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A/N - Like most of my stories, this story involves tickling! Hope you enjoy!

"Lilliana Nightingale from Houston Texas! You have been selected!" My jaw dropped as the announcer read my name on live television in front of the prince just before my picture popped up on the screen. My mom and sister both started to squeal with excitement while I sat frozen in my spot. I've been selected to be courted by the prince along with 19 other girls. This is insane. I watched as the prince's face popped back on the screen. He looks so stiff and unwelcoming that I ask myself why I even signed up for this in the first place. Before I can say this out loud, my mom and sister are engulfing me in a hug of celebration. "This is going to change our lives forever!" My mom said with a huge smile. They're acting like the prince has already chosen me to be his princess when in reality I still have to compete against 19 other people for his heart. Do I even want his heart?

After my name is announced, all of a sudden everyone and their mother want to befriend me. My phone has not stopped ringing with text messages and phone calls. "I know you leave today for the palace but do you want to hang out before you go?" One text says from someone who once bullied me in school. That makes absolutely no sense at all in so many ways. I ignore the ringing as I continue to pack my things for the palace. It's currently 12 in the afternoon my ride to the airport for my flight is supposed to arrive in 30 minutes. I've never felt so unprepared in my life. "Hey!" My mom says from my doorway as she allows herself in. "Hi mom." I smile as I continue to frantically organize my toiletries. I don't even know how long I'm going to be gone. I could be gone for only a few days or even for a few years! "Honey don't be nervous! You're beautiful and pure of heart. The prince will be able to spot that above all of the other girls that are going to be there." My mom says and I sighed, thanking her even though I know she's obviously biased. "Also, your ride is here." My mom said and I gasped. "What?!"

"Don't worry ma'am. You don't need to bring anything with you. You will be provided with a wardrobe at the palace." The palace official told me as I lugged my suitcase down the stairs with a frown. She was dressed in a navy suit and a skirt. I wondered how she was dressed so fancy if we were about to get on a plane. I was wearing a baggy looney tunes sweatshirt and some leggings. "Are you sure I don't need anything at all?" I asked, still continuing to drag my luggage downstairs. "Nothing at all. Just bring yourself and if you have a phone or electronics you can bring those.." She repeated and I sighed, giving up on my suitcase and walking down the remainder of the stairs with just my backpack which had my phone, laptop, and charger. "I'll give you time to say your goodbyes. When you're ready, meet me outside." She said with a smile before walking out of the door. "I'm so proud of you." My mom said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to miss you so much mommy. Text and call me everyday!" I told her as I gave her a hug. "I will." She said, Then I gave my little sister a huge hug and kiss before heading out of the house for the last time until this process ends. When I got outside, I saw a limo waiting for me with the lady that I talked to earlier standing outside of it on a phone call. When she saw me, she waved me over with a smile. I walked over and turned around one last time to wave at my family before entering the limo.

"So, you're the beautiful Lilliana?" The lady said with a welcoming smile and I blushed before saying "I guess I am." "Well my name is Rebecca. I'm one of Prince Ethan's main assistant so you will be seeing me around a lot. I help with a lot of things behind the scenes." She said and I nodded. "Can you confirm your age?" She asked. " 21." I told her and she smiled. "Perfect. You were one of the younger ones but I think that will be good for Prince Ethan at 25 years of age." She said and I smiled at how encouraging she was being. "What have you heard about the program so far?" She asked me. "I honestly haven't heard much." I told her and she nodded. "It's what you make of it honestly. I think that you should be careful around the other selected girls. They can be very sneaky and conniving . Not all of them are but just be careful." She warned and I nodded.

The palace is located in a remote location unknown to the public in order to keep the royal family safe. So, we took a private jet. Before I knew it, we were landing and I was walking off of the plane looking directly at a palace that I've only ever seen in pictures. "Welcome to your new home!" Rebecca announced as we walked towards the entrance. It was so huge and elegant and beautiful! "Let me show you to your room." She said and I nodded.

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