Chapter 10 (Tiger)

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Chapter 10

Tiger POV: Uriah

       Wayne was really starting to get on my nerves lately with all his strict rules he laid down for the Tiger house; not talking to anyone in other houses, waking up at a certain time on the weekends, listening to everything he said. No objections.

       Too bad for him that I was a really stubborn person and the more he made this ridiculous rules, the more I wanted to disobey every single thing he said.

       And what better way than to spend time with the cutest person at this school?

       Who was also part of the house that beat us in the dodge ball tournament? In fact, he was the person who technically won the tournament.

       I hadn't actually talked to Levi since his sister introduced us to each other at the party. I hadn't found the time to talk to him because of school work and training for the basketball team but today, I was finally free from everything.

       I was about to leave the Tiger's house when Wayne stopped me. "And where do you think you're going?" he asked.

       "Oh, I'm going to go rob a bank," I said. "And afterwards, I'm going to use all the money I steal to go on a nice little vacation to Bora Bora."

       Wayne glared at me. "I'm being serious."

       "And so am I," I said, opening the door to leave. "I'll see you when I'm back from my vacation." To piss him off even more, I winked at him.

       After leave the Tiger house, I went to go find Levi. If I knew him well enough, I knew that he would either be in the Coyote house or in the art room. But since everyone was only allowed in their own house and not anyone else's, I went to the art room first.

       And sure enough, Levi was there. He was the only one there, standing behind an easel as he worked on the painting. In the background, some music was playing and that was causing Levi to dance a bit.

       He was such an adorable human being.

       How could an someone so cute make my cold heart beat so fast?

       I just leaned in the doorway, waiting for Levi to notice me standing here but he was too in the zone to notice. 

       "You should try out for the dance team," I said.

       Levi jumped a bit before turning off the music and looking over at me. "You shouldn't sneak up on people like that," he said. "And just for the record, I wasn't dancing. I was just moving to the music."

       "So... dancing," I said.

       "Whatever," Levi said. "So what are you doing here, exactly? Because I don't think you would step foot in the art room just for the fun of it."

       "Are you kidding?" I asked, walking over to him. "I am so into art. Painting and sketching and stuff."

       Levi snorted and went back to working on his painting. "Okay."

       I looked at his painting and immediately knew that Astrid was right when she told me that Levi was an amazing artist. I didn't know much about painting to be honest but I still knew Levi's painting was absolutely breathtaking.

       Our school was right on the beach and the view Levi was painting was of one you could see by walking out one of the doors that led to the beach. 

       "Wow, that's amazing," I said. "But how can you paint it from inside the art room? You're not even looking at a reference of the beach."

       "Eidetic memory," Levi said. "It's a blessing and a curse sometimes. A blessing because I rarely have to study since I remember everything but a curse because I remember everything. There are a lot of things I'd rather forget ever happened but nope. It's etched in my brain forever."

       "Damn, so you're going to have to remember what Wayne looks like for the rest of your life," I said. "I feel sorry for you."

       "Speaking of Wayne, what is his problem?" Levi asked. "Why is he so...?"

       "Strict?" I asked. "Bossy? Stupid? Annoying? Asshole-y?"

       "Asshole-y isn't a word."

       "Well, if it was one, then it would perfectly explain Wayne. And I wish I knew what was up with him. I guess he just likes being in charge and having everything go his way. Oh, and he's competitive. Very competitive."

       "I can tell," Levi said. "He's always glaring at me since I won the dodge ball tournament. It's not his fault his team sucks."

       "You do know that both me and Astrid were on his team, right?" I asked.

       "I know. You're the one who lost when it was just me and you left."

       "Oh, I threw the game."

       "Sure you did, Uriah."

       I really did for numerous reasons. One, as competitive as I was, I wanted to ruin the Tiger's streak to piss Wayne off. He was being way too bossy that day and was only making the tournament extremely boring for me. And two, I didn't want to accidentally hit Levi in the face with a dodge ball.

       I did have good aim but I wasn't willing to risk it.

       "Can I ask you something?" Levi asked, putting his paintbrush down to look at me. "And sorry if it seems a bit personal."

       "I'm an open book so ask anything you want," I said.

       "So Astrid told me that you used to date someone in the Tiger house," Levi said. "I think her name is Nevaeh? Anyway, I'm also the type of person who likes observing everyone and I noticed that she's quite, uh..."


       "Uh, sure, let's go with that. Why date someone like her? She literally poured a smoothie one someone's head a lunch yesterday."

       "To be honest... I don't know," I said. "Obviously we ended because I noticed how much of a horrible person she is. That, and she's secretly dating Wayne. I could expose them to the whole school but they're perfect for each other and I honestly don't care. Why do you ask?"

       Levi shrugged and picked up his paintbrush again, turning his attention back to the canvas. "I don't know. I was just curious."

       "Well, it is a good thing I broke up with Nevaeh before this school year started," I said. "That way, I wouldn't have to worry about having to break up with her now that I'm interested in someone else."

       Levi furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me. "Who are you interested in?"

       I just shrugged, gave him a smile, and said, "I'll see you around," before leaving the art room.


ugh i missed levi and uriah <3

i really want to work on this book more. i keep saying that and i update twice before going months without updating again but i really am going to try this time. hopefully. 

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