S1 E1: The Powerpuff Boy

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(It opens with the girls in their rooms doing their usual things. Blossom was reading a book, Bubbles was drawing a picture and Buttercup was watching cartoons on her smartphone.)

Blossom: "Man, today's a good day."

Bubbles: "Yeah. There hasn't been any crime alert in ages. Guess crime took a break or something."

Buttercup: "Nothing can ruin this day."

(As soon as she said that, the toy phone rang, catching the trio's attention, as Blossom and Bubbles glares at Buttercup, who nervously smiled at them.)

Buttercup: "Or maybe it can? Hehe."

Blossom: [Picks up phone and answers it:] "Yes, Mayor?"

Mayor: "Powerpuff Girls! Help! Mojo Jojo is piloting a giant robot and attacking Townsville!"

Blossom: "We're on it, Mayor." [Hangs the phone up:] "C'mon, girls. Mojo Jojo is attacking the city again."

Buttercup: "And I was in the middle of a good scene too." *sighs* "Let's get this over with, I guess."

(The trio fly out to the city, leaving a trail of green, pink and blue behind them.)

(About 2 hours later, the trio came back home after dealing with the one-eyed monster that was attacking Townsville and the Professor is sitting on the couch reading a newspaper before noticing the girls have returned from their mission.)

Professor: "Oh, girls, what happened?"

Blossom: "It was Mojo Jojo."

Bubbles: "He was trying to destroy Townsville with a giant robot of his he was piloting."

Professor: "Oh my. That's terrible."

Buttercup: "Yeah. But luckily, we stopped him in time. That monkey never learns anything, does he?"

Blossom: "I'm not complaining or anything, but it would be nice if we had a little extra help for a chance. I mean, who knows what would happen to us when something bad happens to us."

(Bubbles and Buttercup nodded at Blossom, agreeing with her.)

Bubbles: "Yeah."

Buttercup: "Ditto."

(Then the trio fly up to their shared bedroom, leaving the Professor to put a hand on his chin, thinking about what Blossom said.)

Professor: "A little extra help, huh?" *smiles* "Yes. That would be nice. I could just create another who can help out on their missions. Brilliant!"

(Cut to the Professor's laboratory as we see the Professor is gathering some ingredients that made the girls, which were sugar, spice and everything nice.)

Professor: "But wait. What if... What if I just could create a boy instead of creating another girl? Yes! Give the girls a little brother to play with. Oh, Professor, you're such a genius!"

(And so, the Professor went to the storage to get some things boys like to do. Then he came back down to start creating. He poured everything down and stirred it. He then went to a barrel that had Chemical X written on it and poured it in the pot before it started shaking. The Professor had gotten himself a shield to protect himself and hid himself behind it, cuz he knows very well what's gonna happen next.)

(The pot exploded, making a huge mess all over the Professor's lab. The Professor then peeked out from the shield to see a little boy in a red and blue hoodie, a red hat that had a "B" on the center, and has blue hair that almost resembles to Buttercup.)

(The Professor walked up to the boy, who look at him and stared at him with a smile.)

???: "Hello. Who are you?"

Professor: "I'm Professor Untonium."

???: "Hello, Professor. It's nice to meet you."

Professor: "And you are?"

???: "Well, you created me so I thought you could name me."

Professor: "Right. Of course. Hm... I got it! How about Brandon?"

Brandon: "Brandon? Yeah. I like that. Cool."

Professor: "Now then, Brandon. How's about we introduce you to your new sisters?"

Brandon: "I have sisters?"

Professor: "Yes you do."

(They went up to the living room.)

Professor: "Oh, girls! I have a surprise for you."

(The girls suddenly arrived.)

Girls: "A surprise?"

Professor: "Meet your new brother: Brandon."

Brandon: *shyly* "H-hi there."

Girls: "Our. New. Brother?"

(Brandon and the girls stared at one another for one second before the girls started squealing in joy and excitement as the trio both tackled him with a hug.)

Blossom: "My name is Blossom. I always wanted a brother. It's nice to have you with us."

Bubbles: "Hi, Brandy. I'm Bubbles."

Buttercup: "Sup. The name's Buttercup. Hope you like to do cool things because we're going to have the awesomeness time together, bro!"

(Brandon was blushing for all the attention he was getting but smiled nevertheless. The girls pulled him upstairs into their room.)

Blossom: "This is our room which is now your room."

(The trio showed Brandon around the room before they can do special activities with him. Blossom shows Brandon some books to read, Bubbles shows him her beautiful drawings and Buttercup lets him watch some cartoons with her.)

(It was nighttime and finally time for the girls and Brandon to go to bed cuz it's a school night.)

Professor: "Okay, kids. Time for bed."

Girls: "Aww!"

Blossom: "But we would just having fun with Brandon."

Professor: "Yes, but y'know it's a school night."

Brandon: "School?"

Blossom: "Oh, you're gonna love school."

Bubbles: "We get to learn a lot there."

Buttercup: "And it's so much fun. Even though classes get boring sometimes."

Blossom: "You're just mad because you didn't get a single A+ on your assignment last Friday."

Buttercup: "That's because Algebra was so goddamned difficult! I couldn't get the answers right!"

Professor: "Well, if you girls want to go to school, then you gotta get ready for bed and let him go to sleep."

(The girls nodded as they immediately got into their pjs before heading for bed, leaving Brandon alone to hop in. But then, the Professor stopped him.)

Professor: "Now hold on, Brandon. First, you must put these on. It'll help you sleep better."

(The Professor holds up some pajamas for Brandon to wear. Brandon puts them on before trying to hop in the bed but couldn't reach.)

Brandon: "I can't reach."

Blossom: "Try flying up."

(Brandon then flew into his side of the bed which now had a red side. They all said their goodnights as the Professor turn off the lights, leaving the girls to sleep with their new brother as they can't wait to show him what school's like.)

(Fade to commercial break.)

Episode cleared.

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