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DM me your questions and I'll add it to here:

@JacqulynWrites :

1. What's your favorite book?

As I've mentioned in the previous chapter, I can't have a favorite for anything! So I'll list a few:

Percy Jackson and the Olympians series
Throne of Glass series (highly recommend!!)
Mortal Instruments series (you may know the TV show version, Shadowhunters (the ending omg!!))
Divergent Series
Something Blue series
(Wow I didn't notice how much I love series lol)

On Wattpad:
Faking It by Misha Hicks (pissed that she moved the story to another platform but it's the best book I've ever read on Wattpad... and it wasn't completed by the time she moved it!)
After series. Duh.

2. What's your favorite TV show (or shows, it's always hard for me to pick one)?

Same! Again, I'll list a few. Don't sleep on these:

Supernatural (I feel sorry for anyone that hasn't watched this. Side note: I'm on season 5 for the longest of time because I'm afraid to finish it. When I heard the news that the show was going to end with Season 13, I cried. 😓))
The 100 (I feel sorry for anyone who hasn't watched this yet
Jane the Virgin
Nikita (so mad that this got cancelled. One of the best shows of all time)
Agents of Shield

3. Will you enter this book in the Wattys?

Yes! I will. I honestly don't think it'll win at all, especially since it has a rough start, but I'm going to apply anyway.

4. Are there any authors that inspire you?

Cassandra Clare, Rick Riordan, Sarah J. Maas, and James Patterson.

@Lia_Clearwater :

5. What character do you relate to the most?

Honestly, I relate to Damien in so many ways. Comment below who you relate to.

6. How did the idea of this book came about?

Okay. So I have a friend (@TheNutellaMaker), and we were in class (7th grade) when we decided to create a story together. We were one of the top students and we became very competitive (but in a fun and friendly way) and we decided, "Hey we're creative. How about we put our minds together and make a story?" The idea of the girl being the daughter of the president was solely her idea, and we built up off from that. Unfortunately we didn't really work too hard on it and she left the school at the end of the year. One day, I texted her (maybe 2014 or 2015) and she told me that she's giving me all the rights to the story (this account was a joint account called LiaandTia (Lia's not my name though, I just love Liam Payne so much lol), but then I changed it to liapayne13, and then finally changed the account to black-cypher (inspired by the iconic rap, Cypher pt 4). I'm a lazy person so it wasn't until June of 2019 that I was like, "Get your ass up and actually write this damn story." I'm very grateful that I did and the rest is history.

7. Was there an original idea of how the book was going to turn out?

Actually, I had already planned that Damien would be involved in her cousin's murder years ago. He was also supposed to have a roommate, but I decided for him to live alone (especially since he'd just get in the way lol). Jane was part of the original idea. Hope was supposed to partake in ballet more, but I didn't know much about it and decided to scrap it and focus on researching other things. Also, Cellie and Damien sleeping together was also part of the original idea, and that's about it.

8. When did you decide how the ending will go?

Wow, let me think... Well, I think A LOT and I kind of played the story out in my head and I knew I wanted the end to be crazy and unconventional. I don't know exactly when, but most of the events that happened in this book was hardly planned ahead of time. I just put fingers to the screen and typed away, making it up as I go. Certain parts I had thought of only a few chapters ahead, but some chapters took so long to write that I was practically itching to finally get to those parts I had thought of. It made me really excited to get to those parts, but I knew I couldn't rush it or I wouldn't be satisfied. Additionally, I wasn't satisfied with her character development and I decided last minute that her development will start once she goes to see Damien and let go of her pent-up emotions. Character development never starts at the end of books, so I thought that was pretty cool and unique to implement.

9. What scenes did you end up deleting if there was any?

Well, the part where Cellie and Damien slept together, it was very cringey so I immediately scrapped that. I'm very embarrassed to say this, but Hope came to his house the next day and SMELLED something on his couch, which made her suspicious. LIKE WHO IN THE WORLD DOES THAT??? Ew, cringing from thinking about it. Let's move on.

10. How long did it take to write the story?

Took me 4-5 months, give or take. It might sound impressive, but I literally had no life and as soon as my eyes opened in the morning, my hands immediately went to my phone to start typing and stopped when it was time to sleep. I was THAT excited. Lesson learned: Don't type that often, because I literally had to take a week off and then days in between writing because my fingers became so sensitive that it hurt. My sister thought I was being dramatic, but I WASN'T!! I couldn't even touch the screen without wincing.

11. What motivated you to keep writing the book?

Certain events I had planned a few chapters ahead, and because I was so excited, I kept on going. I also never had writer's block during the writing process, so there was no need to feel unmotivated. This is because I have this thing called Maladaptive Daydreaming and before you look at me weird (you can't lol) let me explain: for those who don't know what MD is, it's basically when you're constantly daydreaming for hours on end, and when it gets interrupted by real life events, you pick up where you left off later. I hope that made sense. HOWEVER, I don't think it's that extreme to call it a disorder (at least for me, though some experts say it is). It does not usually affect my personal life in any way, although it does for others. Because of that, it's easy for me to imagine what's going to happen next instead of sitting there writing a diagram or writing out the plot on paper and organizing it like that. I've already thought of certain scenes for the next 4 books I'm planning to write. I had thought I was the only one who had that sort of thing until Vernon from Seventeen mentioned it and I was so shocked that I wasn't the only one and then I did a little research. I also found out my older and younger sister do the same thing, so yeah lol. I talk too much and you get the point, so let's move on.

12. Were there any inspiration from another book that you stole?

Nope! That's why I titled it with Original. This was because I created the title in my head and I remember being excited about it like, "This is going to make people click on it", "No one has this title, wow I'm so creative." Then I searched up the title and I was in for a surprise when I realized there were a few books with the same title, with one that had over a million reads. *Facepalm*

13. Who's your favorite character? (Mine's Damien and Zach)

I literally fell in love with Damien lol, is that weird? But like I said, I'm not the type for one favorite, so I'd say Damien and Hope's dad. They're both charming and hilarious, and I enjoyed writing their POV the most.

Comment below more questions (especially you, silent reader!)

Attention: I'll start to accept read requests, and by that, I mean that I'll read a few chapters of anything you've written and I'll give you constructive criticism. I find it fun to help others in writing because it also helps me at the same time. Everyone has room for improvement, ESPECIALLY me! Please note: I'll be VERY constructive and if you're not one to accept things lightly or reflect on it professionally, then please don't ask me to read anything. I won't hold back, no matter how much I love you guys! I don't have a major in writing, but I do want to improve in it and I find that helping others in theirs also help me as well (I don't know if anyone has noticed, but it's easier to see other people's mistakes than your own, you feel me?) If you also want to critic my story, please do so. It'll only help me as a writer. Thank you and I love you guys.

Also! I'm looking for a graphic designer for my future books, who's willing to cooperate with a picky person. If anyone's interested, please let me know!

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