27. Back at the Vineyard

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A/N: True late 90s and early 00s would understand the chapter name ;)
Also if you commented or DM me I'll give a late reply. So sorry about that but I'm currently traveling and the service sucks. Also I'm using my sister's phone since mine needs to be fixed. Such is the way of life lol.

One Direction- I Wanna Write You a Song (This song makes me cry, anyone else?)

Jackson Wang- Dawn of Us

Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello- Señorita

Ellie Goulding- Love Me Like You Do

Zayn ft Sia- Dusk 'till Dawn

Damien's pic ^

Damien's POV

When we exit the plane an hour later, there's a crowd gathered at the tarmac. The president and his wife goes over to greet them. I stand in place, pulling my cap downwards to hide my face.

Men dressed in black tactical gear each wearing a helmet and holding a black bag are standing post near the helicopter, and according to Hope are a Secret Service counter-assault team. "Come on." Hope says, holding my hand and leading me away from them and towards a motorcade. Secret Service surround us as they lead us to one of the many black cars lined up.

We climb into one of them and wait for her parents. "How did they even know you guys were coming?" I ask, referring to the crowds who are yelling the president and the First Lady's name.

"Reporters. The president has a schedule online."

"What? Why?"

She looks amused. "Don't you want to know what the president does with his time?"

"Sure, but... I don't know. It's just weird."

She smiles up at me. "You'll get used to it." She kisses me but I have a hard time concentrating. I am awkwardly aware of agents in the limited space of the car. Seriously, how does one get used to this kind of thing?

We finally leave with a line of cars at the front and back of us. This is a lot of security for someone just going on vacation.

We stop at a rental home in Oak Bluffs. The house looks like a mini mansion, the space inside overwhelming. But of course, it was tiny compared to the White House.

I carry me and Hope's suitcase. Apparently, that isn't part of the agents' job description. We have established that Hope and I could share a room as long as we won't do anything their parents wouldn't do. Which was a moot argument, because what I want to do is what her parents would definitely be doing as well.

I set the suitcase down in a room bigger than my dining and bedroom combined. Apparently, Hope and I aren't on the same mindset. She quickly starts arranging our stuff into drawers and hanging things in the walk-in closet. I reluctantly help her empty out the suitcase. If it were up to me, I would live the week out by pulling whatever was on the top in the suitcase. But obviously Hope had other plans.

When we're done, she pulls me downstairs and we spend the day watching movies with her parents. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, her dad is a funny guy. I wonder how he can maintain a sense of humor with a job like his, but I guess everybody's different.

Around 11, we head to bed upon Mrs. Madison's orders since we have plans the next day. I scowl when Hope refuses to shower with me and quickly get ready for bed. I change into a tee and shorts and Hope happens to do the same. I try not to think about the fact that she isn't wearing a bra.

"You're just tryna be me, aren't you?" I accuse. She only smiles at me and crawl under the blanket. I'm awfully aware of the heat coming off her body as I crawl in with her. It takes every willpower I can muster not to touch her when she wraps her arms around me and snuggles close.

"Relax!" She laughs. She takes my hand and wrap it around herself. I chuckle and reel her in, feeling giddy despite myself.

"This is nice," I comment. I'm about to tease her when I notice her eyes are closed, her lips parted. She looks even more beautiful asleep. I watch her until I start to feel lethargic and my eyes close for slumber.


When I wake, I find the bed empty. A minute later, she steps out of the bathroom and jumps on the bed. "Good morning, handsome," She grins and plants a kiss on my lips. "I had fun watching you sleep."

"Pervert," I tease. I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth as she starts to look for something to wear for the day. When I step out, I find my basketball shorts and a shirt hanging on top of the dresser. I frown.

"What are you doing?"

She shrugs. "I want to match."

I laugh at her. "You're weird." She rolls her eyes and pulls my shirt closer to her, inviting herself into my mouth. I grab her waist, until she's on her tiptoes and kissing me eagerly. We find our way to the bed, our lips moving in sync despite falling onto it. She flexes her hip against me and I pull away, my breath ragged.

"What?" She says, her chest rising and falling quickly. I sit up on the bed and cross my arms.

"Nope. You're not blue-balling me."

She pouts and tugs at my arm. "Come on. My parents are out jogging, we're alone in the house, and you won't even let me kiss you." We're alone?

I raise an eyebrow. "Are you tempting me, woman?" She shakes her head with a grin. "I'm not kissing you until you have sex with me." I declare.

