Chapter 8

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(A.N. Two chapters in one day?! Is the real?! For sure! To make up for me having y'all wait on 'Love Will Do What It Does'. I'm sorry again. But expect an update within a day or two. 😁 This chapter is kind of a filler. But anyway, here y'all go!)

Katherine breathed a sigh of relief. Now all she had to do was make sure she didn't mix up their names. Looking over them again, she made mental notes about each boy to be able to distinguish who was who.

Romeo had his shaggy black hair. Race had his cigar. Specs, well, that one was obvious. Jojo, Henry, and Albert were easy to tell apart.

And then there's Jack with his stunning blue eyes, sharp jawline, and muscular form. Was she really thinking about that? Well, he was nice to look at. 'Kath, stop it! You just met him after he heroically rescued you from those brutes and carried you in his strong arms- NO! Do not go there!' She scolded herself.

Davey came back into the room and sat back down. Glancing at his watch, he yawned. "Oh wow, it's past 2:00. I think that means we should all turn in." The others nodded in agreement.

They all started out of the room and up the stairs when Davey spoke again. "Wait!" Their heads turned to him.

"Where is Katherine gonna sleep?"

"Duh, the extra bed in the room." Race said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Jack ran a hand over his face. "No ya idiot!" He faced Katherine. "Yous can stay in our spare room. Follow me." Jack said. Katherine did so, still holding the kitten subconsciously.

Jack lead her through the living room and down a short hall to their spare room. It was decent, not very decorative, but she didn't care. It had a bed, that's really all she needed right now.

"Here ya go. If ya need anythin' let me know. An' if ya can't find me, tell Davey." She nodded.

Glancing around the room, she began to breath shakily. Jack noticed and walked over to her.

"Hey, yous okay?" He asked sincerely.

"I-I don't know yet. It's just all so much to take in and I haven't even been here that long and I'm sure my family is worried to death about me and I don't even know why those jerks kidnapped me."

At this point, Katherine's voice started to crack and tears began to slide down her cheeks. Jack enveloped her in a hug, which she hesitantly accepted.

She sobbed into his shoulder as he rubbed her back whispering soothing words to her. When she calmed down they broke apart and Jack went to exit the room.

He was closing the door when she spoke.


"Yeah Katherine?"

"Thank you, for everything."

He smiled. "Goodnight Katherine." And he shut the door.

Katherine pulled the blankets back and laid down. The cat jumped up and curled beside her. Katherine giggled and started petting her again.

"If you're gonna stick with me then you need a name. Hmm... How about Tiger Lily? I could call you Tiger or Lily for short. It's from one of my favorite book, as well as my favorite animal and flower."

She purred in reply. "I'll take that as a yes."

Katherine settled into the bed. "Goodnight Tiger Lily." And drifted off into sleep.

(Katherine has a cat! I don't even know how that came about tbh. Who liked that reference? Well, it was partly a reference, partly me saying that a favorite animal of mine is a tiger and my favorite flower is a lily. Any who, comment what y'all though of this one and if y'all like the idea of Katherine having a kitten (provided by Jack ❤). And don't forget to vote! Peace out from Panda!)

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