29. Wolves

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One Direction- Wolves

Damien's POV

My phone vibrates again, disturbing my sleep. I roll over, expecting Hope to be beside me. It takes a few seconds to realize I'm all alone again in my house.

I roll my eyes and reach for the phone on my dresser.

"What?" I snap.

"What the fuck? I've been trying to call you for the past half hour!" Zach? Why the hell is he calling me?

I yawn. "Oops, the phone was too far. What the fuck you want?"

"I'm hiding. I need you to come get me."

"Hell no. I don't care what it is. You got a car of your own and I was sleeping. And why're you even hiding?"

"They fucked up my car! This is all your fault! I sent you my location. Come. Get. Me." His voice sounds panicked and scared in a way I've never heard. My blood turns to ice.

I sit up quickly and throw the blankets from over me, no longer feeling its warmth. "What the hell is going on?" Dread fills my stomach as a disturbing theory comes to mind.

"It's Prince's bitches. They're after me. I really need you to find me before they do or I'm dead."

Fuck. I knew it. I hate being right sometimes. "I'm coming, okay? Be careful."

I hear distant shouts through the phone. "Hurry!" The line cuts.

"Shit. Shit. Shit."

I grab my car keys and run to my car. I am slightly above the speed limit but I don't care at the moment. If Prince and the gang get ahold of him, he might die tonight. Anxiety and fear runs through my bones and I step on the gas a little harder.


I track his phone location to an intersection, but he isn't there. I'm afraid to call him just in case they're near him. It might even be too late.

Get a grip. Don't think like that, I tell myself. I clench the steering wheel tighter to stop my hands from shaking.

I pull my hoodie down and step out of the car, walking with caution and scanning the street for any sign of him.

It must've been 10 minutes, before I see his bracelet on the ground. I swallow and pick it up. Zach's bracelet was a "manly gift from the best ex in the world." It was silver at the ends and brown leather in between. Hanging from it was a crescent moon.

I picked it up and placed it in my pocket. I'm hoping he dropped it on purpose to show me that I'm close.

But this isn't the movies.

But maybe it was damn close, because I hear laughing at the end of the block. I hear the grunt of pain and with dread weighing me down, I run blindly down the block.

Zach is on the floor inside an alleyway, blood illuminating in the streetlight above. His face is swollen and wet with blood.

Adrenaline and fear kicks in and without thinking, I run and jump on the guy on top of him and start choking him from behind.

Moments later fists and feet is hitting me at once and I can hardly breathe as I fall to the ground and take blows to the face.

"Zach, run!" I manage. He disobeys and attemps to throw them off. Considering the amount of times he's at the gym, I'm sure Zach is stronger than most of them, but there's no way he can fight off 5 people. They quickly empower him and pin him to the floor.

"Hold it." Prince's voice sends chills down my spine. His spindly body steps into the light, showing off a patronizing smirk and flashing grills. The scar from his hairline to his ear looks menacing under the dim light. We never knew how he got that scar.

"Well, well. If it isn't for Zachary and Damien, the two lovebirds." He kicks me hard in the face. I attempt to get up, but his bitches pin me down again. He sneers at me before slipping brass knuckles onto his... well, knuckles.

"I'm gonna ask a question," He says, kneeling down to my level. I lean up on my elbows, despite hands holding my arms down. "You're going to answer it or you'll leave here with your guts out. Got it?"

Zach, for once, keeps his mouth shut.

"Did you set up Cory." He pronounces it as a statement instead of a question. I'm sure he has a good guess what the answer is.

"Why don't you let your bitches go?" I seethe. "You scared of me or something?"

He laughs flatly. "Nice try." Before I can blink, my head snaps back and I feel the pain a few seconds later. The brass had connected with my jaw and the taste of metal invades my mouth. The right side of my face feels like it's been pressed against hot coals. I groan loudly and try to regain my breathing. "Let's try that one more time. Did. You. Set. Up. Cory."

"Go to hell," I spit. There's no way I'm giving in to him. There's nothing I hate more than that smug grin of his. And I'll never give him the satisfaction of succumbing to his torture. So if it takes a whole lot of pain to do that, so be it.

"I'll meet you there." He swings at me again, sending blood leaking from my nose.

I laugh. "You think I'm scared of you? Don't act like I didn't know you back when you was still shitting your pants."

He sits back on his knee and regards me curiously. I meet his cold dark eyes with a defiant stare. His face slowly splits into a grin. "Maybe not. But I know something you're afraid of."

He gets up without breaking his gaze and kneel in front of Zach. I grit my teeth, heart in my throat, and reluctantly watch as he yank Zach's hair forward and swings his other arm. He curses at him before being punched again. Prince finally lets go of him and he doubles over, blood pouring through his mouth. Prince stands up and kicks him in the stomach and face, causing Zach to lie on his back and groaning in pain. I know he won't snitch even though we aren't talking to each other. I almost wish he would.

"You wouldn't want your pretty boy to end up in the hospital, do you?" He tells me. "That'll cause a lot of problems." His grin always looked like a grimace to me. He kneels back down and grab Zach's hair again, making him lean forward. Prince swings his arm back.

"Wait!" He doesn't listen. The brass knuckles connects with Zach's nose. I hear a sickening crunch sound and a loud and angry groan. "I said wait! I set him up! I set him up!" He punches him repeatedly while I try to get up. His bitches, however, aren't having it. They press my face to the floor and force me to watch.

"Stop! Stop!" I plead. I'm embarrassed by the crack of my voice. He punches him once again and Zach's body goes limp. I feel my right vision narrowing, my eyelid pulsating with my heartbeat.

"Son of a bitch!" I spit. Prince drops his body and strolls toward me, briefly looking up at the sky and sighing as if I was wasting his time and he had better things to do than punching people at 1 in the morning.

"My bad," Prince sneers and leans back down to my level, his face inches from mine. "I didn't hear you from your boyfriend's bitchass screams."

My stomach boils in anger. Nobody disses Zach except me.

I butt my head against him and he falls back and clutch his nose. He swings his arm forward but I kick out with my legs and he falls back.

That's as far as my luck went, because I was suddenly being assaulted by multiple fists. My vision blurs and my head rolls back. I can feel my body trying to give up and every sound seems like a distant echo.

I claw out blindly and my neck finds its way around a person's neck. I squeeze with every bit of energy I have left. The person tries to pull back, pulling me with him.

"You either die a fighter, or a bitch, remember?" I hear Prince hiss, triggering a memory I had buried a long time ago. "Guess you really chose."

I see a flash of silver and scream before registering the pain. I drop back down, clutching the knife in my stomach. I hear the sounds of police sirens and in a matter of seconds, the sounds of retreating feet pounding on the ground.

I lay on the ground, feeling the thick blood draining my body. How did things turn bad so quickly?

I struggle to turn my head and see Zach laying on the floor unmoving. His body is too still. My chest heaves rapidly and I hear myself scream in agony.

The irony was that I've been running from this fight for so long just to run right into it.


A/N: If you've made it this far, you're truly amazing. Don't forget to spread this story on social media and to your friends!

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