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Anabelle Piccolo's POV

"What happened?" Lucas asks coolly like nothing happened. He holds my hand.

"What happ-What happened?! I can't believe this!" She yells. He keeps a straight face. "Why am I surprised though?! With your temperament, I knew this would happen, Devil!" She yells. "Mom is so angry. I don't think she is going to tell Dad though." She sighs. I breathe a breath if relief and look at Lucas. He is reassuring me that it's okay. I smile.

"We just kissed, Gemma." He responds calmly.

"And look how it blew. You didn't just kiss my sister Duke," she continues but her last words strike me. I feel happiness bloom in me. She called me her sister. I have waited for so long. Tears nearly threaten to come out, but I control myself. "You confessed your love for her in front of the wrong person without caring whether she will spread the news or not. You are crossing all rules, I see."

"I don't care, Gemma. She is mine and I don't care who knows or not." He speaks to her like I am not here and like I am not here. He talks like the whole world doesn't matter. I hear her sigh.

"Fine. But, be careful." There is a pause before she speaks. "Finally now you wouldn't keep asking me about her." I frown. What does she mean? My eyes find Lucas's who shifts in his seat and looks away. "Are you two love birds speaking yet?" We both smile and I blush. He chuckles at me.

"Oh we do." He replies. "We do more than-" He is about to say something naughty.

"Lala-lalala-lalala-lala-lala-lalala-lalala-" We both smile. "Stop talking you brute!" She yells. "Anyway, take care of my sister, okay?" She tells him and the concern in her voice is clear. The tears that I controlled a minutes ago, now escape my eyes and fall down my cheek. She cares for me. If there is anything that I wanted like I want Lucas is my sister. I admired her since childhood.

Lucas kisses my hand. I wipe them away and give him a smile. They are tears of happiness. I knew that she always cared for me, but hearing her say those words makes my heart flutter.

"I am happy she has you. She won't have to fight this alone." Her voice is calm. "So don't be the possessive jerk and scare her away!" She yells at the end. He chuckles.

"I am not possessive, Gemma." He defends himself. I give him a look and he shrugs.

"Yeah, yeah and just like you didn't have a crush on her since you first saw her." She says casually and my eyes widen. I try not to show, but it's hard. He turns his face the other way.

"You are annoying. Bye!"


He cuts the call before she can say anything and I bite my lip.

Lucas had a crush on me?

I don't think, I can get more happy than this. I don't want to embarrass him anymore so I don't bring it up. Just the information is enough to make me happy.

"This is why I should be there." He whispers to himself. "You are killing me." He groans as he parks the car. We have arrived at the venue. "How about we go back and find some pants?" He asks and I gasp. We have reached the wedding venue and we are in the parking outside in the car. We stopped for a little shopping in the middle where the saleswoman rushed Lucas out as he isn't satisfied with any dresses. Whatever I wear, if there is any skin showing, he doesn't like it. I requested him to wait outside and he sighed before he left.

"This is a perfectly normal dress. It's just sleeveless." It has spaghetti straps and looks classy. The light purple color accentuates it's elegance. I move and give him a kiss. I am surprised at my courage. He looks at me.

"Oh don't start now, Angel. We will not get out of the car." He pecks my lips and goes out. He opens my side of the door and we both walk in arms linked.

My heart blooms as I walk beside him. A small fear of being seen with him by someone we know lurks on the back of my mind. But I decide to push it aside and enjoy this. I am just here to support him. We go and take a seat. Everything is set.

He looks down at me and I smile. Sitting here with him this close in public is making my heart beat erratically.

"Who is this friend?" I ask trying to calm my nerves.

"We are business partners." I nod my head understandingly. "Yeah. We just clicked." I nod my head. "His name is Martin Raul Vincento." He's Italian? "Yes, he is." Lucas replies my unspoken question and I smile.

The groom does not look least bit nervous as he stands there. He is patiently waiting. Everyone is talking and smiling, but his eyes are only at the entrance. The bride comes and we all stand up. I look at Martin and find his eyes twinkling. She looks so beautiful. She walks up to him, eyes on him the whole time. I can feel the love. Everyone around me calms down. I am sure everyone around here can feel it too.

