Chapter 16 (Dolphin)

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Chapter 16

Dolphin POV: Alvin

       I was hoping I could be left alone in the library so I could continue working on trying to hack into the principal's computer. Ever since Piano and I investigated his office, I spent most of my free time attempting to hack in.

       I never had an success.

       And apparently, I also wasn't having any success in being left alone because before I knew it, Piano walked into the library and sat down beside me. "I need help," he said.

       "Sorry, but I'm not associating with anyone for other houses until after the relay race," I said, keeping my eyes glued onto my computer screen. "I'm normally not a competitive person but I am intrigued by the very special prize we'll receive this year."

       "That's what I need help with," Piano said.

       "Piano, I just said--"

       "I know what you said," Piano said. "I didn't mean I need help with the relay. I need help with the special prize."

       I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked over at Piano. "What do you mean?"

       "I wanted to find out what this prize was," Piano said. "That way, I can motivate my house a lot more if it was something we all wanted. And let's just say it's not something I want."

       Piano sounded very serious so I closed my laptop to be fully involved in the conversation. "You found out what it was?" I asked.

       "Yeah," Piano said. "Are you familiar with S.H.R.E.W.D?"

       "That company that works with AI and computer sciences?" I asked.

       "That's the one," Piano said. "Apparently, the winner gets a tour of their Vancouver headquarters since they're one of the quickest growing companies in the country."

       "I don't get it," I said. "How come that's not something you want?"

       Piano sighed. "Because, and this might just be me being paranoid, but... I've always been a bit suspicious about them. Like... Something isn't right with that company."

       "What makes you think that?" I asked.

       "They're shady."

       "Okay, but I need proof."

       "We don't have enough proof that Mr. Hicks is shady but you still believed me and you're helping me investigate."

       "Well, in my defence..." I began but I couldn't think of a good enough excuse because Piano was right. I did believe Piano about Mr. Hicks even though the only 'proof' we had was him making Wayne the captain of the Tigers because of the money his parents gave the school.

       "I think I made my point," Piano said. "So want to help me find out more about S.H.R.E.W.D?"

       "You can't do it yourself?" I asked. "Because there's this thing called the internet. You can use it to find out more information about things."

       "Oh, bite me," Piano said. "If we were to find suspicious information about S.H.R.E.W.D, it's not going to be easy to find. I need a computer genius to help me."

       "You know, there are seven other Dolphins you can ask," I said. "How come you're only asking me?"

       "For numerous reasons," Piano said. "One, you're my best friend. Two, you're the best at computer sciences otherwise you wouldn't be captain. Three, you're attracted to me so you can't say no."

       I snorted. "Yes. I, Alvin, an aromantic asexual, am attracted to you."

       "Didn't you say you were attracted to Uriah?" Piano asked.

       "What? No."

       "You did. When Ester said he's not bad on the eyes. I mean, she's not wrong but you still said you were attracted to him."

       "No, I said I can appreciate other people's beauty. Aesthetic attracted. I can find people beautiful but I won't actually be attracted to them. And aren't you straight?"


       "So you agreed to Uriah being good looking."

       "Very good looking."

       "You just confused me more."

       "I can appreciate men's beauty without being attracted to them, Alvin. I can be aesthetically attracted to people too."

       "Why are we talking about people's attractiveness?"

       "Because you said you weren't attracted to me. Can you at least be aesthetically attracted to me?"

       "If I say yes, will you leave me alone?"

       "Probably not because I really want your help with finding out information about S.H.R.E.W.D before the relay race. We do have time because it's not until after the Tiger's election so if you're busy now you don't have to help."

       "I'm not too busy," I said. "I was just working on the usual but still no success."

       "Do you think you can hack into S.H.R.E.W.D's database?" Piano asked.

       "Honestly? I don't it," I said. "They work with AI and computer sciences and if they're really untrustworthy, then their firewall is probably going to be more secured than the principal's. But I will help you with finding out information about them. Do you want anyone else's help?"

       "Pearl and Ester, definitely," Piano said. "They're part of the Owl house so they can help us figure things out. And we can't leave them out. Ooh, and maybe Mr. Eidetic Memory."

       "Who?" I asked.

       "Levi," Piano said. "We don't want to take notes of what we find because anyone can find it so it will be best for Levi to be our note holder."

       "I don't think anyone can find our notes," I said.

       "You never know," Piano said. "If someone catches on to what we're doing, then they'll snoop through our stuff to find out what we know. They can't snoop through Levi's mind."

       "Alright, let's go find them," I said, standing up from the chair and picking up my laptop, holding it close to my chest.

