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Marinette gently put her hand on his shoulder and Adrien winced. "Sorry." She winced at the sight of Adrien this hurt. "Why do you let them do this to you Adrien?"

"There are bad people who hurt people for fun then there's good people who hurt people by accident. Sabrina and Kim are good people, and so is Chloe.  They're just making a mistake."

"You're to kind Adrien but sometimes you have to fight back."

"I'm a lover not a fighter." Adrien chuckled and held his arm.

"And I'm a protector. Let me help you to the nurse-"

"No!" Marinette looked at him and raised a brow. "If I go to the nurse one more time this year my Father will pull me out of school."

"Tell him that you don't want to leave school. Come on Adrien, I don't care if you don't want to go, you need too."

"I'm fin-"

"No you're not! Let me help you for once in your life!" She yelled at Adrien and he winced. "I-I'm sorry just, let me help my best friend." Marinette put his arm around her shoulder and helped him stand.

"Oh my god dude! You okay! We saw it all happen!" Nino and Alya ran up to the two.

"I-I'm fine." Adrien lied and moved his arm from around Marinettes shoulder and started to walked to the classroom.

Marinette pursed her lips and sighed. "He's not fine and won't let anyone help him."

"I'm worried about that dude." Nino sighed and followed him to the classroom where he was tapping his glasses back together. He reached into his bag and pulled out his journal and started drawing the princess more. His princess. He drew Marinette on nearly every page instead of doing equations in it.

The bell rang and he put the journal into his bag. Class began and Adrien worked silently, ignoring the questions that were thrown at him. At the end of the day he ignored Marinettes pleads to stop and went straight home. He hated doing this to her but all he wanted was to be alone. He got home and slammed the car door, the front door and his rooms door closed. Not caring if his injuries were visible. He locked his door and Gabriel tried to open it. "Adrien open this door right now."

"Or what?!" Adrien yelled through the door then face planted into his pillow. Marinette watched through her window and into Adriens. Plagg ran up and sat near his head, petting his untamed hair with his paw. Adrien turned his head and faced his kitten. "Sorry Plagg, I'll calm down." He meowed in response. Adrien stood up and took off his shirt and winced at the sight. His skin was heavily bruised from head to toe. Plagg meowed. "That bad?" Adrien sighed and went into his bathroom and took out bandages. He wrapped his torso up and walked back out into the main part of his room.

"Adrien. Open this door now." Gabriel's voice demanded.

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