It moves me. I feel so... elated. Lucas holds my hand through the whole wedding and I hold him back. The fact that I am at a wedding with Lucas... I can't even express how I feel.

This is real.


This Love.

It's real.

Tears begin to spill at the happiness in my heart that feels like might explode any minute now.

This is all I ever wanted and for the first time in my life... I have it. The most important thing that I willed for myself. He is right here holding my hand. Lucas. Before I know, I am speaking.

"Do you know how much I love you?" I ask rhetorically. His eyes meet mine and he raises his hand to wipe away a tear that escapes and falls on my cheek. He is my whole world! Does he know that? His gaze is so deep, I feel lost. At this moment, I would die for him.

"Do you know how crazy I am for you?" He asks back and I lose my senses. He kisses my forehead and I lean my head on his shoulder. His hand goes over my shoulder as he pulls me close.

"Nice to meet the woman who caught this man's heart! He is a tough nut to crack." Lucas jokes going to the Bride and Groom as he congratulates them. She smiles and Martin chuckles. I finally got to know that the Bride's name is Diana.

"Nice to meet you too." She gives Lucas a smile and Martin pulls her close.

They look so in love! They are beautiful together!

Their eyes shift to me. I try to maintain a smile on my face.

"This is my date, Anabelle Piccolo." He introduces me. He holds my hand and their gaze falls on it.

"You sure have guts." Martin comments and that's when I realize he knows who I am. He knows I am the Anabelle Piccolo, the illegitimate daughter. He knows us being together is going to be one big national gossip. Lucas interlinks out fingers and holds me close.

"I am the Duke." He says. "I am all in now." He declares as he looks at me. His words melt my heart and I blush.

He's all in? Oh my God! My little heart can't handle all this happiness!

It's almost evening and we are on our way to my house. I am still reeling everything that happened today. The fact that we attended a wedding today is so bizarre and beautiful. A smile appears on my lips. I stay silent most of the car ride. We never needed any words when we weren't together and we don't need any now. We unconsciously keep talking to each other without words.

Shall we go?

Let's go to your house.

Are you tired?

All these questions he asked without words. It feels so natural. I replied just with my eyes and he got the answers.

Once we reach my house, we go in and suddenly I am lifted off my feet as he carries me to my bed and puts me down. I bounce a little and laugh.

"Lucas." I gasp. He removes his coat and it falls down on the floor. He removes the cuff link and places them on my table. He holds my legs and pulls me close. My heart is ramming in my chest. What is he going to do? I know I wouldn't stop him whatever he does.

"This dress is a sin." He leans on me as I lay on my back. He pulls the straps down and kisses my skin near my neck. He sucks on the place. My hands find their way into his hair. Pleasure starts building in me and I gasp as he gently bites down on my skin. As he kisses me from my neck to my jaw to my cheeks and then to my lips, I feel like I am floating.

Something takes over me. It's not pleasure.

"I love you." He whispers sweetly. "Do you know how beautiful you are?" He asks rhetorically.

It's happiness! Happiness of being with him! Happiness of him being with me!

I have imagined this my whole life. I have always wondered what it would feel like to love him and to be loved by him. Now that I know, it is beyond my dreams and imagination. I would cut out my heart and give it if necessary for him. That's how deep I feel for him. I will cherish all of our moments.

Tears fall from my eyes as I think of him. He is kissing my forehead. He looks down at me and our eyes meet. He looks at me in confusion.

"Did I hurt you, Angel?" He quickly gets up, pulling me along with him. Sitting on the bed, he grabs me and puts me in his lap, adjusting me to sit comfortably. "I was just kissing you. I had no intention to go to third base if that's what you think I was doing." He pushes my hair out of my face and kisses my lips lingeringly. He wipes my tears looking at me.

"You didn't hurt me. It was not you." I lean down and rest my forehead on his. We seem to be doing that a lot since yesterday. "I mean it is you, but it's not in a bad way." He frowns and I smile.

