Day 2 At The Palace Part 4

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Ethan walked me back to his room and then left to go pick up his friends while I called my family. I didn't tell them how close Ethan and I were getting because I didn't want to get their hopes up. Knowing them, they would probably tell the whole town that Ethan proposed if I told them everything that has happened so far. After talking with them, I decided to change into camouflage clothing to fit the theme of the evening. Right as I finished changing, I heard Ethan walk in. "Lilly?" He yelled for me. "Yeah?" I asked. "Would you like to come meet my friends?" He yelled. "Okay!" I said before rushing downstairs. When he saw me he smiled. "You're dressed for war?" He teased and I said "I know you probably want revenge. So I'm dressed to fight back." I giggled making him smirk at me and start to walk towards me. I think for a second he forgot we weren't alone because when his friends cleared their throats, his smirk dropped and his face got really red for a second. "Oh um Lilly, this is Wyatt, David, Harry, and Seth. They're my closest friends." He said and I smiled, shaking all of their hands. "Wow! You are adorable!" Seth said, giving me a hug, making Ethan glare at him. "Thank you." I giggled, hugging him back. "Nice to meet you Lilliana. We've heard a lot, and I mean A LOT about you." David teased. "Are you guys being serious right now?" Ethan exclaimed, making all of us laugh. "He can be a little overdramatic." Wyatt teased. "Yeah it's probably from all the Dork Diaries he's been reading." I teased, making all of them laugh. "Lilly!" Ethan yelled, grabbing for me as I giggled and hid behind David and Harry. "I'm sorry but it's true!" I giggled and he tried to grab for me again. "I like her!" Harry laughed. "I think we all do." Wyatt said and I blushed a whole bunch as Ethan grabbed me and tickled me in front of all of his friends.

"So how exactly does this game work?" I asked Ethan and his friends as we entered the third floor ballroom. "Daniel and Tommy will explain." Ethan said with a smirk. "Why are you smirking?" I said, smiling up at him. "His smirk means you're in for it Giggles." Wyatt teased and I elbowed Wyatt in the side, making both Wyatt and Ethan laugh at me. "If you come after me, I'll come after you." I said. "I'm looking forward to it." Ethan smirked. Ugh! This isn't fair! I don't even know what we're playing and he already has a plan! "Lilliana!" I heard Vivi call me over. I smiled and walked over to her, giving her a hug. "Ethan looks so happy when he's with you!" Vivi said and I blushed. "I'm so serious. I don't think I've ever seen him smiling this much." She says and I look over at him. He's talking with his guy friends and they're all laughing at some joke Seth said. "He's really really sweet." I told her honestly. "He's the one who makes me smile more than I ever have." I said and Vivi smiled.

"Alright! Everyone's here!" Tommy announced and everyone got quiet. "For most evenings, we'll be having a fun event with Ethan's friends, family, or both." Tommy explained. "Tonight we're playing Murder In The Dark with Ethan's friends." Daniel added. "I know that Ethan explained that this is a way for us to see how you interact with his friend. However, not all of you will end up with Ethan. So, it's also a way for you to meet some of Ethan's high class friends, possibly future husbands for some of you." Amelia said. "So we'll introduce them to you. Wyatt is standing on Ethan's left. He is also a Prince and is 24 years old. Seth is to Ethan's left and he is a Duke and 25 years old. Harry is a Duke and is 23 years old. David is a Prince and he is 24 years old." Amelia added and all of the guys waved. "They were all homeschooled together because their parents are best friends." She added. "Now that that is covered, we can explain the rules of the game." Tommy started. "So in this game, we will pick three murderers while everyone's eyes are closed. Then we will turn off the light and the murders can go around murdering people by tapping them on the shoulder twice. The goal is to not be seen or caught. If you are murdered, you lay on the ground and pretend to be dead. If you see someone on the floor, then you yell murder in the dark and we will turn on the lights so you guys can discuss who you think murdered them. Whoever you guys vote out as the murderer is killed. If you guys guess all three murders before they kill everyone, you win. If the murdered kill everyone before you can guess, the murderers win." Tommy explained. "Also once you die, you can't talk." Ethan added. "Exactly. So you can't tell anyone who killed you." Tommy agreed. I frowned at the rules of the game. How exactly does Ethan plan on getting revenge in this game?

Then Tommy had all of us stand in a line and close our eyes while he picked the murders. I didn't feel anyone tap me so I guess I'm not a murderer. Then the environment got darker and Tommy announced "Okay you can open your eyes! The game has begun!"

I quietly tiptoe around, watching as dark figures move around me and my eyes slowly adjust to the darkness. We're all rather quietly moving around. I can hear a few people whispering but that's about it. Then I see someone walking towards me quickly and frown as I squint to see more clearly. Eventually, I make out the shape of the person to be none other than Ethan and start to smile as I quietly back away from him. He, however, keeps following me around the room and I have to fight my giggles as he continues to chase me. He eventually corners me and wiggles his fingers at me. "Ethan you can't!" I whispered. "Who's going to stop me?" He whispers before grabs me, wrapping his arms around my waist and hips, digging his fingers in. I immediately start giggling like crazy and try to push him away but nothing stops him! "PLEASE!" I squealed out as he nuzzled his nose too deeply into my neck. As if he knew I was about to say his name, "If you scream my name, I'll start nibbling your neck and never stop." He whispers into my neck, his lips teasing the skin on my neck only making me giggle harder. He then blows a raspberry into my neck before tapping my shoulder twice and whispering "You're dead." Then he lets go of me and walks away, while I sit there still a giggling mess. Ugh! He is so aggravating and adorable at the same time!

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