She laughs. "You're so dramatic. You can't resist me."

"I can resist long enough," I quip. We sit there in a staring contest and I refuse to back down.

Her smile drops and I swallow in anticipation. She gets up and walks towards me. "Get away, woman!" I splay my hands against her chest to keep her at bay.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! Move!" She bites her lip and looks as if she's deep in thought. "Stop thinking. I don't know what you're planning."

She removes my hands but I put them back. We're home alone. We're home alone. No way can I hold back if she takes a step closer. I've held back long enough.

She bites her lip and doesn't break away from my gaze as she slowly removes her shirt.

"Fuck." My breath catches in my throat as I stare at her bra-less breasts. My eyes cannot move away from it, and I watch helplessly as it moves closer.

"Hope," I say roughly.

"Shh," She whispers and straddles my hips. She gently kisses me but I'm not having it. I press my lips against her and roll her onto the bed so she's under me. She grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it over my head. She stares at the bulge underneath my shorts and looks up wide-eyed. I place my lips back where it belongs, kissing her forcefully. We're both breathing heavily when she breaks away and puts her hands up. "Wait!"

I groan and roll my eyes in frustration. "Wait, you need a condom," She says breathlessly. I pause and grin, running to my suitcase and removing one from a pocket.

She giggles. "Why am I not surprised."

"You hinted that you might have sex with me on the trip! I had to come prepared," I defend.

She grabs my hair and pull me towards her. I roughly return the kiss and break, trailing my lips down her neck and to her breast. I bite on each of her nipples and she moans loudly, dragging her fingernails down my back. I groan and plant wet kisses down her stomach before coming back up. My lips find hers again, swallowing her loud moans as I massage her breast.

I slowly and painstakingly trail my lips down the planes of her stomach and stop right below her waist. She's breathing heavy, her bare chest heaving up and down, and her toes curling. I slowly plant kisses up her feet, and then her legs as I spread them open, and then her inner thighs. Her head rolls back as I kiss and bite her through her underwear. She buckles and whimpers, sending me to near release. It's pathetic how close I am, but I don't really care.

"Are you sure?" I say breathlessly.

She nods quickly. "Yes," She whimpers.

I quickly remove my shorts with one swift movement, watching as her eyes widen, her breath quickening. I open the packet a little too forcefully and I'm about to fill her when I hear a knock on the door.

"Hope? Are you awake?" Mrs. Madison yells through the door as I hear the sound of the doorknob turning.

Hope's POV

I close my eyes against the overwhelming pleasure when I hear my mother's voice. "Hope? Are you awake?"

My eyes snap open and I sit up quickly. I barely notice Damien as he falls over the side of the bed with a loud thud. The door slowly opens and it takes a moment before I understand that I need to respond.

"Mom, don't open the door! I'm.. changing," I say, my chest heaving dangerously. I press my legs together, feeling an uncomfortable pressure in between them, and close my eyes in horror, willing myself to sound normal. I pull the bedsheet over my chest for decency.

"What was that sound?" The door closes. I sigh in relief.

"I... hit my knee on the bed post."

"Where's Damien?" I can imagine her narrowing her eyes as she gains suspicion.

"He's in the... bathroom, mom. He's taking a shower."

"Okay, hurry up. I'm going to prepare breakfast."

"Okay!" I hear the footsteps of my mother resigning.

I clutch the blanket against my chest and look over the side of the bed. "Damien!" I whisper. He doesn't answer. He's naked and hunched over, giving me a full view of his behind. I admire it for a second before crawling to the edge of the bed. His eyes are shut and he's grimacing. I slowly realize he's in pain and my heart pounds in panic.

"Damien? What happened?" He forcefully shakes his head, gritting his teeth.

"Damien?" I drop the blanket and quickly reach his side. "What's wrong?" I try to keep my voice low but fail. "Damien!" He gets up and runs to the bathroom, slamming the door shut. I hear his groans and I try to turn the knob but it's locked.

"Damien?" My voice rising in panic. "What happened?"

"I'm... fine," He says, clearly not sounding fine. "Can you... please... get out the room for a second?" He gasps out the last few words. I frown.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"Hope, please!" He says in a strangled voice.

"Okay, okay, okay," I say, my heart pounding in fear. I quickly dress myself and walk out the door. As I loudly close it shut, I see my mom passing by the doorway, carrying a crate of eggs. She turns and frowns.