"Then why the tears?" How am I supposed to answer that?!

"Ever since I first met you, I had this unexplainable bond with you." I begin. He stays silent listening to me. "When you went away for higher studies, I thought you would forget about me because we never talked. We had no way of contact. Wanted or not, you were my only acquaintance since I came here and when you left..." What can I even say?! "I waited for you to come back every day."

He pushes a strand of my hair behind my ear. My hand is around his shoulder. My other hand is on his cheek. He looks into my eyes and I look into his.

"I missed you." A whisper leaves before I can even think.

"I missed you too, Anabelle. You don't know how excited I was to meet you the night I came back."

"What?" I am taken aback.

"Yes. I wanted to meet you." His confession breaks a smile on my face.

"I am so happy, you know." Tears keep spilling my eyes. "I am so happy to have you here." He chuckles at my words. "I am so happy that I am crying."

"Oh Angel! You don't know how lucky I am to have you!" He holds me close and kisses my shoulder. "I know things are going to get tough now. But what you did last night..." He trails off and looks like he is thinking back to what happened. "You standing up for us..." He holds my chin and looks at my lips. "I can break all the rules and I will break all the rules to be with you." He promises.

"Lucas!" I am silenced by his kiss again. He pulls away and looks at me.

"Tomorrow, we are going to my house." There is no question there. "I want to show my girlfriend my house." He chuckles as I blush at his words. "Angel." His voice gets serious. "I know we have a lot to talk about, but forget them all for one day." He tells pleadingly. I am about to say yes when my phone rings. My bag is on his side. He takes it and picks out my phone.

Why is my phone always in his hands?!

"It's your father." He hands me the phone and my eyes widen. Heaviness settles in my chest. What if Felisa told him everything? Before I can think further, Lucas's palm on my cheek distracts me. My eyes meet his.


"I can't!"

He closes his eyes and opens in a way like he is assuring me that he is here. "Trust me." He takes a deep breath and I do the same. He lets it out and looks at me. He is helping me breathe and relax. I let out mine and look at the phone. He presses Answer. The call connects.

"Good evening, Bell!" Papa's cheerful voice greets me and I let out a breath. Felisa didn't tell him anything yet.

"Good evening, Papa!" I greet. I am sure he can hear the nervousness in my voice.

"Are you okay?" His concerned voice asks. I clear my throat.

"I am fine, Papa. How are you?"

"Your old man is good too. Marcus called." He informs. I look at Lucas. He is playing with my hair and his fingers run up and down my arm. I don't know if he trying to soothe me or tease me or if he is just playing. I try to control my thoughts.


"I am sorry, Bell. He told me that none of you were interested in each other." Papa sounds really sorry.

"I am sorry, Papa. I know you really liked him. But, it's just not there... You know."

"No. I am sorry, my Bell. I shouldn't have pushed you to go on a date with him."

"He is really sweet though." My words catch Lucas's attention. He is looking at me. I think he knows that I am talking about Marcus. "He was very respectful and gentlemanly." I don't want Papa to get a bad idea about Marcus. Lucas takes my phone from me and puts it on speaker.

"He is. That's why I thought he would be perfect for you." He tells me and I smile. "I just want someone who can take care of my little Bell." He sounds concerned. My gaze falls on the man I love who's holding me.

"Don't worry, Papa. I will find someone." My eyes don't waver from Lucas and he gives me his charming smile. Oh my God! I think I might melt!

"Your Mama would have liked Marcus for you." Papa says and Lucas sits stiff. "But she would want you to be happy above all." He continues. I kiss Lucas's cheek.

"I am happy now, Papa. Really happy." Lucas looks at me. He knows that I am talking to Papa, but I am telling the words to him.

"I am happy that my Bell is happy." I giggle. Lucas looks at me with a smile and a frown as he pushes my hair back to kiss my neck. "I know Saturday is our day. But I was very busy. I had a few meetings. How about we go out for dinner?" He asks. Lucas looks at me and holds me tightly shaking his head like a kid. I smile. My heart is fluttering.

