All the hair on my body stood up.

Is this how it feels to have the love you always wanted?! Is this how it feels to be loved by the person you love?! I can't stand here and just listen. My girl just said that she loves me! My Angel loves me! I can't believe that she said that! I can't believe it! I push open the front door. Felisa looks at me in surprise. My Angel turns around and once her eyes meet mine, her eyes widen. Tears are brimming in her eyes.

"Lucas-" I cut her off as I walk up to her walking past Felisa.

"Fuck this!" I grab her beautiful face and press my lips to her. She gasps at the impact and opens her mouth. My tongue invades her mouth. My body is in a rush. I feel adrenaline pumping up my nerves. My mind is in a haze and suddenly I have no care for anything in this world. "I love you." I whisper between the kisses. We hear the door closing, but we don't care.

Fuck! I can't believe this!

"I love you, Angel!" I whisper against her soft lips again.

I am one lucky bastard! But we just unleashed whole lot of hell!


Hey my cute dumplings!

Oh my God! Anabelle has some fire in her! She is kind, but fierce for her love. That takes guts.

Tell me what you think.

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