       Since Levi was a Coyote, we first went to the Coyotes' room since Piano had access to it. Shortly after he walked inside, he came back out. "Levi isn't in there," he said. "We'll have to check the art room and if he's not there, then he's clearly having a secret rendezvous with a certain Tiger."

       "Then maybe we shouldn't bother him," I said.

       "No, we're going to bother him," Piano said as he started walking to the art room.

       I sighed as I followed him. "Of course."

       Levi wasn't in the art room as well but apparently, Piano still knew where to find him.

       "Do you know where Levi and Uriah's secret rendezvous place is?" I asked, following Piano around the school.

       "Possibly," Piano said. "Nah, not really. I'm just checking one more spot I know he might be before we're going to have to look around every nook and cranny of the school."

       We didn't have to do that, thankfully. The one spot Piano wanted to check out was the gymnasium, which made me a bit confused since Levi always complained when we had Physical Education, but this was the place he was.

       It made a lot more sense when I saw Uriah there as well, holding a basketball. They were standing awfully close to each other in the middle of the gymnasium, both of them having smiles on their faces.

       "Maybe we should just leave them alo--" I began but I was cut off.

       "Hey, Levi!" Piano called, right as Levi and Uriah were about to kiss. They both looked over and Uriah did look a bit annoyed but nevertheless, they both walked over.

       "What's up?" Levi asked.

       "I'm sorry to break up your little rendezvous but we need your help," Piano said.

       "With what and why couldn't you ask anyone else?" Levi asked.

       "With some investigating," Piano said. "And you're the only one who can remember every little detail of what we find."

       "You can't take notes or something?" Levi asked.

       "Not if we want to keep it as secret as possible," Piano said. "If anyone finds out we're onto them, they'll search for our notes."

       "He's just paranoid," I said.

       "Paranoid or careful?" Piano asked.

       "Both," I said.

       "I'll take it," Piano said before looking back at Levi. "So are you in?"

       "Depends," Levi said. "What's in it for me?"

       "Uh, the beauty of friendship?" Piano said. "The sense of a good morale?" Levi raised an eyebrow. "How about all the proof you need that Wayne was chosen as Tiger captain unfairly over your boyfriend?"

       "Wait, you actually have proof about it?" Levi asked. "Physical proof?"

       "Yep," Piano said. "So if you help out, we'll give it to the two of you so Uriah can use it during the election if he has to."

       "Then I'm in," Levi said.

       "I'll help too," Uriah said.

       "Awe, you want to spend time with us?" Piano asked.

       "No, I just want to spend more time with Levi," Uriah said. "But I do want to show Wayne that I still can be a better captain than him even if I hang out with people from other houses. And if he sees us, he'll get mad."

       "I'll just pretend you want to hang out with us," Piano said. "Now let's find the final two people we need."

       It wasn't hard finding Ester and Pearl. We were walking by the cafeteria on our way to the Owl house but then we saw the two of them sitting at a table in the cafeteria. As soon as we walked over to them, Piano said, "We need your help."

       "Say no more, we're in," Pearl said so we all sat down at the table.

       "Really?" Uriah asked. "Just like that?"

       "If Piano is involved, then it's clearly interesting," Pearl said. "So what it is?"

       "We need to find out information about S.H.R.E.W.D that proves I'm right to be cautious about them," Piano said as I opened up my laptop. 

       "Why do we need to find out information about them though?" Ester asked.

       "Because the winner of the relay race gets a tour of the headquarters," Piano said. "And I've always felt something was... off about them. I need to know if something really is up with them before this school, one for gifted people, sends a group of us there."

       "Okay, someone has to fill me in with something," Uriah said. "What the hell is S.H.R.E.W.D?"

       "You haven't heard about them?" Piano asked.

       "They're basically a company about AI and computer sciences," I said.

       "So then... What's so suspicious about them?" Uriah asked.

       "Two words," Piano said. "Artificial. Intelligence. That stuff is creepy if it gets into the hands of criminal masterminds. Not that I'm insinuating S.H.R.E.W.D are criminal masterminds."

       "That's exactly what you're insinuating," I said.

       "Fair point," Piano said. "Alright, time to get down to work."


oof levi and uriah joined the squad. they're now the queer squad. plus piano.

but shout out to my mans piano for not being afraid to admit when guys are good looking despite him being straight. a lot of girls aren't afraid to admit that other girls are beautiful when they're not attracted to girls so why can't guys admit other guys are good looking?

the answer: society sucks

lmao jk jk

but anyway, i have an exam tomorrow (well technically today) at 8:30 in the morning so wish me luck that i don't burst out crying during the exam :D

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