Day 7 At The Palace Part 4

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"Truth or Dare?" Vivian asked me. Now all of us girls are in the queen's guest suite playing truth or dare. Even though I'm having fun, I definitely miss Ethan. "Truth." I said and she smirked before saying "What was really going on at that brunch we had with the prince?" Freya said and I immediately started blushing. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said, biting my lip to hold back my smile. "Nope, you can't lie! It's a truth remember? What is she talking about?" My mom said and I giggled before saying "Fine, it was Ethan okay? He was tickling me basically the whole time." I told them, still blushing up a storm. They all started giggling. "How did I not notice?" Vivian said through her giggles. "Now that I think about it, it was pretty obvious..." She added. "He tickled you in front of all of those girls? I always knew he was crazy..." Emily, Ethan's sister said, making all of us laugh. They continued to converse about it and I found my mind drifting off. I realized that today is the first day since I met him that he hasn't really tickled me that much. It made me feel...kind of weird. On top of that, I just wish he was here. I miss his smirk, his laugh, the way he looks at me right before he's about to say something really sweet, the way he looks at me when I get under his skin, I miss everything. 


After playing a few more games, we decided it was time to start settlling down so we could have enough energy to face the guys tomorrow. So I laid in my bed and decided to text Ethan. "Ethan?" I texted, checking if he was available to talk. "Hi cutie" He replied almost instantly, making me smile. Then I decided to risk everything and ask him the question that was on my mind. "Why haven't you tickled me that much today?" I asked him, immediately turning off my phone out of embarrassment. I can't believe I just asked him that. In response, he sent a smirking emoji and asked "Why are you asking?" I rolled my eyes but before I could type a response, he sent something else. "I've wanted to but today was just so busy. Plus I wanted to give you time to bond with your family." He said, which made me smile. "Thanks Ethan that's really sweet." I replied. "So, why did you ask?" He asked again. "Good night!" I texted back, trying to change the subject. He sent laughing emojis before sending "Good night" as well. He also said "See you soon my love," most likely referring to tomorrow. 

Or at least I thought that's what he meant. 


The lights in our suite are all off and everyone is sleeping. I'm about to fall asleep myself when I hear the door to the suite open and close. My eyes shoot open and scan the room but I don't see anyone or anything so I just close my eyes again. Then I feel someone clamp their hand over my mouth as they straddle my waist "Shhhh, don't scream. You don't want to wake everyone up now do you?" Ethan whispered into my neck as he squeezed my sides. I immediately started giggling and trying to push him off but to no avail. He then picked me up, wrapped on arm around my waist and the other was still covering my squeals for help and giggles, and then carried me out of the guest suite. As soon as he closed the door to the guest suite, he uncovered my mouth. "ETHAN ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I squealed as he moved the hand that was covering my mouth down to squeeze my thighs. " I thought about it and I didn't want to go the whole day without tickling you at least a little more." He whispered in my neck as he carried me to the Rainbow Room. "Help! I'm being kidnapped!" I squealed, making him laugh as he closed the door the the Rainbow Room. He threw me on the large bed in there and jumped on top of me before I could escape, holding my hands above my head. 

I am soooo fried.


A/N - I'm sooo sorry guys! I'm pretty tired from traveling so this upload is shorter than usually. I'll try to upload some more sometime this week but if not, definitely next Sunday!

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