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so hi i just have to get one thing straight this is set in England. ( i will call it Britain). the reasons for this is because i think we are the only contry who still have Royalty and have a monarchy ( i checked after i had written the chapter and found out we're not the only country with a monarchy i bet some Americans are like what the fuck are you talking about) and that's what Mark is he's a prince and i live in London and know how schooling works there and everything so it just makes everything easier for me. this is more of the history behind the whole thing. this story is also in the current time, 2016 so there's computers and phones and shit like that but the only difference is some of the lessons are different for reasons of stabbing (if you get that reference i love you). there isn't gonna be school uniform because i don't want there to be school uniform. Let's get rightttt into the introduction


Sean Mcloughlin also known as Jack is a seventeen year old peasant. Jack is more of a richer and luckier peasant. He was born into one of the richest families in Britain and lived in London which was now called warfstache which no one liked at all. the richest family in Britain being the royal family. Jack hated them a lot but his dad worked for the Royals and he had no chance but to act like he liked them and respected all there idea's. His dad helped the queen with the money side of things because the Fischbach family didn't believe in parliament and prime minister's from the start of the Fischbach's back in 1817 to the current time in 2016. The Fischbach's stared to rule the U.K in 1817 when they took over the other Royals nobody knew the name of. that family being the Royals who ruled Britain from the start and when Kings and Queens started to rule the U.K and when it started to become a city and things like that. The Fischbach family being American and sounding American and that pissed the people off a lot but they had no power over the Royal family and it's always been like that. The royal family weren't liked but were respected, there's a difference. they were hated for there decisions but if someone was in the presence of one of the Royals they would be polite and kind and lovely and treat them like Royalty but in there head there saying every hateful word there is.

Jack grew up with the Royal family and knew mark from when they were little. Mark was a rude child and would never share his toys and would belittle Jack all the time calling him a peasant and treated Jack with no respect and that made Jack hate the Royal family. he hadn't been in the palace in years as every time he was invited he would always pretend to be either ill or would say he had homework to do. always getting himself out of going to place he hated the most. When there was stuff about the Royal family on the T.V jack would just talk over it like they were saying the most meaningless thing in the world. Jack hated the royals but especially hated Mark.


Mark is a seventeen year old Royal with a sad history when it comes to family. Mark lives in the palace with his mum and that's it. it's just Mark and his mother. Mark isn't keen on how his mother rules the world but just ignores it and focuses on other stuff. Mark didn't really like the family history after reading about it but had to go with the past because you can't change the past. As a kid mark had a mother, father and a brother. His father died of an illness when Mark was twelve so Mark doesn't know much about his father. Then his mother had to rule the kingdom on her own with his brother to help who was sixteen at the time. His mother got depressed because of the loss of her husband and the country went into shit. so Mark's mum suggested mark's brother be the new king as she knew she couldn't rule Britain herself, but he needed a wife and Mark's mum asked of there were any princesses who would want to marry her son. A hot Spanish princess was willing to marry marks brother and the mother was delighted but mark's brother said no. Mark's mum asked why and Mark's brother introduced his mother to his girlfriend who was a peasant and that night Mark's brother was sent out of the house and Mark never got to say good bye and missed him too. As much as Mark's mum hated it she had to get help from a peasant. it was Jacks dad. His mother said to mark the new man that was helping mother is Sean's father remember Sean. Mark had no idea who she was talking about and always looked at her confused. she always said you might meet him again some day. mark always just nodded along like he understood everything she said. 

Mark did have friends that were peasants but high class peasants. he called everyone people not peasants but his mother always said to treat them like peasants. that's why he was such an asshole as a kid. as he copied everything his parents taught him but then grew up and learned new things that were better and made more sense and that suited him.

Mark liked the peasants and also loved being there 'over lord' who basically controlled them but to mark you had to keep a close relationship with your people so they wouldn't hate you so they would like you and say to other people that he was your king with pride. Our country couldn't do that because everyone felt embarrassed by mark's mum and that she was the ruler.

Mark always wondered what it would be like to just act like a peasant and go to school and hang out with friends and learn normal lessons. Mark loved the thought that much he asked his mum if it was possible for him to go to a public school like his three friends and see what it would be like. His mother was fine with it and thought it would be good for him to get out there but it did take some help from jacks dad. saying Jack and Mark might meet again. so Mark's mum agreed and he was gonna go to public school for two months or one. it mattered if he wanted to stay or not. Even if Mark didn't like it he was gonna go the full two months and experience what he wanted to. 


little things about the two

Jack is a badass in the school. he is popular and known by all. he's pretty average in knowledge and is very strong. Jack is the school's heart throb because he's a bad ass, hot, rides a motor bike and so on. he had loads of 'friends' but his real best friends are Dan Howell, Felix Kjellberg and Sage Desney the four badass pranksters who mess around in the corridors like idiots all the time. Felix was the richest out of all the kids in the school and had the latest clothes and latest tech. Dan Howell was just a crazy bad ass. he wasn't poor because if you were in this school you weren't poor and any poor kids got bullied by bullies not by Jack, Felix, Sage and Dan. Sage is just a crazy bitch who is really strong and not scared to beat someone's face in. the four of them drank and smoked sometimes and would do loads of pranks on teachers and throw bottles at people. Jack was quite goofy when he wasn't around a lot of people or n school and was with his friends and when he was with family. in school he was a respected popular guy everyone liked and looked up to and were amazed by but at the same time he's not a good guy. at home or around his friends he was a loud silly goofball with a huge heart. he was very flirty as well and got a lot of people to fall for him. He knew how to make someone fall for him easy. Jack was one of them people who could flirt like a pro.

Jack had dark green hair and would wear his glasses sometimes but they made him look sexier so he wore them a lot more than he needed to. he normally wore simple tops or stupid tops with funny things on them. he would also wear his black fuzzy coat all the time in the cold weather or he would wear a jacket. he was very muscular and could knock you out with one punch to the face. he had a very handsome face and beautiful ocean blue eyes. Jack was what all the girls wanted but what the girls never got.


Mark is a stereotypical good boy and one who listens to mommy and is always nice and sweet and no matter how mean you are they will always be nice back. he had good grades and hardly swears (around his mother) and is very innocent. his three friend are Phil Lester, Kenneth Morrison also known as Ken and Charlie Hilton. Phil Lester was the most innocent person alive and is always smiling and is basically the sun in human form. Ken is very self conscious and is a very nice and kind person but is quite funny and is good at making people laugh at his stupid humour. Charlie was very smart and was like Ken and very silly and likes to make people laugh and impress people with her amazing sport skills. not everyone likes Mark because of his mother and how she rules the place but mark always slags off his mother and explains how she hates what she does but has to go with it. Mark is known by everyone also but in the way of Royalty not in a friendly way or personal way like they know Jack. Mark was also a giggly bitch and an amazing listener and was very understanding even though he could shout like a mad man. Mark may seem sweet but there is anger and an iron fist behind the smile.

Mark has blood red hair and a cute smile. he wears glasses as well but quite a lot. Mark is very muscular and very strong and drop-dead gorgeous and everyone could agree. He would normally wear regal clothes but really loved to wear flannels and simple red shirts with silly picture's. his favourite thing to wear was his red flannel he wore constantly. he called it his lucky flannel. he has beautiful chocolate brown eyes that suit him perfectly. he was very handsome and nice looking .


so hi again i'm done i hope you like this because i came up with the idea when i was in maths. have a nice day

sage is out         

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