Chapter 7.

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AN: Hey guys! How's it going? For some reason I was really excited about writing this chapter. To be honest I was kinda losing hope in this story, until the last chapter I wrote. It was a refresher for me, like I hope it was for you! I love all of you guys! Thank you so, so, so, so much for reading my crappy first fanfiction. I know I'm a terrible writer, but hey, it's all for fun and entertainment! Enjoy chapter seven!

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Hiccup's POV

I woke up from unconsciousness, still lying in the same spot I had before I was knocked out. The back of my head hurt so bad! It felt like a nail was being driven into my skull!
     I looked around. Some Vikings that passed me would just glance down at me, then continue on their way, without a second thought. Others wouldn't even look at me, like I wasn't worthy he effort to look at. Which was probably true.
     I carefully stood up, my aching head pounding. I took a wobbly step forward, then collapsed. I once again, succumbed to the darkness of sleep.

**time lapse**

     I once again awoke from a calming silence, to find myself in a house that was not mine. I immediately began to panic, but then realized that freaking out would be stupid and pathetic, all though, that wasn't far from Hiccup himself.
     I do a quick evaluation and assessment of the room I was currently occupying. It was a small room with a small bookshelf in the corner. There was no windows, and a couple furs were sprawled out over the floor as rugs.  The bed I was lying on was more comfortable than the one I had at home. At the far end wall, I notice a closed door, with sunlight leaking through the cracks.
     I was about to leave, when I sat up and was immediately plagued with great pain. I griped at my left arm, which I then regretted, for an explosion of pain where and around the area I touched. My arm was bandaged, showing that whoever brought me here probably wouldn't try to hurt me for they had helped heal me in some way.
     I try to move again but, cried out in pain instead. After a moment I heard footsteps approaching the room I was in. I held my breath as my, what would I call them, 'captor', 'kidnapper', what?
     I decided on captor. I looked up to find.... Astrid?
     "Astrid?" I asked, shocked.
     She walk over to me looks at me, and then says:
     "Why do you always mess things up?" She sounded a little disappointed, and angry.
     "U-uhh... I'm sorry," I begin. I mentally slap myself for sounding like u had gotten hit on the head another time.
      "But, what do you mean, 'Why do you always have to mess things up'? I'll have you know, that I don't always mess up! Sure, I may be the village disappointment, but in my defense-" I was cut of by Astrid slapping me. I held my hand to my.
     "Ow!" I knew by the sting of my skin that I was going to have a mark. Not that anyone would care.
     "Wh-what was that for?!"
     "That was for scaring me."
     "Wait, scaring you?" I was very interested now. Astrid was scared for me?
     A pink tint of color came to her cheeks.
     "Yes." She said the color in her face finally subsiding.
     "When I found you, you were so badly injured. At first I thought you were already dead. Then I realized you were alive, and took you back here, to my home. I then began to help you with your multiple wounds." She bit her lip before continuing.
     "I saw the cuts on your arms." She said nervously tapping her fingers against her her bicep.
     It took a minute for me to comprehend what she said. She saw my cuts, I think to myself. Oh gods! I'm such an idiot! Why did I have to get picked on and then have Astrid Hofferson, only the best female warrior of her age, my idol, and previous but not current crush, find me and discover my most closely hidden secret?
     "Look," she said, breaking the awkward silence that had begun. "I know I may not have been the best to you in the past, and that you probably won't want to tell me anything, but, I'll at least ask." Astrid pauses for suspense to build, although, I'm pretty sure I already know what the question is going to be.
     "Why are you cutting?" There it is. The question. I bit my lip hard, trying to come up with something that might make the subject change.
     Finally I sigh, defeated, and give Astrid the whole truth. However, the only thing I don't tell her is that one boy that I meet a while ago. The one that feel of my roof and had snowy white hair, and perfect pale skin, with the most beautiful, shocking blue eyes- wait. No I can't think like this. No I do not think that boy was cute. I do not think that boy was cute. I think that boy is cu- nope!
     "Wow." Astrid said, snapping me out of my thoughts. She looked shocked. I wouldn't blame her.
     I shouldn't have don't this. I just burdened her with my problems as well! I mean, she has her own problems and I just added onto her list. I mentally scold myself.
     Then Astrid did something I never even thought capable of her, and hugged me. A wave of emotion was sent through me, but not as much as there was pain.
     "OW!" I yelp.
     "Oh my gods I'm so sorry!" Astrid immediately let go of me. "Sorry." She said sheepishly.
     "It's fine," I say back. "Really, I've been through worse."
     After he said those words, he instantly regretted it. A look of pain and sadness and curiosity masked my friends face. Before she has time to question me, I fake a yawn, and push my arms up over my head, but immediately bring them down, because I thought they were lit on fire and sitting in acid, from the pain. "Ow..." I mumble, trying not to scream.
     "Well," I say, hoping Astrid will leave the matter. "I'm a little tired and should be heading to bed, so thank you Astrid, for everything, really."
     I said the last part with pure sincerity. She really did help me, both physically and emotionally. If Astrid would ever want a friend like me, I think she would be an amazing companion. Even through all that just happened, between the hugging and telling basically my life story to her, I still felt no attraction towards Astrid, and I was, in all honesty, a little scared. If I was gay, that was just one more thing to add to the list of disappointing qualities that I have. Being gay, I was told all my life, was a disease that needed to be eliminated. If you are found with interests in the same sex, then you are banished and outcasted. Even once you die, you will be punished by the gods for this 'disease'. I hoped that I wasn't gay. I just wanted to make my family proud.
     All these thoughts flashed through my head in milliseconds.
      "Good night Hiccup." Astrid said, looking slightly sad. Right before she left the room, she turned around to face me.
       "Please try to hang on Hiccup. You're like a brother to me. I couldn't bare it if I lost you." With those sweet but sad words, Astrid left, leaving me dumbfounded. Did the Astrid Hofferson just say I was like a brother to her?
     My mind returned to home. My father was going to be furious! Toothless to, seeing as I broke yet another promise to go and see him. I just hoped they would understand.
With the image of my fathers angered face still lingering in my mind, I let sleep take me over once more.

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AN: Hey guys! How was that? I plan to make Hiccup and Astrid best friends, but trust me, there will only be like one or two chapters left before Jack and Hiccup officially meet! I'm so excited! Alright, sorry if this chapter wasn't the best. I haven't got any sleep at all, no joke, at all, since yesterday morning. I'm exhausted but I just felt really compelled to write. Thanks again guys, I love all of you! Until next time! 😉

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