Problems with the Troops

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"Has Blödhgarm or Arya agreed to it?" Eragon asked.

"I assumed you would inform them of the details."

"If I might make a suggestion?" Eragon said. He seemed much calmer after his talk with his dragon.

"You know I welcome your suggestions," Nasuada answered pleasantly.

"A suggestion and request then," she lifted a finger, motioning for him to continue. "When the dwarves have chosen a new king or queen, Saphira should join me in Farthen Dûr, both to honor dwarves' new ruler and fulfill the promise made to King Hrothgar after the battle for Trojheim."

"What promise was this?" The small girl straightened in her seat. "You have not told me this before."

Apparently, Arya broke a precious gem of the dwarves in the fight and Saphira promised to fix it. The dwarves treasured the stone because of it's beauty and because of its immense size.

"You made your suggestion, what of your request?"

"Since you insist I must make this trip, with your permission, I would like to fly with Saphira from Trojheim to Ellesméra, after the coronation," Eragon answered promptly.

"For what purpose?"

"To consult with the ones who taught us during our last visit to Du Weldenvarden," Eragon answered. "We promised them as soon as events allowed, we would return to Ellesméra to complete our training.

Was it just me or did I get a Star Wars vibe?

Nasuada's eyebrows drew closer together. "There is not time for you to spend weeks or months in Ellesméra continuing your education," Nasuada argued. "Not even with Percy here."

"No, but perhaps we have time for a brief visit."

"And who exactly are your teachers? I have noticed you always evade direct questions about them. Who was it that taught you in Ellesméra, Eragon? Percy?"

"We swore an oath to Islanzandí that we would not reveal their identity with out permission from her, Arya or who ever succeeds to the throne," Eragon answered.

I gave Eragon a look. "You seem to be making promises to everyone, Eragon," I said dryly.

We do not seek them out, but how can we avoid pledging ourselves when we cannot topple Galbatorix and the Empire without the support of every race in Alagaësia? Oaths are the price we pay for winning the aid of those in power, Saphira said.

Nasuada humphed. "So I must speak to Arya on the matter?"

Eragon nodded. "But I doubt she'll tell you. The elves consider their identities one of their most precious secrets," Eragon twisted the ring on his finger, obviously thinking.

"What exactly do you hope to gain from such a visit?" Nasuada inquired.

"Believe me," I said before Eragon could say anything. "They may just learn how Murtagh and Thorn got to be so powerful so fast and how exactly to save Alagaësia."

Nasuada and Eragon shared a look. "Very well," Nasuada said. That seemed to conclude the meeting so I spoke up.

"Was there something specific you needed me for?" I asked. I had barely contributed to the conversation and Nasuada didn't assign me to anything.

"I merely wished for you to be aware of what was going on," Nasuada answered. "Perhaps you could ride Saphira if Murtagh and Thorn appeared?"

"No," I answered immediately. "Saphira is Eragon's partner. Mine is Blackjack. I do not believe in switching partners just for convenience."

"I apologize," Nasuada said softly. "I did not mean to offend."

I forced my body to relax. "It's fine, Nasuada," I reassured her. "I'm just anxious for Blackjack and my mother."

"Mother?" Nasuada looked confused while Eragon looked on in sympathy.

I nodded stiffly. "My mother was captured by her people before I was born because of her relationship with my father," I started. "Then again by Galbatorix."

"Is she..." Nasuada trailed off, unsure how to ask.

"She is one of the dwarve's goddesses," I said with an amused smile. "Kílk, their goddess of water. She is still alive but at the mercy of Galbatorix."

"I am sorry," Nasuada said empathetically.

"While I'm here, will you send me with our new allies on raiding trips with your troops?" I said. "I think I can send some with Roran and others with another. It would be a good way to build trust."

"I think that is a brilliant idea, you don't mind being under command of mortals?" Nasuada asked with a smile.

"As long as they are good, humble leaders," I answered with a smile of my own. "And you don't mind if your troops get shot down a few pegs by my own."

"Who will you send with Roran?" Nasuada asked, the smile growing.

I didn't have to think about it, the others would more than likely kill those who questioned them. "Ethan-the short one-Beckandorf-the biggest one and Selina, the one courting Beckandorf."

"Interesting choices, what is the matter with the other girls?" Nasuada asked curiously.

I smirked. "They shoot before asking questions," I answered. "Your men can't handle them. There will be more fights and that won't help. They will be with me so I can keep them in line."

"Are they anything like Lady Thalia?" Eragon asked.

My smirk grew, causing everyone in the tent including Saphira to shudder. "They're worse. They're so much worse."

🏹            🏹

Only a day into our travels and the girls were already finding it difficult to keep their cool. As a matter of fact, so was I.

I'd thought Thalia dealt with this already in regards to the men underestimating her with the villagers on the way to the Varden. These people are not from Carvahall, however and Thalia had done her best to avoid unessessary interactions with the opposite gender. Or anybody, really, besides Angela.

