Day 5 At The Palace Part 6

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"The Prince and Lilliana have arrived." I heard Rebecca announced right before we both walked into dinner together. My stomach is in knots as I face all of the other girls. Everyone is here, except for Olivia and the other's who were involved. Vivi is also here and since this is the first time I'm seeing her since what happened, I can't wait to talk to her. I make eye contact and she mouths the words "Are you okay?" I smile and nod at her. Ethan leads me to two seats next to Vivi & Wyatt and we both take our seats. "Thanks for coming." I whispered to Vivi. Vivi doesn't have to be here anymore since she's dating Wyatt so I really appreciate her coming to support me. "Of course." She whispered back, giving me a hug. "Good evening everyone." Ethan announced. "As I said before, you all have a choice. You can either stay and continue in the selection or leave." He continued. "Who would like to make their decision first?" Amelia asked, holding a microphone for people to speak into. "Um, we discussed it and I was chosen to speak for everyone." Jane said, raising her hand for the microphone. Ethan nodded and Amelia passed Jane the microphone as she stood up. 

"First of all, it's been an honor just to be chosen to be in your selection process Prince Ethan. We all appreciate this opportunity." Jane said, looking right at Prince Ethan. "This experience has been interesting. It's had a lot of ups and downs. I'll be honest and say it was really really hard for me and most of the other girls to watch you get so close to Lilly." Jane said, followed by a lot of aggressive nods from the other girls. I blushed and looked down, feeling a little embarrassed. Ethan searched for my hand under the table, grabbed it, and squeezed it for comfort, which made me smile. "But it wasn't all bad. I've made a lot of good friends here and the activities we did and games we played were a lot of fun." She added with a smile. "Even though those other girls made it look like otherwise, we are all really happy for you Lilliana. A little bit jealous, but happy." Jane said, which made me laugh a little bit. "Thank you." I said. "With that being said, we can see how happy Lilly makes you. I don't think I've ever seen you smile in public until Lilly. So me, and the other girls, have all decided to respectfully withdraw from the selection process." Jane said. I immediately started blushing like crazy. Do you know what this means? Oh my gosh! I look over at Ethan and I can tell he's trying his best not to smile. "Thank you so much for your honestly." He said, bitting his lip to calm himself down. I look away and instantly start smiling. I feel him squeeze my hand and I squeeze it back. "It's been a pleasure getting to know all of you and I'm sorry it couldn't last longer. Blame it on this crazy girl to my right." He said and I gasped and bumped his knee under the table. He chuckled a little and composed himself before continuing. "Even though you're no longer in the selection, if any of you ever need anything, you can feel free to let me know. I'm so glad that you were the ones chosen to be in my selection process. You're all mature, beautiful, thoughtful young ladies and I know one day, each of you will find your prince." He said. Right when he finished his sentence, he bumped my knee back with his, which just made me smile. 

Everyone clapped after he finished talking and then Rebecca and Amelia stood up to talk. "You are all dismissed if you would like to pack up your things before you depart. Let us know if you need any assistance of any kind. All of the girls stood up to leave and I instantly turned to Ethan, who was already looking at me with a huge smile on his face.

