Chapter 7 (Coyote)

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Chapter 7

Coyote POV: Piano

       Today was the best day of my life.

       I was normally a very happy person. A lot of things could make me happy and it was very hard to get me mad. Very hard. In fact, I didn't even remember the last time I was mad.

       However, right now, I was as happy as I had ever been during my time at this school. Wayne was the most annoying person ever and even though I wasn't in his house, he still found a way to invade my life. Probably because my girlfriend was the Coyote's captain, and Wayne was a captain.

       Either way, he annoyed me. He didn't get me mad. He just annoyed me.

       So one thing that made me really happy was him getting mad.

       And losing a dodge ball tournament.

       A tournament that the Tigers had won for years.

       A tournament they definitely had an advantage in.

       A tournament they lost because of the most athletically inclined student.


       And they lost to us Coyotes.

       Best day ever since we were rewarded with a taco night.

       "I still can't believe we won that tournament," Dove said, the two of us sitting on the windowsill bench with our delicious tacos. I was crying just looking at the food. I loved food. "We lost the first round and ended up winning overall. I can't wait to rub it in Wayne's face."

       "You do know why we really won, right?" I asked.

       "Uh, because we're better than everyone?" Dove asked.

       "Well, yes, I'd like to agree, but unfortunately, that isn't true," I said. "Uriah threw the game."

       Dove raised an eyebrow. "Uriah threw the game? We're talking about the same Uriah, right? You told me that he was going to be the Tiger's captain. He wouldn't have even been considered if he threw games. He'll be weak."

       "Hey, don't call him weak," I said. "It's not his fault he was blinded by love."

       "Ah, right, I forgot," Dove said. "You're the spy of the school. If you say something, it's obviously true."

       "It is," I said. "He didn't mean to throw it, anyway. He just did after, again, being blinded by love."

       "Who are you talking about?" Dove asked.

       "My lips are sealed. As a future non-threatening RCMP officer, I need to learn to keep secrets."

       Dove shrugged. "Fine by me. I don't mind you not telling me. I'll just, you know, not kiss you or hug you until you tell me."

       "Are you... are you threatening a future RCMP officer?" I asked.

       "I thought you didn't want to become one," Dove said.

       "I do, but my name is threatening," I said. "Maybe I can change my name from Piano Keys to Macho Man."

       "Yeah, I like Piano Keys a lot better," Dove said. "So can you tell me who blinded Uriah with love? Because I am very curious about it."

       "Sorry, but my observations on the topic of love must be kept a secret," I said. "You know, since it's other people's personal lives and I have to respect their privacy."

       "Oh, now you choose to respect their privacy?" Dove asked. "You haven't done it before."

       I shrugged. "I'm a very complex person."

       Dove sighed. "Well, since I am now bored with this conversation, I am going to find someone else to talk to."

       "That's harsh."

       "I'm kidding. I'm just going to try talking to some of the new Coyotes." She leaned over and kissed my cheek before getting up and walking away.

       I was actually glad she walked away because I was very tempted to tell her that Uriah was making a lot of heart eyes to Levi during the whole tournament, and then purposefully lost because it was only Uriah and Levi left in the last round.

       It was officially the cutest budding romance happening in the entire school.

       And it was probably going to be a forbidden one too because of stupid Wayne.

       Either way, I shipped it.

       And speaking of...

       Levi walked over to me. "Can I sit here?" he asked.

       "Yeah, of course," I said, so he sat down. "You want some inside information, don't you? Since I'm the school spy?"

       "Yeah, how did you know?" he asked. "Never mind, don't answer that. Of course you know. You are the school spy."

       "Correct," I said. "So what would you like to know?"

       "I know we talked about it before, but can you find out if there's even a slight chance that Uriah is attracted to guys?" Levi asked.

       "Done," I said. "He is."

       Levi furrowed his eyebrows. "What?"

       "He is," I said. "I'm not going to assume his sexuality because that would be rude of me but yes, he is attracted to guys. Maybe girls as well since he did date a girl not too long ago. Again, not going to assume."

       And I only knew because of all the heart eyes Uriah was making towards this poor, hopeless boy sitting right beside me.

       I could have told Levi specifically who Uriah was attracted to but I would much rather them figure it out themselves.

       Mainly so I didn't get the blame if things didn't go well.

       And so I could watch the romance blossom from the sidelines.

       I loved romance.

       "He really is?" Levi asked. "Like... Are you sure?"

       "I am," I said. "And I never get things wrong. If I were you, though, I'd just start off with the two of you just grow closer as friends so you can know for sure. And also, make sure Wayne doesn't find out. He doesn't like Tigers being even friends with anyone else. And he'll be a lot more mad at you since you were the last one standing in the dodge ball tournament."

       "Sweet, I can't wait to get him mad," Levi said. "Astrid is always wanting the two of us to hang out since we haven't for a while, but Wayne won't let her. He's always giving her a bunch of tasks to keep her busy and since he's the captain, she can't refuse."

       I patted his shoulder. "Make him as made as you can. Dig deep and do whatever it takes. I want to watch the drama unfold."


i love piano so much ahahaha he's a mixture between calvin and gene BEST COMBO EVER

and uriah and levi are the number 1 otp in this and nobody can convince me otherwise because the gay way is the only way (jk jk but seriously i love them so much)(pearl and ester 2nd)(we need more pearl and ester)

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