Day 6 At The Palace Part 2

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A/N - First of all, thank you guys for being so patient. I'm so sorry this took so long. My schedule has been the most unpredictable mess ever lately. But I've written enough to update this story for the next few weeks at least so please enjoy!

"I'm not sure you guys thought this one through..." Amy said, raising an eyebrow at Ella and I as we explained our plan. "Oh come on Amy! Don't be a buzzkill." Ella exclaimed, making me giggle. "I'm just saying, Ethan is literally always looking for an excuse to tickle you," Amy said pointing at me, making me blush. "And he's definitely going to tease Ella a whole lot, maybe even tickle both of you." Amy said. "So what you're saying is, we should run super fast?" I suggested and Amy laughed. "Nope. But I have a better idea. Do you remember what the boys did the you and Vivi?" Amy asked and I rolled my eyes. "Oh my gosh! I saw that video!" Ella said as both her and Amy started cracking up. "Ugh, I can't believe there's a video." I said, facepalming myself but not being able to keep the smile off of my face . "Exactly. I feel like the reason that went so well is because he got so many people involved! Let's call up Vivi, Rachel, even the Queen! Let's get everyone involved." Amy said and I smirked. "Now we're talking!" Ella exclaimed. "Let's do it!"

Next thing I know, Vivi, Ella, and I are trying to convince the queen to prank her husband and her son. "You've raised an adorable son but do you have any idea how many times I've been tickled since I got here? I've lost count!" I exclaimed, making Vivi laugh. The Queen smiles and says "Actually yes I do, seeing as I'm married to his father." She smirked and I sighed. "Don't you think this is going to make him tickle you even more?" She added. "I don't think it's possible for him to tickle me more than he already does." I said, smiling at the memory of this morning. "That....that is true...." She said, looking down to ponder over what I said. "Timothy is going to tickle me regardless." I heard her mumble to herself, making me smile. I can't imagine the King being playful but the fact that Queen Emily is mentioning it now means it must happen very very often. "Oh come on mom! What do you have to lose? Didn't Dad tickle you at breakfast this morning?!" Ella exclaimed, making me and Vivi giggle as Queen Emily glared at her playfully. "What? It's true!" Ella asked innocently. "Okay. I'll consider it after I've actually heard your master plan." The Queen said, looking at us and waiting for a response. "Yes!" We all exclaimed before explaining everything to her. 


"Dad, I'll continue working on this tomorrow I promise but this is my first day alone with Lilly and I haven't seen her since morning." I heard Ethan say to his dad. I'm currently in the hallway with Queen Emily, waiting for the perfect moment to launch our plan. However, I can't help but blush at how much he wants to spend time with me. Even when he doesn't know I'm around he makes me blush! "I understand. I still haven't met this Lilly you're raving about though. I would really like to meet the girl that is encompassing all of my son's focus and attention." King Timothy teased. "Right, as if you're not like that with mom. I heard you both had a tickle fight this morning." Ethan smirked back. King Timothy laughed. "Yes and she lost miserably!" He said through his laughter, Ethan joining in. "Hey! I wasn't that bad!" Queen Emily whispered and pouted, making me smile. "Isn't it adorable when they think they can tickle us back?" King Timothy added. "Hey!" Queen Emily whispered again, making me cover my mouth to hold in my giggles. This is not how I expected the royal family to act but it is hilarious! "Yes! It's the cutest thing in the world when Lilly tries to use her tiny little hands to get me back." Ethan said through his laughter. "Excuse me?! Oh it's on!" I whispered as Queen Emily covered her mouth to giggle quietly. "Your hands are pretty small." She giggled. "Who's side are you on?" I whispered back, not being able to hold back my smile. "I'll talk to you later dad. I'm going to go listen to that beautiful giggle for the rest of the day" Ethan said, making me blush. "Alright son. Maybe I can meet her during dinner?" He said. "That will be perfect. I'll let her know." Ethan said, walking out of the room. I quickly sent a text to Vivi to signal that the plan is starting. "Alright, let's go." I whispered to the Queen. We both ran towards the door just as Ethan exited. "Ethan!" I yelled out. "Timothy!" The Queen yelled out, rushing into her husband's office. Ethan looked completely caught off guard and then all I saw was worry on his face. I made sure to keep a straight face. "What? What's wrong?!" Ethan asked. "It's Princess Ella! She fell out in the garden!" I exclaimed. "What?!" King Timothy and Ethan both yelled out. We didn't even have to say anything else. Ethan and King Timothy both started running towards the garden, not once looking back to check if we followed. "Perfect." I said, high-fiving the Queen as we smiled at each other. "Let's go get those tickle monsters, shall we?" The Queen said with a smile as we ran the opposite direction. 

"Where is she?" I hear King Timothy yell as we creeped into the garden with our supplies. "Yeah! Where is Vivi?" I heard Wyatt yell. "Vivi?! I was told Ella fell!" Ethan said with a frown. "So was I!" Timothy exclaimed. "They told me Vivi fell..." Wyatt said, sounding less worried and more confused than he initially sounded. "It's time guys!" Ella yelled out. We jumped out of our hiding places and yelled "FIRE!" We threw a bunch of colorful ammo their way, from colored powder to water balloons with food coloring. It looked like we were in a color war except the other team didn't have any ammo. They all started yelling our names and trying to get closer to us but we just kept throwing color, laughing, and stepping backwards. "Keep going guys!" The Queen yelled out through her laughter, watching as her husband struggled to grab her. "Lilly!" Ethan yelled out, running towards me regardless of what I was throwing at him. "No no NO!" I squealed, dropping all of my ammo and running away from him, giggling my head off. "I just know this was your idea." He yelled out as I continued to run. He wasn't wrong but I was not about to admit that. Seconds after that, he caught me and threw me over his shoulder. "ETHAN PLEASE!" I giggled out as he dug his fingers into my side. "Don't worry. You'll love where I'm taking you." Ethan said.

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