"Guess what?" He said. "What?" I asked him. "I just recently became single and I'm ready to mingle." He said with a smirk and I giggled. "Oh really? What a coincidence! I'm single too!" I told him and he smiled at me. "Oh sorry to break it to you. I only want to date this one specific girl." He said, looking away from me and thinking. I giggled at him but played along. "Uh huh. And who is this girl?" I asked. "I can't remember her name really. She has beautiful almond skin with adorable springy curls that make her look like a kid if she puts them in pig tails but it's just so cute!" He said, smirking at me. "Interesting," I said, looking away from him and blushing. "She has a kind heart and a beautiful smile." He said, still smirking at me as I looked back at him. "And her laugh! The most beautiful thing about her." he added. "But I can't remember her name for the life of me! Wow this is going to bug me." He said, making me laugh. I stood up from my chair and sat in his lap facing him, putting my arms around his neck. "Can you remember her name now?" I said with a smirk as I watch him blush up a storm. "Hmmm, no not yet." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist. "How about now?" I asked as I gave him a bunch of kisses on his neck. He laughed and said "Nope! But I know what will help me now!" He said before using his hands to lift my head up and kissing me on the lips. I kissed him with a smile and he wrapped his arms back around me as we made out. He came out of the kiss and smirked. "Oh I remember! Her name is Rihanna!" He teased and I scoffed and smacked his shoulder playfully. "I'm joking!" He laughed at me. "You better be!" I scolded, joining in the laughter. Then he got more serious, taking my hands in his. "Ms. Lilliana Nightingale," He said, touching his forehead to mine. "Would you do me the honor of officially being my one and only girlfriend?" My entire body had butterflies fluttering all over, intensifying on all the parts of my body he was touching. But still, I wanted to tease him back. "Hmmm, I don't know. Can I get back to you on that?" I teased and he laughed and dug his fingers into my sides. "Sure! Take all the time you need!" He said, squeezing my hips. "Okay okay!" I giggled out, pushing him away. Still laughing, he stopped tickling me so I could answer. "Of course I want to be your girlfriend, Ethan." I told him, making his smile the brightest I've ever seen it. "Good because that would have been really awkward since you're the only one still here." He said, making me giggle. "You just have all the jokes today don't you?" I asked him and he smirked saying "I'm in a good mood, thanks to you." 

Then we heard someone clear their throats. We both turned to see Vivi, Wyatt, Rebecca, and Amelia all smiling at us. "So um, did you guys still want to have dinner?" Wyatt asked, smirking at both of us. I blushed and Ethan smirked. "Hey, blame Lilly! She's the one being all adorable and beautiful, distracting me from everything." Ethan said, shaking his head in disappointment.  "Me?!" I gasped. "You're the one constantly tickling me and smirking that adorable smirk of yours, making my knees go weak every five to ten seconds!" I argued, smirking right back at me. "You're the beautiful one!" He argued. "You're the handsome one!" I shot back. "Your smile makes me want to tickle you 24/7!" He said, squeezing my sides. "Your laugh gives me butterflies and makes me the happiest girl in the world!" I giggled out. "Okay! Someone stop them or we'll never eat dinner!" Amelia said, bringing us back to reality again. Vivi came over and dragged me off of Ethan, only for Ethan to grab onto my waist and dig his fingers in deeper. "No! She's mine!" He whined, resting his head on my belly while Vivi tried to pull me away. This made me giggle A LOT! "Ethan come on! Let go of Lilly!" Vivi asked as Amelia and Rebecca joined in, trying to get Ethan to let go. Rebecca tried to pry his fingers off of my sides and hips but he just kept digging in deeper. "Guys stop!! You're making it worse!" I squealed through my giggles. "We're trying to go eat dinner!" Rebecca said, yanking at Ethan's arm to no avail. "HE'S DIGGING DEEPER!" I squealed, making Ethan laugh super hard. I love his laugh so much. I would stay like this forever if it meant I could hear that laugh all the time. "You're way too adorable Lilly." He said through his laughter. "Shut up!" I giggled out. Finally, they were able to get Ethan to let me go and I stood behind Vivi, still giggling like crazy. "Give me back my cutie!" Ethan said, standing up and walking towards Vivi and I. I giggled like crazy as Vivi protected me, Rebecca and Amelia also standing in front of Vivi. "You can have her back AFTER we eat dinner." Amelia said, laughing at the situation. I stuck my tongue out at him and he smirked before saying "You do realize they're not going to be able to save you when we get back to our room, right?" I immediately stopped sticking my tongue out at him and giggled nervously. "Oh right. Sorry?" I said, making him laugh. We all sat back down but I didn't sit down next to Ethan this time since we can't seem to keep our hands to ourselves lately.

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