Day 3 At The Palace

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A/N- Be sure to comment and vote for the chapters to let me know your favorite parts!

I wake up to my phone buzzing under my pillow. When I check who it is, it's my little sister facetiming me. I try to sit up and answer it, completely forgetting that Ethan is in bed with me with his arms snaked around me and legs tangled up with mine. "Where are you going giggles?" He mumbled, his eyes still closed. "Nowhere. My sister is calling me." I said and he nodded, holding me closer before drifting back to sleep. I blushed at our position before saying "Ethan don't say anything. I don't want to get their hopes up." I told him. For that, he opened his eyes and frowned at me but nonetheless, he nodded. Then I answered the phone.

"Hey Freya!" I said as I see my sisters face pop up on my phone. "Hi!" She said back. "I miss you!" She added and my heart swelled. She's only 6 years old so she's like my little baby. "I miss you too!" I told her back. "How's the Selection going? Are you a princess now?" Freya asked and I blushed, thinking about how everything has been going. "It's going good." I told her, not giving too much detail. Right when I said that, I felt Ethan squeeze my sides, making me widen my eyes and let a few giggles escape. "What's so funny?" Freya asked as I bit my lip holding back laughter. I repeatedly hit Ethan's hand to indicate that he should stop before I burst but he just kept going. "Freya I'm going to have to call you back!" I giggled. "Oh okay! When you do, you should tell me what's so funny!" She said before hanging up. "Ethan! I told you not to do anything!" I giggled. "No, you said not to say anything." Ethan said as he slowly stopped tickling me. "Why don't you want your family to see how close we've gotten?" He said, looking slightly offended. "Of course I want them to know. But I know my family. They'll get too excited and start telling the whole city that I'm engaged to be married to the prince." I told him, making him laugh. "I just don't want to get their hopes up." I explained him. "Okay but eventually, you're going to have to tell your family because I believe in this. I think what we have is real." He said, making me blush. "I do too." I told him.


"Are you sure you have to go on a date with Daisy?" I asked for the umpteenth time. It's been a few hours since the phone call and he's getting ready to go to lunch with Daisy, one of the other selected girls. "Yep. But think of it this way. The more dates I go on, the closer I am to picking my one true love." He said, smiling at me. "Mulan?" I teased and he laughed at me. "Shut up." He said as he tackled me on to the bed and nuzzled my neck with his nose. Then his phone went off. "Saved by the bell AGAIN!" I giggled and he stuck his tongue out at me before looking at his phone, still on top of me. "Oh wow! Vivi is out of the Selection." He said and I frowned. "What? Why?" I asked and he showed me a picture of Vivi and Wyatt kissing. "AWWW!" I squealed. I'm so happy for them! "Yep. She's been selected by someone else. Wyatt said she's asking to stay because of you though." Ethan added. "Oh really?" I asked. "Yep. She said she doesn't want to miss your wedding." He added and I blushed like crazy. "I wonder who you'll be marrying. Because after that Mulan joke, it's definitely not me." He teased as he got off of me with a smirk. "Hey!" I said, throwing a pillow at him, which only made him laugh.


"GIGGLES!" Ethan yelled as he saw me walking towards the garden. He just finished his lunch date with Daisy and was now running to me as if he's not seen me in years. I smiled and started running towards him, yelling "TICKLE MONSTER!" He laughed as he approached me and picked me up, spinning me in circles. "I missed you!" He said and I laughed at him. "What's so funny?" He frowned. "Your lunch date only lasted 30 minutes Ethan." I scolded him. "Oh." He said, making me laugh again. "So you and Daisy aren't a match made in heaven?" I asked him as I moved some of his hair out of his face. "Nope. I spent the entire lunch date thinking about cuddling with you." He said honestly, making me blush. "Yikes. I spent your lunch date thinking about Tom Holland." I teased, only making him squeeze my sides. "Take it back!" He said as I giggled and wiggled in his grip. "Okay okay! I thought about you too!" I giggled as he slowed down. "I know." He said and I laughed at his sudden confidence. "I wish we could hang out for longer but I have to get to princess classes in a bit." I told him, seeing that class starts in about 15 minutes. He smirked and said "Yeah. It sucks." That smirk made me very suspicious."Why are you smirking?" I asked him and he laughed. "I always smirk when I'm with you. I can't help it." He said, winking at me. He's DEFINITELY hiding something.


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