Chapter 5.

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AN: Hey guys! So here is my fifth chapter of my Hijack fanfic! I'm going to try and add a little more sarcastic humor and witty banter and just jokes in general. I feel my story is just getting a little too depressing, you know? So, I'm going to make this chapter, hopefully, a little lighter. And again, this is my first fanfiction, so sorry if this story becomes complete trash! As I'm sure you already know, I'm a horrible writer, but hey, gotta try right? Anyway, enjoy chapter five! Also, sorry I'm not labeling my chapters, I just go along as I write. :P

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Jack's POV

As I arrive back at the wooden home, I couldn't help but wonder why that boy had been up so early. It had been one o'clock at that time, and by now it must've been 7 A.M.
     I circled the house a couple times, trying to figure out where exactly I had been when encountering that cute, freckle faced boy.
Stop, I chided myself, he most likely didn't even see you! I told myself not to get my hopes up, but, unfortunately, I couldn't stop myself. My hopes were up very high.
     I smiled as I recognized that small piece of wood that jutted out if the hard roof. I landed next to it, my white hair blowing in my face. I recalled the accident and managed to find the spot I believed the boy had seen me from.
     I peaked through the small opening, to find a small room, with crude wooden walls, and a small working desk pushed against a corner. The desk had many papers on it, with many different drawing of many different things.
     Some of the pages held pictures of strange contraptions I had never seen before, while others displayed art work of the town and its people. The pictures that shown people, were never portraits. They were always crowds, and their smiles shown brightly.
     Even though the town folk were always displayed smiling, the pictures held a sort of sadness, like someone was watching nearby, wishing to be apart of that crowd. I stared at the art work a bit more, not bothering to read some of the neat handwriting scribbled on some of the pages.
      Finally, I tore my gaze away from papers. I sighed, seeing as no one was home, but as I was about to leave, I heard a grunt from outside the door. Even though I knew the voice was too deep to be the one from earlier, I still ran towards the end of the room, where the door was opened slightly.
     I open the door a little fast, turned the corner and.... Came face to stomach with what I at first assumed to be a giant. I quickly scrambled away, not wanting to run into this hulk of a man, and realized, that in fact, this man was not a giant. Maybe.
     The man standing before was so large, he had too crouch to avoid hitting his head on the ceiling, and the horned helmet he was wearing, didn't help him accomplish this. The mans long ginger beard hung far down his face, with tiny braids that hung at the bottom.
     He had green eyes, like the boy I had seen before. A nice forest green color, that contrasted so well with any other shade of anything. I noticed that the man looked groggy, and had probably just woken up from sleep. I took notice at how largely the man was built. I mean, he was huge! I don't mean to be rude though.
     I inched around the man, not wanting to just walk right through him. It made me feel uncomfortable, and feel as if I didn't really exist. It would also give the man standing before me the chills. As I walked around him, he peaked into the room I had come from. The mans body seemed to stiffen, and he began calling out, 'Hiccup', and I wondered why he would call that out, then realized, the man probably meant it as a name.
     Hiccup. I guess it made sense, as these were Vikings. They always give their children bad names, in hope to scare away trolls, and other beasts. The name, Hiccup, seemed better than most though.
      I figured that the boys name had to be Hiccup. I had to remember that. I watched the man a minute more, before hearing and seeing him sigh in defeat, and walk farther down the hall, away from me, and the direction I was going next.
     I walked down a set of creaky stairs, and into a small living area. There was a small fire place and a couple pieces of sitting furniture that looked well for wear. A little farther down, there was an arched opening that lead into a small kitchen. Inside I could see various silverware scattered about the counter, including a knife set that seemed to be missing one of its sharp objects.
      I move my gaze to a door, a little farther back, into another hall way. I float over too the door, on my Shepard's crook staff, and set myself down in front of it. This doors wood is still crude, like the rest of the house, but the metal handle is finely shaped, if not for a few bumps here or there.
     I open the closed door and find that this room is a bathroom. There was a bucket in the corner that appeared to be recently washed out and cleaned, much to my liking. I found another bucket on a type of counter nearby and decided that this room was useless to my search.
      I walked back upstairs, a little disappointed I had not found, 'Hiccup', and decided to leave. I enter the room and walk to the opened shutters. I was about to leave, when I suddenly felt tempted to stay.
      I took a step back into the room, obeying the said feeling. I walked around and found a small closet of sorts. It had many light green, long-sleeved, linen shirts, darker green pants, a couple brown belts, and a pair of brown, fur boots.
     I decided to look further into this closet, pushing aside articles of clothing. As I neared the back of the closet, a silver flash caught my eye.
      I turned towards where I originally thought I had seen the flash and began to search even harder. I was about to give up, when another glare pulled my eyes towards it. I stared at the spot a moment before I actually started looking in that area. I walked
Over slowly, and by the time I reached the area the flash had come from, I spotted the source.
     A single knife lay, cleverly concealed and carefully hidden from anyone who might try rummaging around in this closet. My stomach started churning from the thought of why it was up here, and why it was hidden. I couldn't understand why it was up here, in this room.
     I gulped loudly as I noticed the tip of the blade was covered in Crimson.
     "Blood." I mutter to myself. Why was there blood on a knife, hidden, in Hiccup's room! I knew what it meant. I mean, there was only one thing it could mean. I think I found the missing knife from downstairs.
     Hiccup, that freckle faced boy with beautiful emerald eyes, that I had known for a mere matter of seconds and had already begun to love, cuts. He cuts himself with the knife I had laying in my pale hands.
     I thought about what this meant for a moment longer, and came to a conclusion. I would not let him harm himself. Even if he couldn't see me, I would figure out a way to make him stop, because no one is useless or worthless, and I was determined to make him see that.

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AN: Hey guys! Sorry, I ended this one without humor in it, but I promise there will be next time. I just felt like I needed to catch up on Jack's POV, because I kinda left you guys in the dark of what happened and what Jack did while Hiccup was out. Well, now you know! I hope that this was a good chapter! And if any if you are feeling depressed lately, like the world would be better off without you and that no one notices or cares, please don't hurt yourself over it, because you are wonderful and beautiful and all out amazing people! I mean, you support this gay ship, a sexuality a lot of people have trouble even considering. You guys are obviously special and amazing people and don't any of you ever, ever, forget that. You guys know I am always here for you. Comment and tell me how you feel. I'm not going to say I know what your going through, because I don't, and that would be lying, but please, help me understand. You guys mean everything to me. I love all of you with all of my heart, so please know that I'm here. I love you guys. 🙂 Until next time.

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