"Mom!" I shriek in terror. Her frown deepens and she walks back to me.

"What's going on?"

"Uh..." I say, my heart in my throat. I swallow nervously. "Damien's... changing. Thought I'd give him privacy." I laugh unnecessarily and she narrows her eyes.

"I thought you were changing." She says, eyeing my pajamas.

"Yeah, but..." I begin breathlessly. Where's oxygen when you really need it? "I didn't like the outfit I picked. And he, uh, finished his shower so I stepped out."

She tilts her head and squints her eyes further. "Anything happened while we were gone?"

My eyes widen in horror. "God, Mom! I would never!" My tone is two octaves higher and she widens her mouth in shock.

"Mom, I swear its not what you think!" She looks at me doubtfully. "I'm a virgin!" I pause as I notice my dad at the end of the hall, staring at us with a bewildered expression. My neck suddenly becomes hot. "I'm... going to head back inside," I mutter as I slowly walk back in and close the door behind me, making sure to hit my head against it. I'm such an idiot.

I walk towards the bathroom. "Damien?" He doesn't answer. The shower is running so I make myself busy by scrolling through my phone.

The bathroom door opens shortly after and Damien peeks his head out, his hair wet. "Can you... hand me my clothes, please?" He says in a low voice. He isn't meeting my gaze.

"Please?" I echo with a frown. It sounds very odd coming from his mouth. He gives me an exasperatedy expression so I quickly hand it to him and he closes the door shut. I pout and drop back on the bed. Why is he acting so weird?

The door opens and Damien steps out with his clothes on. He avoids my gaze as he heads to the dresser. "Damien?" I say hesitantly. "I wanna know what happened to you." He doesn't answer.

I sit at the end of the bed and tap him with my foot. He doesn't turn, so I climb on the bed and turn his body with his shoulders. He tries to turn back but I force him to face my direction. "What?" He snaps.

I take a step back, offended by his harsh tone. "Did I do something wrong?" He shakes his head, his ears and neck bright red.

"No," He mumbles.

"If I did something then I'm so-" I pause finally putting two and two together. I gasp and put my hand over my mouth.

Without meaning to, I burst into laughter, only prompting him to turn even more red.

"Wait!" I manage through fits of laughter. "Wait, tell me you didn't have blue balls!"

"Shh!" He hisses, clamping my mouth shut with his hand. This only makes me laugh out loud even more.

"Oh my God! I'm sorry!" I say, not sounding the least bit apologetic. I clutch my stomach. "I can't believe this. You actually got-"

"Okay, the whole house can hear you!" He rolls his eyes.

"Does it hurt that bad? How do you even come down from it?" His neck turns even more red and he shakes his head in refusal. I throw my arms around his neck, my shoulder shaking with uncontrollable laughs.

Damien does not look amused.

Damien's POV

Hope is the least slick person on Earth.

We're eating breakfast and the entire time, her parents are giving me odd looks. I try to devour my food quickly to escape the awkwardness. I wonder what they've heard to be looking at us like that.

"Okay, I think we need to address the elephant in the room," Hope says out loud. I shoot her warning and panicked signals through my eyes. She ignores me. "I know you guys think Damien and I had sex."

The president coughs out his coffee and his wife pats his back. An agent, standing outside the open patio door, is about to turn but seems to think better of it when he snaps his head back.

I, on the other hand, am trying not to choke on my toast that has made it halfway down my throat. Hope puts a hand on her mouth, her eyes wide but her lips turned in amusement.

"Ahem! Aheeem!" I manage to get the last bit of toast down and down it with my juice.

"Damien," Hope says pointedly. "Tell them nothing happened."

I grit my teeth and shake my head. "Nothing happened," I mutter despite the fact that I'm obviously blushing.

"Besides, we don't have a condom." Hope blurts out. The president coughs again and excuses himself from the table.

Mrs. Madison raises an eyebrow at her. "Let's not talk about this again."


I've concluded that Martha's Vineyard was almost worth the humiliating moments that had occurred in the morning.

We spend the day being the tourists we were. We visited the Gingerbread Houses, where the houses are painted in saturated colors that it looks straight out of a fairytale book. We drove to Gay Head Lighthouse in Aquinnah to see the weird looking mountains and had a picnic at a park. We even saw the Jaws Bridge, the scene of many shark attack movies. I had to admit, it is a cool experience.