"I can't, Papa. I went out to run some errands. How about we have lunch tomorrow?" I ask. I remember something I wanted to do tomorrow and meeting him will come in handy.

"That would be perfect!" He sounds happy.

"Great. See you tomorrow, Papa. I love you."

"I love you too, Bell." He cuts the call and I look at Lucas. He sighs and shakes his head.

"What?" I am not going out tonight. Isn't that what you wanted?! What happened?! "I am not going out today."

"I just asked you to spend the whole day with me tomorrow." He tells me and sighs. I bite my lip.

"I am sorry." I kiss his cheek. "I have a small thing to check in the palace. I want to finish it. This would be a perfect opportunity. How about we have breakfast and then I go to the palace? I will spend the afternoon with Papa and then we will spend the evening. We will spend the evening at your place." I want to make him happy. He smiles and shakes his head.

"I would love it if you spend the night with me at my place." He tells me honestly. I see lust in his eyes, but there is lot more. Hope. Want. Need. Love.

"If I don't agree you will be spending the night here with me. Aren't you?" I ask and he chuckles.

"Oh, you get me. See, I am not a tough nut to crack." He teases and I smile. "I love the idea. My girlfriend in my place... The whole night." He teases me and I blush hiding my face on his chest.

"Stop it." He chuckles.

"I promise you, Anabelle. I would never force you to do something you don't want to." He doesn't need to promise me. He owns me! But his words make me happy. It shows me how much he respects me.

"So, I can call you my boyfriend?" I ask. I know it's silly, but I just have to ask.

"Of course, Angel. Boyfriend, lover." He tips my chin up to meet my eyes. "Anything." He confirms. Lover? Oh my God! "What do you need to check in the palace tough?" He asks. I freeze for a second. I am sure he noticed it, but he doesn't ask. I am thankful for it.

I need to check Papa's medication. Something is seriously not right. Last night when Felisa came, her anger, her words... They all didn't seem normal.

Thank God, your Papa had a heart attack or you would be openly roaming around with that Alberto boy like a whore!

I know that I should be hurt by the latter part of that sentence and I am. But the first part is immensely disturbing.

Thank God? Thank God HE GOT A HEART ATTACK?! Why would she even say that? How can she even say that no matter how much she hates him?

Melody must have already put aside the pills. I just need to see if they are as per the prescription. I don't want to hide it from Lucas. But once I get my hands on them, I will tell him. I will need his help on this.

I need to go in and see if the medicines he is taking are the ones that the doctor prescribed. I took a picture of the prescription before Papa got discharged, just in case.

If Felisa is up to something, I need to know before it can hurt Papa.

I won't let her win this thing. She can't hurt the men I love. Neither of them! Not Papa and not Lucas!

I won't sit back and let her hurt them!

"Lucas." I gasp as he kisses my neck. My back is arched and my legs are around his waist. I pull him closer as my hands grip his hair. I close my eyes and feel lost in his touch and his kisses with no care. His hands are on my waist. His one hand comes down and pulls the hem of my dress up. He holds my thigh to keep me in place.

"Fuck! You are driving me insane, Angel!" He gently bites down on my skin. I hope it doesn't make a mark. But I don't stop him.

I am so lost in him that I completely forget that we are in his office. He is supposed to drop me off at Papa's in the afternoon for lunch, but we are spending the morning together. He wanted to pick up some files and get some work done while I am at the palace so we came to his office and now we can't seem to keep our hands off each other.

"Do you know how many times I have imagined kissing you here?" He asks and I blush.

Suddenly the door opens. I still and Lucas freezes too, but immediately pulls down my dress.

Oh my God, no! I can't believe this!

At the sound and quickly look up. I am facing the door, so the person who enters can clearly see my face. My eyes meet the ones who opened the door and widen.

Oh, no!


Hey my cute dumplings!


Things are getting tight! Just what is happening? But do you feel the love? They are the cutest!

Check out the story of Martin and Diana. It's a two part series.



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