Chapter 3 (Coyote)

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Chapter 3

Coyote POV: Levi

       I honestly didn't know if Astrid would actually not be able to talk to me because of the rules her captain set out. She normally did do things her own way, especially if she was didn't agree with what other people were doing, but by the way she described Wayne to me, I had a feeling he wasn't going to let things go easily.

       That didn't stop Astrid from sitting beside me in the one class every house had together at the start of the school day. A guy even glared at her and I assumed he was Wayne, especially when Astrid flipped him off after making sure nobody was looking.

       I was happy there wasn't much important information being told during this class. It was basically just going over the rules of the classes, and how each class for the houses would run.

       If it was a class where I would have to pay attention, I would be in trouble because I was way too distracted.

       Since this wasn't a class where we were learning a lesson, we were given a ten minute break since a lot of us were getting antsy. Some people left, but Astrid and I stayed where we were.

       Astrid leaned over towards me before saying in a low voice, "You do know he's straight, right?"

       I snapped back into reality before looking at my sister. "Huh?"

       "Uriah," Astrid said. "I saw you ogling him yesterday at the party, and right now in class. Sorry to break it to you, but he's straight."

       "Are you one-hundred percent sure?" I asked. "Has he ever said that he's straight? Because trust me, no man that good looking can be straight."

       "Well, he hasn't exactly said it," Astrid said. "But he did have a girlfriend not too long ago. In fact, she's also part of the Tiger house."

       Well, that sucked.

       I barely knew any gay guys at my old school. The chances of there being another gay guy here was probably even lower since there were only thirty-two of us.

       Too bad I still wasn't going to believe that Uriah was straight until he actually said it.

       Besides, a lot of gay guys have had girlfriends before realizing they were gay, or to even hide the fact that they are gay if they were too afraid to come out.

       I should know.

       "So?" I asked. "I've had a girlfriend."

       "Yeah, because Mom and Dad were catching onto you and you got scared," Astrid said.

       I raised an eyebrow. "So I can have a girlfriend to hide that I'm gay, but Uriah can't? Oh, and there's this thing called being bisexual. Or pansexual. You never know."

       Astrid sighed. "I just don't want you getting your hopes up, Levi. It has happened way too many times, and I don't want you getting hurt again."

       "I can handle myself," I said. "Kind of. Besides, even if he is straight, that doesn't mean I can ogle him. Or talk to him."

       "Just... be careful," Astrid said. "Especially because of who our captain is."

       "Don't worry," I said. "I'm not afraid of Wayne."

       To be honest, I was totally afraid of Wayne. Throughout the class, he kept shooting Astrid dirty looks and even though they weren't directed towards me, I got scared.

       I did hope he wouldn't go after me for talking to someone in his house, but my hopes diminished after I left the classroom. He decided to bump into my and cause me to drop all the books I was carrying since Astrid had left before me.

       I sighed and bent down to pick them up, and someone soon started helping me. I looked in front of me to see none other than the guy I had been ogling throughout the whole class.

       One of the books that I dropped on the floor was my sketchbook and it was open on one of my least favourite sketches.

       The sketchbook was what Uriah picked up and he was looking at it before handing it to me. "That's an amazing drawing," he said.

       "It's a horrible drawing," I said, taking the sketchbook from him before we both stood up. "It's the worst one I ever drew."

       Uriah raised an eyebrow. "If that's the worst one, I'd like to see the best one. And just a pro tip for being at this school, it's best to be confident about your gifts."

       "Is that actually a pro tip for the school, or one for being like you?" I asked.

       "If it was one for being like me, would that really be a bad thing?" Uriah asked.

       "Wow, you are something else," I said.

       "Why, thank you," Uriah said.

       "I didn't mean that as a compliment," I said.

       "Well, I'm still taking it as a compliment, so thank you," Uriah said.

       "Are you always this conceited?" I asked.

       "Like I say to everyone, it's not being conceited," Uriah said. "It's being confident. It's a good thing."

       "Whatever you say," I said. "Shouldn't we get to our next class? You probably don't want to be seen socializing with me. Don't want to damage your Tiger reputation."

       "Oh, totally," Uriah said. "I'm going to be a social outcast in this school of thirty-two people just for talking to you. But yes, you're right. We should be getting to class so I'll see you around."

       When he walked away, I felt a hand on my shoulder which made me jump a bit. I turned around to see Piano, the boyfriend of the Coyote's captain.

       "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said. He just moved from Australia to Canada just over a year ago, so his accent was still very clear.

       "Do what?" I asked.

       "I'll tell you but first, I am going to lead you to our next class before he get late and be yelled at," Piano said. As soon as we started walking to our next class, he continued. "I mean pursuing a relationship with a Tiger. Wayne won't like it."

       "How did you...?" 

       "I'm a very observant person," Piano said. "Since Dove is the captain, I take the responsibility to know what's going on with everyone and everything at the academy. And I noticed you taking a liking to Uriah since you were basically staring at him the whole class."

       I wasn't even going to deny it since Uriah was definitely someone worth looking at. I just had to make sure I didn't tell Uriah that since that would only make him even more conceited.

       "So, since you took that responsibility, would you say Uriah is attracted to girls or boys?" I asked.

       "That, I honestly don't know," Piano said. "He was dating Nevaeh not too long ago. She's part of the Tiger house. He could be bisexual. Or maybe dumped her because he realized he was gay. They never really told anyone why they broke up. It just happened out of the blue. Even I don't know and like I said, I know everything. Or mostly everything."

       "Would Dove get mad if I socialize with a Tiger?" I asked.

       "No, of course not," Piano said. "She doesn't care at all. We're all students attending this school. There's no point saying we can't talk to someone else just because they have a different gift than us. That, and it would make her a hypocrite since her sister is an Owl."

       "Sweet," I said.

       "But it still might not be a great idea," he said. "Wayne is strict and can make someone's life a living hell."

       Not if I made his life a living hell first.


yes my babies socialize with each other you're honourary brothers woooooo.

i love my children so much and i'll hurt people who hurt them

(i say this as if i haven't made my favourite child nolan's life a living hell)(hahahahaha i love torturing nolan idk why)

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