Chapter 23 (Coyote)

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Chapter 23

Coyote POV: Levi

       I wasn't really interested in sports at all; in fact, I would rather watch paint dry than to participate in sports or even watch a game. However, since Uriah was on the basketball team I couldn't miss the game. I was his boyfriend. I wanted to be supportive.

       And it gave me the opportunity to check him out in his basketball uniform, which he looked really hot in.

       Piano sat down beside me on the bleachers. "You know, I don't really peg you as the person to come to a basketball game on your own free will."

       "You know, I don't really peg me as that kind of person either," I said. "But I do peg me as the type of person who would come to a basketball game just to see my very attractive boyfriend in a basketball uniform. I can especially admire those muscles of his."

       "And there it is," Piano said. "Understandable."

       "What about you?" I asked. "You once told me that gym class was overrated as well as a cruel and unusual punishment."

       "Yes, but that's gym class and when I'm being forced to participate," Piano said. "I'm not being forced to participate. Plus I like it that our school has a coed basketball team and kicks butt, especially your sister."

       "I know, right?" I said. "People always underestimate her because of her height but she's fast. She's very quick at stealing the basketball from people. I think. I don't really pay attention during her games but I have heard my parents say that before."

       "Oh, so you won't pay attention to your sister's games but now that you're dating someone on the basketball team, you will?" Piano asked.

       I looked at Piano with a raised eyebrow before snorting. "Who said anything about me paying attention to the game? I'm only going to be paying attention to Uriah and his muscles."

       And boy, what muscles Uriah had.

       Both teams were on opposite sides of the court right now, just warming up before the game started. Uriah noticed me sitting on the bleachers so I gave him a smile and a small wave. He smiled softly back and waved slightly before going back to warming up.

       Piano leaned towards me. "It's so weird seeing Uriah acting so soft. He used to just glare at everyone. I swear, one day I thought he was going eat me alive."

       "I think that's a bit of an exaggeration," I said.

       "Hey, I don't exaggerate," Piano said.

       "I once heard you tell Dove that if you two were to ever break up, you were going to head back to Australia just to say goodbye to your family before moving to Mars," I said.

       "It's rude to eavesdrop, Levi," Piano said.

       I furrowed my eyebrows, mouthing, "What?" as I didn't bother continuing the conversation between us. Piano was the king of eavesdropping and spying on people. He probably knew things about me that I didn't even know.

       The basketball game started and to be honest, I got bored very quickly, even when I was checking out Uriah the whole time. I just didn't get why people found this so interesting to watch.

       Then again, people did have different interests so I shouldn't judge.

       "I have a confession," Piano said. "I'm not really here to watch the basketball game."

       I faked a gasp to have a dramatic effect since I didn't really care about the reasoning. "No, really? That's just... That's completely shocking. World changing. Alert the media. This is such a huge deal."

       Piano glared at me. "Careful, my girlfriend is the head of the coyotes. I can get her to punish you."

       "I'm pretty sure she won't punish me just because I'm being sarcastic," I said. "So since this is obviously a big deal for you, why exactly are you here at a basketball game is you're not here... to watch the basketball game?"

       "I'm here to keep an eye on Mr. Hicks," Piano said, his eyes looking across the gym to where Mr. Hicks was standing by the scoreboard. "He always attends the basketball games so this is the best way to keep an eye on him."

       "I get that he's acting very suspicious but why do you have to keep an eye on him here?" I asked. "It's not like he's going to do anything."

       "You never know," Piano said. "He has some sketchy associates, especially if he's working with S.H.R.E.W.D. We never know when we could talk to these associates."

       "You think he'd talk to his so-called associates during a basketball game?" I asked.

       "Why not?" Piano asked. "Everyone who's here is too focused on the game to pay attention to him. Well, everyone but me. I'm onto him. He's not going to get away with this."

       "Yeah, sure," I said. "But speaking of him, has Pearl said anything about Mr. Hicks trying to convince her to have the Owls take a tour of S.H.R.E.W.D headquarters?"

       "He tried but she was able to make an excuse," Piano said. "So I'm guessing next, he's going to try talking to Alvin to convince the Dolphins. I already talked to Alvin so he's trying to think of something. I just don't know how long we could keep this up."

       I sighed. "I'm worried that he'll catch onto us soon."

       "Honestly, me too," Piano said before he furrowed his eyebrows. "Wait... Why is he talking to the other team's coach?"

       I followed Piano's gaze. "Uh... Maybe he's telling the coach that someone on that team is... I don't know, cheating? I'm sorry, I don't know how basketball works."

       "That's the referee's job to call out," Piano said. "She would have surely noticed if the other team wasn't playing fair. I'm telling you, this is suspicious."

       I had to admit, it was a bit suspicious so instead of checking out Uriah, I joined Piano in keeping an eye on Mr. Hicks. The principal soon walked away from the other's team coach and shortly after, that coach called a timeout. 

       "So... You still think something isn't up?" Piano asked.

       "No, something definitely is," I said.

       And I didn't have a good feeling about it.

       The coach only talked to one player on the other team before the game continued. This time, I kept my eye on the player the coach talked to. He ended up doing something I never wanted to see while watching a basketball game.

       He tripped Uriah, causing him to have a very bad fall. I probably should stay seated but I didn't care. The game had stopped by then so I stood up and got off the bleachers, hurrying over to Uriah who our school's coach and the referee were now by.

       "Uriah, are you okay?" I asked.

       "Yeah," Uriah said as he sat up. "Yeah, I'm fine."

       I went to help him to stand up but as soon as he did, he nearly toppled over. He would have if I wasn't holding onto him.

       "Alright, let's sit you down," the coach said.

       "I-I can't walk," Uriah said. "It's my ankle."

       "The benches are only a few feet over," the coach said. "Can you make it there?"

       Uriah tried but the moment he took a step with his bad ankle, even though it was a very light step, he nearly fell again. "I can't."

       "That's okay," the referee said. "We'll get the paramedics and we'll keep the game paused until you're off the court. Just sit back down on the ground if you need to."

       I helped Uriah sit back down on the ground as I looked over at Piano. He looked as worried as I felt since we both knew the truth. Mr. Hicks told the other coach to get one of the players to hurt Uriah.

       Mr. Hicks, the principal of this school, wanted to hurt one of the students.

       Things were getting a lot worse for us.


smh mr. hicks. what a horrible principal. i'll replace you if i have to.

lmao probably not the best thing since i'll just be walking all around the school shipping people and telling people to break up if i didn't ship them.

and oof i missed this book. i need to update it more.

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