Greetings, Demon

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(Hey look, another chapter!)

Upon arriving at Papyrus's house, you and Frisk were immediately greeted by a hug from Papyrus, who was crying tears of joy.

You: Whoa! Paps, what's this for?


Sans: you are crying, bro.


Sans: what did you catch?

Papyrus: TEARS!!!

Smiling to yourself about Papyrus being...well, himself, you and Papyrus (who was still crying) soon walk into the kitchen to make some dinner.


After having a good meal, you and Frisk decided to go to sleep so you both went upstairs to Papyrus's room.

Frisk: Hey (Y/N)?

You: Yeah?

Frisk: What do you think's happening up there on the surface?

You: Hmm...well, I'd say it's still pretty normal up there.

Frisk: Really? You think so?

You: Yeah, I mean, it's not like the whole world's under quarantine because of some kind of new virus or anything like that.

Frisk: I guess you're right...

You: Well, goodnight, lovely.

Frisk blushes a bit at your comment.

Frisk: Y-yeah, g-goodnight...

The both of you then climb into your bed before the sandman knocks you out and brings you to dream land, but not before Frisk cuddles up close to you first.


You find yourself in a completely pitch black void, devoid of anything or anyone.

You: Umm...hello? Is anyone there?

There was no response.

Curiously, you take a quick look around. It was nothing but darkness as far as the eye can see.

You: Okaaay...this is actually quite terrifying.

???: Greetings.

A voice calls out and stops you dead in your tracks.

Upon your very eyes, you see a figure manifest in front of you. The creepiest part of it you found was the figure almost looked exactly like Frisk, but wore a green sweater with yellow stripes and had abnormal red eyes that eerily glowed in the dark. You were no fool, you KNEW for a FACT this wasn't Frisk but you had no idea who it could possibly be. Your mind was drawing in blanks on who it could be.

You: Umm, who the hell are you, stranger?

???: Well, my name's Chara, now we aren't strangers anymore, are we?

Your eyes widen upon hearing this Frisk look-a-like saying her name was Chara, the infamous genocidal demon of the Underground.

You: What the hell? You're the one who has been tormenting Frisk all this time!

Chara: Yep.

You: What do you want from me?

Chara: You.

You: Hol up...WHAT?!

Chara merely giggles at your reaction and starts stepping closer to you. You respond by backing away from her.

Chara: You know, you're actually quite cute. I think I'll take you for myself.

You: I, uh, have a girlfriend named Frisk.

Chara: More the reason why I should take you for myself. I'm going show her who's REALLY in control here.

You: ...I need an adult...

Chara: I am an adult.

Chara then slowly reached out to you in an attempt to grab you. You began sweating. You didn't know where to go to get away from this demon. You knew you weren't going to win against a genocidal demon, so you mentally prayed that either you wake up or someone comes save you. But then, to her (and your) surprise, your wish was granted. You were pretty much just pulled out of the dream world, leaving behind a very confused Chara.


You wake up, scared out of your mind with that encounter. You began looking around the room and quickly noticed you weren't in Papyrus's room anymore.

You: Wha-?

Sans: heyo, kiddo.

You: Sans?! Where am I?

Sans: you're in my room, kiddo.

You: Why did you bring me to your room? Did I do something wrong? How did you even take me to your room? Wha-

Sans: whoa, calm down, kid. you aren't in trouble or anything. i heard you in trouble in your sleep and had to step in to put an end to it.

You blinked at him, processing what he just said.

You: You mean about...Chara?

Sans just nodded his head (or skull), seemingly refusing to talk about it.

You: How did you know I was in danger?

Sans: i had a feeling she would show up sooner or later...

You: and Chara have some sort of history together?

Sans just chuckled at the question.

Sans: i guess you could say that...

You: do you even know who Chara is and what she's capable of?

Sans looked down at the floor grimly, his eye sockets completely empty now but his characteristic grin was still plastered on his face. It actually looked quite scary and intimidating to you, to be honest. He brings you out of your thoughts by chuckling darkly.

Sans: let's just say, i confronted her on the very first genocide run after the death of my brother and nearly everyone else in the Underground...

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