Unfortunately, that worked to our disadvantage. No one was willing to trust the girls into battle.

"If I'd known these women were coming to fight and not cook for us, I'd have stayed behind!"

I smiled in amusement. The burly leader of the anti-girl faction was conversing-that was a loose term-with the group's captain and I. "Yes, that was an amusing interaction with my people, why don't you say that a little louder and we can see that happen again?"

"Lord Ariston, please," the captain sighed, rubbing his head in frustration.

I shrugged my shoulders in an uncaring manner. "You can't blame me for the man's inobservance," I said simply. "He saw them join us with rather impressive war bows and knives. They've shown they will not hesitate to shoot and gut before asking questions. It is not my fault this man can't seem to take a hint."

"He does have a point, Ulthric," the captain said with a pointed look at the man.

Ultrhic growled. "I won't fight with them," he said. "What do they know about war? I bet that fancy armor and weaponry was just for show!"

I shook my head and started walking away so his captain could take care of him. "They know a lot more than you do!" I called over my shoulder.

The next day were were all at our destination, waiting on the caravan of supplies for the Empire to pop up. Ulthric was on the other side of our company, as far away from the girls and I as possible. It was the best the captain could do for now but until something happened that allowed for them to do something drastic, the men will never accept that they go into battle.

"Why are they so upset we fight? We fight just as well-if not better than them!" Thalia exclaimed in a low tone. We were hiding in the sparce trees off side of the road. "They have no problem with Arya fighting. And Brigitte from Carvahall fights too! Not to mention the fact the Nasuada does! I bet that their ranks would more than double if they let their women fight with them."

"Thals, the elves are not human," Bianca tried to soothe. "The humans here have long gotten over the fact that they have different customs."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Shh, there they are," Zöe said, effectively shutting up my cousins. Wagons stopped just before reaching our position and there was some commotion from the back.

"Where is the signal?" I asked, looking around and waiting for the faint pop I know I would hear form their magician letting off a flare. "They were supposed to signal us before they engaged."

"They didn't signal," Thalia growled. "How much you wanna bet that was Ulthric's idea?"

"C'mon," Zöe sighed as she stood.

"Wait," I said, biting my lip.

"What, Percy?" Thalia said impatiently. "Let's go show that son of a-"

"I have something else in mind," I smiled, making Thalia grin wickedly and making Bianca shudder.

That's how we got to be standing on the hill, over looking the fight in plain view of everyone in it.

"Lord Ariston! Why aren't you down here, helping?" The captain yelled up when he got a break. His words caused some of his men, including Ulthric to pause and sneer at us.

I looked around, as if looking to see who he could be talking to. "Oh, I'm sorry, were you talking to me?" I put a hand on my chest, as if surprised. "I didn't know you wanted our help; the signal didn't go off so we assumed you had it covered."

Zöe sniffed, following in my lead. "While it isn't how we imagined it going, you do look like you're handling things...although a little...messily," she said, pointedly looking over the blood and guts everywhere. "You do appear to be loosing though, was that on purpose?"

"Zöe, maybe they have hidden soldiers to join in later," Bianca said, looking around the surrounding land as if to look for the supposed soldiers.


"Yes, Thalia?"

"I think that was supposed to be us," my dark haired and minded cousin sent a smiling glare down to Ulthric.

"Are you sure? I would have thought they'd send a signal or something for us," Bianca said innocently.

The captain sighed again and glared at Ulthric who made a point to start fighting again. "Please join us, Lord and Ladies, I will make sure this does not happen again."

With our help, the fight was over in less than five minutes.

When it was over, some guy named Cartha was taking an itinerary of the supplies and another named Wolvis-the magician-was healing those who needed it. Let it be known that neither I nor the girls needed it.

"Ulthric, why in all the god's names did you not tell Wolvis to send the signal?" The captain demanded.

"It doesn't matter why he did it," I said, frustrated. "What matters is that he doesn't do it again. What is the death count?"

Stunned by the sudden change of topic, the captain blinked. "We lost ten men today," he answered.

"We had around forty when we set out, excluding me and the girls," I said, staring down Ulthric. "Next time you decide to leave us out, take into account how you lost a fourth of your own men and how long the battle lasted after we finally joined you."

I stalked away back to sensible company without saying another word.

"Did you give him what for, Percy?" Thalia asked excitedly. "What'd you tell him? Did you tell him where he could stick his-"

"Yes, yes, Thals, calm down," I chuckled. "We start heading back as soon as Wolvis and Cartha are done so get ready."

Not long after I said that, the captain called for us and led the way on his horse.

"I hope the Ulthric guy opens his mouth again," Thalia said, bouncing as we started off. "Every time he does it's really rude and I want an excuse to stick my arrow up his-"


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