Flowers and Skeletons

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*Narrator's POV*

Frisk suddenly woke up with a startle. She sat up and looked around frantically, making sure that dream she had wasn't real. After confirming that it was, indeed, not real, Frisk took a moment to collect her thoughts.

Frisk: That dream again...why is Chara giving me these types of dreams?

She began to think for possible solutions, but she was pulled out her thoughts when her name was called downstairs.

Frisk got out of bed, walked downstairs and sat down at the table, where she was greeted with two familiar faces. One of them was sitting in a chair at the table and the other was cooking.

The one sitting was a skeleton. He wore a blue jacket with a white shirt underneath it, some black shorts, and had some slippers on. He was also quite short. The one cooking was also a skeleton, but much more taller. He wore a scarf, gloves, boots, and armor he dubbed his "battle body."

The short skeleton turned his head to Frisk and smiled at her, despite him smiling seemingly all the time.

??? 1: heya, kiddo. ya sleep well? i sure know i did.


The voice boomed from the kitchen in response while Sans chuckled to himself.

Sans: c'mon, bro. working is very tiring.


Sans: ah c'mon, pap. i've gotten a ton of work done...


Sans: ...a skele-ton.

Papyrus: OH MY GOD!

Papyrus screeched while Sans seemed to enjoy the reaction of his brother. Frisk smiled at the goofy behaviors of the skeleton brothers. She wished her best friend, (Y/N), was here to meet them. Upon thinking about (Y/N), she wondered if he even realized she was gone and what he was doing right now.


You slowly open your eyes, groaning to yourself. You sat up and expected to feel pain as you do. To your surprise, you didn't ache. In fact, you seemed to be perfectly fine. You got up onto your feet and looked where you landed.

You landed in a pile of golden flowers. They had somehow broken your fall. You just grunted to yourself, turning around and going through a doorway.

The next room was completely black with nothing in it, except for a patch of grass and soil in the middle.

As you walked closer to it, you could make out the figure of a flower.

You stopped a couple of feet away from the flower as you observed it. Why was there a lone flower in here, away from the others? You searched your mind when suddenly a voice rang out.

???: Howdy!

You became paralyzed in fear. As you slowly looked down at the flower again, you see that it was staring right back at you, with a grin on its face.

Flower: I'm Flowey. Flowey the Flower!

"There's no way that flower's talking," you thought to yourself, "I must've hit my head too hard."

Flowey: Hmmm...

Flowey's voice snapped you back to reality. It really WAS talking! You decided to hear what he has to say. You assumed it was a 'he', judging by its voice.

Flowey: You're new to the Underground, aren'tcha?

You slowly nodded your head. "He seems friendly enough, I guess I can trust him," you thought.

Flowey: Golly, you must be so confused.

You nodded your head again. Flowey's grin seemed to grow wider.

Flowey: Someone ought to teach you how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do.

He's apparently going to teach you something important. Good, you need the extra help down here so any words of advice is greatly appreciated. You prepare yourself and nod to Flowey. His eyes seem to lit up and he continued to grin at you.

Flowey: Ready? Here we go!

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