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Mitch's P.O.V.

Damn you Brice for not getting here faster.

Jerome and I remain in the cellar for a while. Every half hour or so someone walks down to get something or to give Mr. Chef an order. I sit on the edge of the table facing the way I came down here and Jerome faces towards the table doing his thing.

"I'm out of fresh apples. I gotta go get some more. Wanna come with me?" I hear him ask. I open my mouth to answer but immediately clamp it shut. The only thing that goes through my mind is, 'What about the fangirls?' "Love to, but-" Jerome cuts me off. "You can put on my hoodie so they don't recognize you." I pause and think. "Okay... okay sure. Yeah I'll go with you." I say confidently.

Jerome smiles and walks over to the stairs I came down just earlier. I follow him and see that there's a coatrack at the entrance. 'That's pretty dope.' I think. He grabs a brown furry hoodie and tosses it to me. "You might want to leave your hoodie here. Wearing one over the other doesn't sound like a good idea in the heat." He says.

I groan and pull my favorite article of clothing off, hang it on the rack and put on the furry one. It seems like a replica of mine except there's fur instead of checkers. I flip the hood up and shove my hands in the pockets. My eyes leave the floor (though I don't remember starting to look at the floor) and drift to Jerome. "Ready to go?" I ask him. He lets out a chuckle and nods, "Yeah let's go."

We leave the cellar and walk through the village. Jerome leads and I follow next to him. The jacket change seems to work, as no one has screamed and tackled me to the ground yet. We pass some houses, women working in their garden, children running around playing with an old friend of mine and someone else I can't make out (HINT HINT NUDGE NUDGE) and two teenagers around my age sitting on the ground chatting under a tree. (COUGH COUGH SKYLOX COUGH COUGH)

"Where are we going exactly? I don't want to get to far out from the kingdom." I ask and Fluffy points out to a few trees in the distance.

Apple trees.

I groan, "They're so far away!" Jerome chuckles softly and rolls his eyes, "Yeah well I'm making you walk ALL THE WAY THERE!!" I let a laugh escape my mouth, "Noooo!! Please don't make me!" "Too bad. You also have to climb the tree." I gasp. "What? No, I'm not climbing a tree!" "You gotta. No, way out of it." I groan again,


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