I'm left bewildered as tourists walk up to Hope and I for pictures. I would start to refuse when Hope would quickly accept. She doesn't seem to notice my pointed glares. What the hell are they going to do with those pictures, anyway?

The day quickly comes to a close and when we enter the house, I dramatically declare how tired I am and quickly enter the room. I hurriedly get ready for bed and climb on it, pulling the sheets over me and pretend to sleep.

A few minutes later, I hear the door open and feel Hope's weight on top of me. "Damien." She shakes my shoulders but I resist. "Damien. I know you aren't sleeping." She continues to shake me.

"I'll make it up to you," She offers.

I reluctantly turn to face her and narrow my eyes. "How?"

She smiles cheekily. "There's clearly no privacy here. So when we get to your house, we can..."

"We can what?"

She swats my chest. "You know what."

I flick her forehead. "Ow!"

"Say it," I order.

She scrunches her nose and shakes her head. I can't help it. I kiss her, making sure to put distance between our bodies She giggles against my lips and respond eagerly. And even then, I can feel an erection coming. What the hell is this woman doing to me?


When I wake, Hope is sleeping with her head on my arm. I smile and watch her until I feel the need to pee.

When I come out, she is still asleep so I choose the opportunity to wander through the house. There's extra rooms besides the other two being occupied. I choose not to open them. The paintings on the walls are the types that only rich people would actually find interesting, and the wood is squeaky at some parts. I try to carefully step through certain floorboards, feeling like the mother in A Quiet Place. My attempt is moot because when I reach the kitchen, Mrs. Madison is evidently awake, sitting at the counter and reading a book.

She looks up at me and smiles. "Good morning."

I return the gesture. "Morning, Mrs. Madison." There's something odd about waking up to see a grown woman with a book in hand and a smile.

"Makayla." She reminds me as she closes her book. "Do you need anything?"

"No... Actually, can I help you with breakfast?" My mind goes back to my conversation with Hope and how I told her I wanted to make her breakfast.

She looks surprised. "Sure, why not?" She stands up and leads me into the kitchen, explaining that she only has time to cook when she's on vacation. "What do you want?"

"What's Hope's favorite breakfast?"

She smiles brightly and nods. "Ah. She loves pancakes."

"You have a mix?" Admittedly, I have no luck with mixes either, but at least she'll be there to prevent the kitchen from catching on fire.

She scoffs. "Who says we can't make it from scratch? The flour is in the pantry." I do as directed and help her mix the ingredients into a bowl. I try hard to commit the steps to memory, even though I know I can just buy a mix and actually try not to burn it.

"You're pretty good at this," She comments. "Do you cook?"

I laugh and crack eggs into the batter. "Not to save my life. Hope actually taught me how to cook my first real breakfast instead of just eating cereal and Wendy's."

After a moment, she smiles. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making her happy. I'm sure you know, but Hope goes through a lot and I'm glad she has someone to sort of lift some of her burdens."

"Uh... thanks, I guess." I smile. It's a revelation to hear and I'm glad I can be there for her in that way.

She gestures for me to turn off the electric mixer. I'm pretty sure the batter is way too much but I keep quiet. I dip into it with a large spoon and pour it onto the hot and oily pan.

"There you go!" She squeals. "Your second real breakfast." I laugh. I never thought I would enjoy cooking this much. Or frying, for that matter.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asks as she pulls out plates in the cupboard.


"Do you talk to your parents?"

I pause and shake my head, avoiding her gaze and the pang in my chest. "No, I don't. They've severed all contact. Put money in my bank and call it a day."

"They're idiots," She says. I look up in surprise. "It's their loss for abandoning such an amazing son."

I don't know what to say to that. "Thanks..." I turn my gaze back to the task at hand.

She puts a hand on my shoulder and looks at me with an intense gaze. "Look, you might not have a place in their home, but you definitely have a place in ours. If you ever need anything, even someone to bother, don't hesitate to call. Or even drive over at odd hours of the night. The White House is open 24/7." She laughs lightly.

I can only stare. She pats my shoulder before turning back to flip the pancake. My throat becomes itchy. I clear my throat and look away.

"I smell pancakes." The president sings behind us. We've fried almost half of the batter by now. There's more pancakes than two families could manage but she informs me it's for the secret agents. I'm impressed by her kind gesture.

Hope appears just then and she looks at me in surprise before narrowing her eyes. "Did you poison it?"

