Chapter 4

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Lucas Alberto’s POV

The time stopped as I looked at the Angel, whom I am holding in my arms. Her beautiful blue eyes bored into mine. Her hands are around my neck. Mine are around her waist. She gave me a confused look for a second, then happiness flooded in her eyes once her eyes widened.

Did she feel happy that I am here? Is it because she recognized me?

We just stood there and stared at each other without care of anything in the world. The only reason for which I came to the party is for her. I don’t want to admit it, even to myself. But deep down I know it’s because of her.

I wanted to see her. Her beautiful eyes, her innocent face and her enticing beauty with which she always left me tongue-tied, even when we were just kids. I wanted to see how much she changed. I had always thought of her when I was away. There is always something between us that pulled us towards each other. Some…. Some unseen force.

Now, looking down at her, I should say that it’s worth waiting all these years. She is like a full blossomed flower.

I noticed that her eyed are red. They looked like she has been crying. Why? Why was she crying? An instant possessiveness came over me and I want to pull her close and wash away her pain. She is looking at me like she is looking at the moon, like she waited the whole day for the night to see the moon. It brought such immensce happiness to my heart.

I rose my hand and was about to caress her face, but stopped when I heard someone calling.

“Bell! Dear where are you?”, I heard Mr. Piccolo shout for her. She instantly responded and pulled away from me gently, before turning around to walk away. I held her wrist before she took another step. She looked back at me with a question in her eyes. It was always like this. Only our eyes spoke, no words needed. I shook my head slightly, indirectly saying. Don’t go.

She turned to me again with a small smile on her face. Then we heard her father call her again.

“Bell! Are you inside?”, we heard him ask from the outside of the door.

I looked at her and she is looking at me with pleading eyes as she wriggled her wrist that I held gently, yet tightly. I sighed and let go of her hand letting our fingers brush and just then, the door opened. Mr. Piccolo walked inside the room and came to us, before standing beside her.

“Lucas, your mother is looking for you”, he informed with a small smile on his face. I smiled back before shifting my eyes from him to her.

“Yeah. I just came to clean my shirt. Andrea spilled drink on me accidentally”, I told him, in one way telling her too. She looked at me and an understanding look crossed her face.

“Well, I see you have met Annabelle. It’s been so long since you last saw her. I think you might remember her”, he said while putting a hand over her shoulder. Remember her? Oh, I surely do. I made sure to meet her eyes before answering his question.

“I do remember her. How can anyone forget a woman who is as beautiful as her?”, I questioned him still looking at her and cheeks turned pink as she looked down and pushed a few strands of her hair back of her ear with shy. So beautiful. Mr. Piccolo laughed at me.

“I see you have grown to be a quite charmer. But yes, she is indeed beautiful just like her mother”, he said looking down at her with a sad smile on his face. She looked up at him and smiled at him. I have never seen her mother, but if her mother is just like her, I see why Mr. Piccolo fell in love with her before marrying her secretly.

“I should get going. I need to clean my shirt”, I said before putting my hands in my pocket. She instantly looked up at me with a longing expression.

“Sure. Come on Bell. Everyone is ready to eat”, he said to her and she nodded her head, but looked at me, in way that said that she didn’t want me to leave.

“I will just clean my shirt and join you while eating”, I said to him, hoping she will get the message and she did, because a small smile played on her lips, while her eyes filled with happiness. She met my gaze and then instantly looked down again with shy.

“Okay. Let’s go Bell”, he said to her and they both walked out of the room. I just kept staring at her. Before they can leave the room, she turned back to look at me as they walked out.

I didn’t realize that my heart is beating fast till now. Why am I being such a girl? But she is beautiful beyond words. Her innocent face and smile brought warmth to my heart.

I went to the bathroom and cleaned the stain lightly. Since it’s water, it soon disappeared.

I came out of the bathroom and out of the guest room. There are many tables and everyone is sitting with their families. All the youngsters were sitting at one table though. Everyone but Annabelle. Where is she? Mr. and Mrs. Piccolo are sitting near a table along with my parents.

“Hey, Luc! Come here!”, I heard Gemma call and nodded my head before smiling at her. I went to her while looking for Annabelle. I sat beside. Everyone was cracking jokes. All our friends together again here, it feels good to meet them again. Andrea, Gemma’s only enemy, came and sat beside me. She is wearing a dress which is almost revealing. Her cleavage can be seen clearly.

She came and sat beside me, before putting her hand on my chest.

“Hey Lucas. Sorry for the drink thing”, she apologized while putting her mouth near my ear. It really felt uncomfortable. I cleared my throat before answering.

“It’s okay. It happens”, I said before turning away and looked at Gemma, who sat beside me and I looking at Andrea with a disgusted look. I felt her hand on my thigh, slowly going to my crotch. She is going too fast. I removed her hand from my thigh.

“Keep your hands to yourself Andrea”, I said firmly and turned away from her before looking at Gemma.

“I hate her”, Gemma said. I should say I am amused at the expression she is having on her face.

“Where is Annabelle?”, I asked her the question which I nagging me since I sat beside her. She rolled her eyes.

“Of course you would ask about her. Apparently before we came, my mother shouted at her and she is a little upset about it. She said she didn’t have any appetite to eat and left. She is in the back garden”, she informed. She didn’t eat anything? I stood up instantly before putting a button of my suit.

“I will come just now”, I said to Gemma and she gave me a knowing look with a smile.

I took a plate and kept all the items in it before taking a glass with water and went to the garden that is at the back of out mansion. I looked around and found her sitting on the bench in the garden while caressing a pink rose that is still not plucked from the plant which is beside the bench. She is looking so cute and beautiful in her dress which reached her knees. She is looking like what she is. An Angel.

Time to join her for dinner.


Hey my cute dumpings!

Hope you guys like it. Tell me what you think.

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