I nod. The president purses his lips. "I'm sure the only plate he's poisoned is mine," He notes.

I laugh. "You're right. I suggest you skip today."

"I better warn the agents," He whispers across the countertop. "But I can't stop them from hurting you."

Hope laughs at my expression and I quickly plaster a smile and release a breath.

Yesterday was more quiet and it could be the fact that breakfast was served late for everyone else. But today, the house is full of chatter as I help serve pancakes. Half of the batter is in the fridge for the other agents who took the night shift and are currently sleeping.

A warm feeling washes over me as I sit on the counter with Hope. Most of the agents are eating outside, since they still have to maintain their post. Judging by the amazing taste of the pancakes, I wonder which they would prioritize if an intruder comes.

All in all, it feels like one big happy family and for once in my life, I can pretend my life isn't shitty and my parents aren't shitty and they're sitting right behind us. I intertwine my hands in hers. "Your family's pretty cool." I admit to her. I'm grateful when she smiles and doesn't comment on it.


Day 3 is spent mostly bike riding. I haven't ridden since I was 8, and the feeling is exhilarating as I quickly learn and try to keep up with Hope. Hope's parents have gone off on their own so it feels like a romantic vacation with my girlfriend. If, of course, I can ignore the secret agents tagging along behind us. They do a surprisingly good job at being forgettable and discreet, so it isn't too bad.

When the sun stars to set, we finally reach Menemsha Beach. On the brochure that I found in the living room, it says to order lobster and clam chowder, a popular favorite. We had called ahead and we pick up our order now and set up camp on the sand.

Many people are already gathered to watch the sunset. The sun begin it's descent and I watch her as she takes pictures of the sky. She quickly turns and snaps a picture of me. "Hey!" I say, trying to grab her phone.

"Relax. I don't have much pictures of you. Smile."

She begins to tickle my neck. I shriek and pull back but she has already taken a couple. I scowl at her but she doesn't seem to care. It's an amazing experience, eating good food while watching a sunset. I know I'll never forget this moment.

When it's almost midnight, we finally make our way back to the house. I run to the shower first, much to Hope's dismay. When I'm cleaned up and dressed for bed, I head into the kitchen. I pour myself a cup of water and hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see Makayla. "Long day, huh?"

I smile at her. "Yeah, it was fun."

"What'd you do?"

"We rode around. Watched the sunset."

She smiles. "You're very romantic."

I laugh nervously. "Being with Hope does that to you. You have no choice."

She laughs. "You know, they way you look at her, I used to look at her dad the same way."

I cock my head, alarmed. Is she letting me in on family drama or something? "Used to?"

"The novelty's worn off." She laughs and I chime in. "Joking."

"You want a glass?" I ask her.

She nods. "Thank you." I pour her water from the fridge dispenser and hand it to her. "You know, after the vacation is over, you should come by. I can teach you your third breakfast." She drops her voice even though no one is around to hear. "And if you burn the kitchen, just blame it on the chefs."

I let out a surprised laugh. "I'll hold you to that. Even though your husband hates me."

She shakes her head. "Jo doesn't hate you. In fact, he's very fond of you. He just won't admit it."

"Really?" I ask in surprise.


I nod. "Hmm. Thanks for telling me. I'll make sure to use it against him."

Makayla snickers. "Just don't tell him I told you."


Hope's POV

I lie in bed, waiting for Damien to cuddle me. His phone rings and Jane's name appears on the caller. I frown. Why is she calling him past midnight?

I pick up the phone but stay silent. "Hey baby!" I hear an awfully cheerful voice on the other end. "The other day was fun. We should do it again." I feel my face grow hot as I hang up the phone. I push my thumb on the thumbprint and open up their messages. Their conversation is mild until I keep on scrolling all the way up.

I grip the phone tighter as I read the messages Jane has been sending him. My heart sinks to my stomach.

Jane: Oh? what were you thinking?
Damien: I was thinking of how'd you look bent over on my bed in high heels
Jane: which color? ;)
Damien: red
Jane: and then what?
Damien: I'll rip your panties off with my teeth...
Jane: if I'm wearing any...

I feel sick as I scroll through even more messages too sexual to even read in full. I feel stupid. How can I be this gullible?

The door opens and I look up to see Damien with a smile on his face.


A/N: Totally coincidental, but I realized there's a scene that happens in the song Señorita (I wrote this chapter long before the song was released). It's funny how it fits so perfectly, though.

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